Pacific Rim – 2013

Score: 8/10

Pacific Rim is a curious movie. The first time I watched it I didn’t think very much of it. I mean yeah, mecha’s with their pilots, huge Kaiju’s that come out of the deep to kill everybody, all good fun, but not a masterpiece. That’s on the first viewing. On the second however and beyond, you discover that this movie is actually very fun, you discover that the imagery sticks with you and it makes you want to see more. And fortunately, in less than 2 months, Pacific Rim Uprising is hitting the theaters. So, if you missed this first one, now it’s the perfect time to see it and prepare for the epic battle for our planet!

The story is intriguing, although it focuses on a very used trope in the past years. Nevertheless, the monsters here are interesting, their powers are explained in a nice and cohesive way and they actually get some kind of motivation, making them more than just props for our heroes to destroy. You can actually understand the conflict that is brewing in the depths of the ocean and you can choose one side or another, making the movie feel important. You feel that the stakes are high and you can enjoy the tension that unfolds. Unfortunately, the director couldn’t help himself, and in true Guillermo del Toro fashion, Pacific Rim is fucking 132 minutes long, which makes it a little bit slow paced, especially towards the end…

The characters are interesting, developed well enough for a sci-fi action movie and actually relatable for a lot of us. You can feel their desperation and their monumental struggle to just survive and you end up caring for more than one of them, which is never easy to do in these types of movies. The cast works well together and I have to give credit to Charlie Hunnam, Idris Elba, Rinko Kikuchi, Charlie Day, Max Martini, Robert Kazinsky and Ron Perlman for a great overall performance.

The visual effects are mesmerizing, some of the best in the genre. They will help you immerse in the story and they will bring to screen the magnificence and magnitude of the monsters from another dimension. The only problem I found with how the movie is shot is that some of the scenes tend to be overly dark and you will have a little bit of a problem if you want to really distinguish every single detail in some of them. That is annoying and I really hope that the sequel has some more battles happening in the daytime. Seriously, what is wrong with directors and their fascination for big action battles taking place at night? You do realize that if something is happening in the dark it doesn’t make it scarier or more intimidating, it’s just confusing the hell out of your viewers…?! Right?! Right?!

In conclusion, Pacific Rim is definitely a movie worth checking out. It has a grandiose scale and you will be left in awe at the special effects. The monsters are incredibly well done and you can feel tension at every step of the way. It is a strong film about a conflict that is bigger than any of us and it will for sure leave you impressed and wanting more. It is one movie that has surprised everybody and you simply cannot afford to miss it, especially now, with the sequel less than 60 days away. Watch Pacific Rim and marvel at how humanity makes its final stand. Or, you can just root for the Kaiju’s and fuck Jaegers, am I right? 😛

Ghost in the Shell – 2017

Score: 7/10

My God this is a controversial one. Everybody lost their minds when the casting was announced, critics jumped on the bandwagon and plowed on with their ridiculous politically correct agenda, in short, it was a mess. And yet surprisingly for me, Ghost in the Shell is not a bad movie, it actually has flashes of being very good and overall I really had a nice experience and one that I can strongly recommend to any fan of sci-fi and action.

The story is unfortunately weaker than the manga from which this was adapted. It doesn’t have the same gravitas and it doesn’t manage to tackle the big themes very well. The limitations of a Hollywood movie prove time and time again to be too much to handle for manga source material and this makes no exception, even though I have to say it is better than most that came before it and it is definitely a step in the right direction.

The characters are interesting, nicely done and they manage to keep in line with the originals from the manga. The problem here is that many of them are sadly underdeveloped and they don’t have any layers, so you will understand everything about them and about their motivation after just a few minutes on screen. That is truly disappointing and it brings the movie down, but, nevertheless, actors like Scarlett Johansson, “Beat” Takeshi Kitano, Michael Carmen Pitt, Andrew Morris, Pilou Asbæk, Chin Han and Juliette Binoche do a great job here and help elevate the movie…

The whitewashing accusations are garbage and should be treated as such. Go check it out on YouTube and you will see that so many Japanese people enjoyed this movie and did not mind that white characters were cast instead of Japanese ones. Those people are showing all of us what it truly means to not care about race. Protesting so much and shouting so much that Scarlett Johansson was cast in the lead role instead of a Japanese actress is not fighting against racism, IT IS RACISM! Stop it with that please, just stop, and enjoy actors regardless of the color of their skin… Isn’t that what you are asking for anyway?

The special effects are the best part of the movie by far. Every single scene is beautiful to look at and you will find here so many backgrounds that simply explode and leave you in awe. It is a movie that is eye popping and you will never get tired of going through its immersive universe. Couple this with the good musical score and with the interestingly choreographed fight scenes and you get a true experience of science fiction and action that will definitely leave you wanting more and more…

In conclusion, Ghost in the Shell is not an amazing movie, but it holds up and it can give you a pleasurable experience. It is a strong offering and it is definitely one of the best adaptations of a Japanese manga out there. Ignore the critics and the buthurt snowflakes that whine about racism or whitewashing and enjoy the quality of the visual effects and the acting from Scarlett. Oh, and did I mention that this is finally a movie that is not politically correct…? My God, I want this to become the norm… Oh, and I wouldn’t mind having a ghost in my shell as well, if you know what I am saying 😛

Fifty Shades Darker – 2017

Score: 4/10

Wow, it is a little bit, a tiny bit better. I mean I was shocked to see that they actually managed to make some incremental improvements over its predecessor. Small ones, but still, it is better than I expected. Fifty Shades Darker is a boring movie, too long and filled with a lot of the useless filler we have come to expect from the franchise, but, if you saw the first one, why stop now am I right? See this one as well and at least enjoy the beautiful body of Dakota Johnson…

The story is a little bit more fleshed out, we get some actual tension here, we get some action, there is a little bit of backdrop into the characters’ lives. But still, it doesn’t manage to entertain you enough, it doesn’t manage to make you feel for the characters. You look at everything that is happening and they seem like bits and pieces put together without any real cohesion and, more damaging, without a real purpose. The movie seems to be just going through the motions and things happen not in a normal and logical way, but only because the screenwriter has decided that they must happen.

The characters are again, one dimensional and clichéd to the core. The movie tries to bring us something more, it tries to develop their stories a little bit, but unfortunately it fails miserably in doing that. Instead of opening up new avenues and making us relate and care about them, we get the exact opposite, a lot of stories that just pound onto what we already know. I again feel sorry for Dakota Johnson, Jamie Dornan, Eric Johnson, Eloise Mumford, Bella Heathcote, Rita Ora, Luke Grimes, Victor Rasuk and Kim Basinger, because it is obvious that, as is the case with the first movie, they are not at all helped by the script.

Some accurate portrayal of what BDSM really is was finally shown here. The scene where the former submissive of Christian appears and interacts with him is the one single aspect of this lifestyle that is portrayed correctly in the first 2 movies. They nailed that scene, down to the actual position the girl waits in, which is one of the favorites for dominants around the world. So at least we have that, although being that it is so short and it is the only one, it is hardly doing justice to this community.

Unfortunately, everything else about BDSM is of course way off, Ana and Christian are continuing their abusive relationship and even though this movie gets a new director, it seems that James Foley is also clueless about how people act and behave in the real world. You can’t watch this movie and not feel disturbed about the poor decision making and the ridiculous actions that happen on screen. NOBODY ACTS like that and it is insulting that they are persisting to show us things that are so obviously wrong.

In conclusion, Fifty Shades Darker is a little bit better than the original, but just a little bit, so don’t go into it expecting too much because you will be cruelly disappointed. It is a movie worth seeing for exactly the same reason as the original, sex scenes, but keep in mind that the sex scenes here are far fewer and unfortunately for me personally they did not have the same appeal as the ones in the previous installment. Can’t wait to see the third one in a couple of weeks and to put this whole series behind us once and for all… Oh, and did I remind you that Christian doesn’t do relationships? I don’t know if I did that…

Fifty Shades of Grey – 2015

Score: 3/10

Oh my God, it’s that time of the year again. Valentine’s Day gets closer and closer so the next instalment of this series is about to hit theaters. So I thought about it and although I hate these movies with all my being, here I am, writing about them. This first one is definitely the worst of the 2 that have appeared until now, because it is the first contact that most of the viewers have with the universe of BDSM and it makes a terrible and unfortunately totally incorrect impression…

The story is fucking NON-EXISTENT and ridiculous to the core. It has no credibility, nobody acts that way in real life. It’s like the script is written by a 15 year old horny boy that believes that money can get you anything. No, this is not how the world works and it hurts the movie a lot, making you roll your eyes so many times in response to its absurd premises… Love does not happen like that, and we should stop creating stories in movies that make us believe that abuse equals love, for fucks sake! Abusing a woman who is not interested in submission over and over will not make her fall in love with you, I mean seriously!

The characters are clichéd, and not in a good way. The movie makes them walking stereotypes that are fully subservient to their one defining trait. Ana is innocent and the film batters us over the head with this to the point of exhaustion, while Christian is rich and doesn’t get emotional. I mean for fucks sake, at least in the books you could relate with them, at least a little bit, but here, they are simply annoying and they make you want to break the screen. I will not say that Dakota Johnson, Jamie Dornan, Eloise Mumford, Jennifer Ehle, Marcia Gay Harden, Victor Rasuk, Luke Grimes, Rita Ora do a bad acting job here, but they are seriously let down by the script and as a result they don’t manage to engage their viewers.

The disservice that this movies does to the BDSM community is immense. A lot of clueless housewives have the idea now that they are into BDSM just because they like to play with handcuffs. This wouldn’t be a problem in its own, but the relationship this movie describes is not submission or domination, it is simply abuse! In this first installment of the series Anastasia is abused by Christian, and that should never be assimilated to BDSM. It is atrocious that they managed to tackle this subject so poorly, considering that in the books it is way better explained and developed.

I want to hate this movie more than I do, I want to give it a 0 out of 10, but I simply can’t, and that is because how can someone completely hate a movie that has such beautiful lead actors that are naked most of the time? Especially Dakota Johnson is simply adorable and the position of innocence and submission suits her physical characteristics very well. She is simply amazing and full of erotic allure, making this movie feel like almost a good porno flick from time to time… The sex scenes here are really the only redeeming quality of the film.

In conclusion, Fifty Shades of Grey is one of the most insulting and annoying movies I have ever seen. You will see it at some point if you haven’t already, and I actually recommend you to watch it, because you will be unable anyway to get away from the hype surrounding this series of movies and their accompanying books. But please, watch it for the sex scenes and nothing more, don’t take it seriously, ignore whatever it says about BDSM and about how a relationship between a dominant and a submissive works. Seriously, watch it just because you want to see naked people and then it is totally ok… Oh, and did I say that Christian doesn’t do relationships? I forgot if I said it or not :)))))

Paddington – 2014

Score: 7,5/10

This is an interesting one, it is a weird one in some regards, but it is definitely a comedy that is worth your time and one that you will enjoy. Don’t start watching it and expect Hollywood type humor, you will not find it here. Instead, you will be treated to a strong effort, a dignified movie through and through and one that will make you think about what love and loyalty mean, while also laughing your ass off.

The story is the weakest part of the movie unfortunately, because it is very hard to believe and it has some inadvertencies that actually disturbed me and made me lose focus. It is hard to accept some of the premises that the movie is based on, even if it is just an animation character we are talking about here. The story unfortunately is the one weak part of this film and I really hope it will be better for Paddington 2.

The characters are well developed, interesting, clichéd to a point but in a good way. The only problem here for me is that their interactions with the bear seem wooden at times, maybe because of the problems inherent to the live-action \ CGI format. Still, we can’t fault them to much as they show a great chemistry, so we have to say that Ben Whishaw, Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, Madeleine Harris, Samuel Joslin, Julie Walters, Nicole Kidman, Theresa Willson, Jim Broadbent, Peter Capaldi, Imelda Staunton and Matt Lucas do this movie proud with their performances.

Doctor Who fans will enjoy this one a lot, since it is rare to see so many actors that have graced the Tardis brought together into a movie like this. Capaldi especially is amazingly fun and it shows the incredible range that he has as an actor that he is able to play such a wacky role and make us laugh out loud. It is weird to see all of them in this type of movie, but it is weird in a good way, so get ready for a unique trip into British comedy.

It is different sort of movie from what we are used to, but it still works. I don’t know how to describe it exactly, but you just feel you are watching something else. Maybe it’s because of the British influences and the British accents, or maybe it’s because it is based on a certain type of book, but it oozes uniqueness. The action is slow paced, the characters are developed over long flashbacks and you get an emotional charge that is not so common when it comes to Hollywood releases. I didn’t expect it to be so interesting and I have to say I can’t wait to see Paddington 2 which dropped in November 2017. Oh, and I am already looking forward to the third installment that has been confirmed…

In conclusion, Paddington is a movie definitely worth seeing. Is a little bit different from the comedies we are used to, but it manages to make you smile many times and identifies itself as one of the best family movies out there. It will feel you with joy and it will make you want to have a pet bear of your own… Oh, and who doesn’t want to go and stuff his mouth with a big spoon of marmalade, who doesn’t want that…?

Deadpool – 2016

Score: 10/10

Amazing, simply amazing, an utter joy to watch it again and again. Trust me, you will laugh with the same passion even after seeing this a million times, it is that good. The jokes are amazing, not politically correct which is so rare these days that you have to simply rejoice in it. It is full of meta references, it has a strong and relatable plot, good characters and amazing action scenes. It simply clicks, it is out there exactly how much it should be, what can I say, it is one of the best superhero movies I have ever seen and it is a perfect adaptation of the source material, finally doing this character justice.

The story is, when analyzed to its bare bones, an origin story, but it is filled with interesting and engaging scenes and so it doesn’t have that air of filler that those types of movies usually have. It is powerful, delivered in a rapid rhythm that makes it appealing and it manages to follow the comic books very well. It is one of those movies that almost has no faults and your overall feeling after watching it will be that of pure joy…

The characters are well crafted and interesting. Of course the best of them is Ryan Reynolds’s Deadpool, who manages to encapsulate perfectly the spirit of the modern superhero. Reynolds seems like he was born to play this role and it is a joy to see him here. He is brass, funny, passionate about what he does and so damn inventive with those swear words. The supporting cast does a nice job also, making this movie an amazing one from start to finish. You are invested, you relate with the characters and you feel their pain and joy. Morena Baccarin, Ed Skrein, T.J. Miller, Gina Carano and Leslie Uggams all deserve praise for the way they complete Reynolds and their chemistry is widely felt by the audiences.

The action, effects and music are at the high level required to help the movie reach its target audience. Everything seems in tune with the personality of this amazing hero and everything complements his amazing personality very well. Tim Miller does a great job as a director and I have to also praise the screenwriter, because most of the jokes are on point, they are relatable, they work perfectly in this universe.

The 4th wall breaks are sublime, adding an impressive layer of depth to the film and making the main character even more endearing. You feel involved in the movie, you feel a part of the action and you feel like the characters are trying to do their best in order to impress you. It is a nice and unique feeling and it makes the whole experience seem cathartic in a certain way, you feel like Deadpool makes up for a lot of faults that you can find in other films, faults that are so well exploited here to generate fun…

In conclusion, Deadpool is one movie that you can’t afford to miss. It is an amazing roller-coaster experience that you never get tired of and I can honestly say it is one of, if not the best superhero movies I have ever seen. It is definitely the funniest one out there and I could never in my wildest dreams imagined that it was possible to laugh so much in a movie like this. Deadpool set a trend in the industry and with its second part coming out this year we can only hope that it is here to stay…

X-Men: Apocalypse – 2016

Score: 8,5/10

X-Men: Apocalypse is a weird one indeed. It has not been well received by critics but the public appreciated it and it made good money at the box office. And I agree with, surprise surprise, the audiences. It’s a good movie, it’s fun, interesting, it develops the characters a little bit, it has a powerful villain and it manages to entertain you from start to finish. Yes, it has problems with the story, yes it is has a lot of clichés, but I honestly believe that the clichés that are here are good ones. It is definitely not as bad as many critics would like you to think.

The story is interesting, but at the same time it is so complex and it switches between timelines, between eras, between characters. There are many points in the movie where you kind of feel lost and you have to think about what is happening a long time in order to understand it. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the story, but I really think it could have been lighter and a little bit more attention to details would not have hurt. There is more than one discrepancy here and they are truly annoying and hurt the overall immersion.

The characters are interesting, the ones that we have grown accustomed to over the years. But this movie brings some interesting additions to the universe and it should be praised for at least trying to get some new faces in. I personally enjoy the casting in this reboot of the X-Men series and I feel that all of the actors chosen to portray these iconic characters do them justice… James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac, Nicholas Hoult, Rose Byrne, Sophie Turner and Olivia Munn show great chemistry and appeal to the audiences. Oh, and the cameo from Hugh Jackman was simply amazing. We had been waiting since forever to see Wolverine unleashed and we finally get it here, giving us a flavor that was greatly expanded on in Logan…

The movie has problems as well, mainly with the story. At 144 minutes, the movie is long and this makes the story convoluted. It is a common problem with the X-Men Universe at this point, especially now since Marvel has acquired some characters and they have appeared in competing realities. The believability of the flick is also a little bit on the dubious side, since Apocalypse is so powerful that it is just ridiculous how he manages to lose out in the end. It seems a little bit farfetched and you will roll your eyes more than once while watching it.

The special effects are the best part of the movie. The scenes are intense, powerful, big scaled and they bring something new to the franchise, which is not easy considering that this is the 9th installment of the series. The cinematography and action scenes are spectacular and they do justice to the source material. Couple those effects with the soundtrack and you have the grand scale and epic proportions that are befitting a summer blockbuster. It is not a movie that will go down in history, but it is definitely eye candy enough to be remembered.

In conclusion, X-Men: Apocalypse is definitely worth your time. It may not be the best X-Men movie out there, but it is nevertheless a strong effort and one that fits nicely into the overall narrative of the series. It has great effects, it has powerful scenes and a sense of urgency typical of the Marvel Universe. You will not regret watching this and it will leave you wanting more. I truly think that the reboot of the X-Men Universe that started with Days of Future Past was a great decision, and this sequel proves it beyond any doubt. I look forward to Dark Phoenix that will drop this November and I have to say once more that movies make apocalypses look so darn interesting…

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them – 2016

Score: 9/10

They actually pulled it off. When I first heard about the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them series of movies I never thought they will manage to make it interestingly enough to catch on, but somehow, this one manages to make you want more and more. After the huge success that was the Harry Potter franchise, this new instalment in the universe manages to stand on its own and to make you feel like a child again. It is a beautifully shot and acted movie and it makes a huge step on the right way for this new franchise that J. K. Rowling has stated will have 5 movies in total.

The story is well fleshed out, interesting and it actually manages to add certain little things to the Harry Potter universe, which is great for hardcore fans. Considering this is based on a small 80 pages book, I think we have to agree that they managed to do it quite well. You don’t get bored, and the only bad thing I have to say here is that I would have wanted to see more of the creatures and their stories and less about the political drama surrounding Jon Voight’s character. That was totally useless and it could had been cut very easily.

The characters are good, powerful, nicely developed and although they are not yet as fleshed out as you would want them to be, the signs are very promising for the future instalments of the franchise. You have loveable leads, an interesting and powerful villain and all the premises for great performances by the actors. Eddie Redmayne, Katherine Waterston, Dan Fogler, Alison Sudol, Ezra Miller, Jon Voight, Samantha Morton, Colin Farrell, Kevin Guthrie and Johnny Depp all do an amazing job and the chemistry between them is palpable and felt in every scene of the movie.

By comparison with the Harry Potter movies, this seems more lighthearted and fun and the venue change from England to the United States is to me a welcome one. David Yates knows what this universe is all about and he does a great job here, translating raw emotion into funny and engaging scenes. It is a worthy successor to the previous 8 movies and its success with critics and audiences alike proves that people were certainly wanting more wizard shenanigans…

The Johnny Depp scandal is actually a very good thing for the franchise, because it brings a lot of attention for the sequel that will drop this year. I also have to applaud the director and producers decision to stick with Johnny despite the media backlash and also J. K. Rowling for giving such an astute and normal opinion on the subject. It is so rare that we get to see people acting normally and logically in today’s society that we have to praise them when they do it. If you want to read more about that scandal here you go:

In conclusion, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is a must see for any Harry Potter fan and a must see for anyone that looks to find some magic in their lives. It is amazing, like a roller-coaster ride that will leave you wanting more. You will laugh, you will smile, you will be amazed and you will once more wonder where your letter to Hogwarts is? A great movie, a future classic that will be enjoyed by many generations to come. Oh, and I almost forgot: Fuck that suitcase and everything it represents! :))))

Flatliners – 2017

Score: 1,5/10

Boring! So boring… This is one that I expected to be bad, but that managed to surprise by how bad it actually is. I mean come on, you do a reboot of a movie that wasn’t amazing to begin with and you manage to make it even worse?! And I am not exaggerating here. It is a painful experience from start to finish and it offers nothing to the audience. Not one single scene to remember. Nothing. Flatliners has no pulse, put it plain and simple… It’s dead and it should have stayed buried…

The story brings nothing new to the table and, to my surprise, manages to even wreck the few good things that the original film had going for it. It is boring, everything happens out of the blue with no real motivation. Nothing is explained in a normal way, ideas just seem to pop out of nothing just because the plot is stuck. There is no sense of dread, no sense of horror, every single scene in the movie is predictable to the point you can figure out the ending after the first 5 minutes. It should be a horror but instead the only frightening thing about this movie is that you have to put up with it for its 110 minutes of sheer boredom.

The characters are atrocious, bland, clichéd to the core and offer nothing to the viewers. Every single interaction seems forced, the actors show no chemistry. You do not feel invested into any character and frankly you do not care what happens to them. It is very curious for me that they managed to take some talented actors like Ellen Page, Diego Luna, Nina Dobrev, James Norton, Kiersey Clemons and Kiefer Sutherland, and make them look painfully average. I was shocked especially about the sub-par performances from Page and Dobrev. A bad script and a bad vibe put out by the cast in what is sure to be one of the worst movies on each of their resumes.

There is not one redeeming quality in this piece of shit. Not a single one. The humor is stale and not enough, the cinematography is barely decent, the story is formulaic and devoid of any real tension…. Nothing works, the characters don’t interact in any meaningful way, what interactions we do get seem all forced and weird and there just for the sake of it. Nothing matters in this universe, common sense is thrown out the window and everything seems to happen just because the screenwriter said it must… I could go on about the flaws of this movie, but I think I made my point. Not one single plus to mention. I think the only thing they could have done to make it tolerable was to throw some nudity in it… Yeah, that’s it, some nudity would have been this films saving grace… Next time you want to do something like this, at least show us Nina Dobrev’s boobs and maybe, just maybe, we will forgive you… 😛

In conclusion, Flatliners is definitely a movie you should skip. Don’t see it, it’s not worth your time or money. It offers nothing expect for a few cheap jump scares that manage not to frighten you, but to make you annoyed at the thought that people actually decided that this pointless reboot was worth investing money into. It is infuriating to see such movies made in 2017 and I really hope that this trend of taking not so great in the first place old movies and rebooting them into utter garbage level films stops… Stop it Hollywood! Or you will soon flat line your profits into the fucking ground…

Blade Runner 2049 – 2017

Score: 6,5/10

(Denis Villeneuve special series – part 3)

My God how easy it is to fucking annoy viewers by making your movies too long. God damn I am so pissed off about Blade Runner 2049. It is an amazing story, it has epic visuals, perhaps the best of 2017, and everything is completed by Hans Zimmer’s tantalizing musical score, that manages to put you right there in the midst of all the action. And yet the overall experience for me was frustrating, it seemed to go on forever and it managed to leave me angry. I swear to you, if this would be 110 minutes instead of 163 it would easily be a 10 out of 10. But alas, here we are, with a movie that will remain a classic but will never appeal to mass audiences… So fucking sad, so fucking pointless…

The story is amazing, beautifully crafted and it manages to bring together a lot of powerful themes that apply to our own society. The movie makes you think, it makes you question your own life and desires and it makes you look at things in a different way. It has twists and turns and it is downright shocking in its final act. It is a worthy sequel and it makes you want to see more stories from this universe, it makes you want to find out more details about the characters. It is truly a wonderful feat and few of us were expecting such an interesting narrative out of this one.

The characters are good, strong, well defined and interact with one another in interesting and unique ways. The villain is actually well fleshed out, believable and the entire world seems populated accordingly. You get the feeling of despair and the futility of this society and this helps with the motivations for every single one of its inhabitants. Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, Ana de Armas, Sylvia Hoeks, Robin Wright, Mackenzie Davis, Carla Juri, Lennie James, Dave Bautista and Jared Leto do justice to the source material and act at an amazing level, clicking with one another and offering a rollercoaster of thrills for the viewers.

The visuals are simply mesmerizing. It is the best looking movie of 2017 and if you want to watch it at home, definitely get the Blu-ray edition, anything less is an insult for the work that has gone into it. The colors are wisely chosen to reflect the themes of the film, everything looks like a carefully crafted painting. It is beautiful and it will leave you in awe. It is a new world and you will want to discover it frame by frame.

But unfortunately it is too fucking long! I can’t end this review without shouting this again from the top of my lungs. For fucks sake Denis Villeneuve, for fucks sake! Stop trying to be so pretentious, stop trying to insert “art” down our throats. Of course this movie failed at the box offices, WTF do you expect when you make it almost 3 hours long?! It has so many dead moments, so many useless, pointless scenes that exist only because they look good on screen but offer nothing, absolutely nothing in the sense of plot development and excitement.

In conclusion, Blade Runner 2049 is a must see, there is no doubt about it. But see it in two sessions. Take a break after 1 hour and a half and then come back to it a little bit later, otherwise you will end up hating it and that is not fair to the truly amazing story and visuals. A strong movie, one that is testament to the genius of Denis Villeneuve and at the same time a testament to his pretentiousness… Oh, and pretty please, can we have huge naked chick holograms on buildings already? 😀