The Post – 2017

Score: 5/10

The Post has an amazing subject, full of power and raw emotion, a subject that will amaze you and make you think about how society has transformed in the last decades. Unfortunately, the movie itself is not up to the level of the story. It is boring, it moves slowly, at a snail’s pace, and it will make you mad, especially in the first hour. Everything happens in increments, and you feel like people are holding back just for the sake of holding back. The movie tries to impress to hard and ends up doing exactly the opposite.

The story is good, because it shows us how things where in the past, it shows us the power that the media used to have. It is emotional, and you can’t watch this without feeling that history was made in those days, you can’t watch this without appreciating the efforts and the incredible sacrifices that those people made for their principles. But again, the soundtrack and the way the scenes are shot does not manage to convey the tension in a relatable and engaging way, which is a damn shame…

The characters are great, well created and developed just enough in order to transmit emotion. You get to know them step by step and they manage to appear relatable, you can understand the deep feelings that motivate them. It is a great casted movie and I have to give special praise for the amazing performances from Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks, Sarah Paulson, Bob Odenkirk, Tracy Letts, Bradley Whitford, Bruce Greenwood, Matthew Rhys, Alison Brie, Carrie Coon, Jesse Plemons, David Cross, Michael Stuhlbarg and Zach Woods.

The rise of the Internet and social media has changed the landscape so much, and this movie helps you understand how our society has been transformed by the access to information. Today this story would have been treated so differently and if you think about it, you will be amazed about what you are going to realize. The power of the media today is much smaller than it used to be and there are arguments for that being good and for that being bad. The film makes you think about the advantages and disadvantages of social media and user created content in a very specific and interesting way.

The pacing is the biggest problem of the movie. You have to wait and wait for it to gain any momentum, and yes, the last 20 minutes are amazing, full of energy and good music. You can feel the stakes are high in the last act and you care about the outcome, you become involved with the decisions that the characters have to make. It is amazing, it is impetuous, and it truly manages to bring forth the historical weight of that moment. Unfortunately, in order to get there, you have to sit through 1 and a half hours of boring discussions and endless internal struggles. I get it, it happened like that in real life, but this is a movie, and it’s supposed to also be entertaining. So sorry Spielberg, you failed to do that here.

In conclusion, The Post is definitely a movie worth watching if you like politics and important subjects. But do not expect a blistering pace, do not expect action scenes or even too much excitement, because it is not that type of movie. You will get a lot of discussions about politics, about principles, about the role of mass media. It is a movie that makes you think but it is not a movie that you will want to see again or remember for a long time. Don’t get me wrong, you will remember the subject and the ideas that are in the spotlight here, but the movie itself doesn’t do justice to that story. And I have to ask, what the fuck happened to the Washington Post, how did they become the liberal douches they are today? How!?

Darkest Hour – 2017

Score: 10/10

Amazing, simply amazing. 2017 has been a great year for war movies, and especially for war movies that focus on the Second World War. Darkest Hour is a masterpiece, and Gary Oldman has the role of his career portraying Winston Churchill. It is a movie you can’t miss and it tells a heroic story of human resilience in front of impossible odds. Watch this and Dunkirk together and you will really get a full picture of what that moment truly meant, for the war, for England and for the world!

The story is fictionalized a little, romanticized, but they did it well and it manages to stay realistic while also transmitting raw emotions to the audiences. You will feel the struggle of a country on the brink of extinction, you will understand what war actually means and how decisions taken in stuffy rooms underground go on to save or condemn millions of people. Dunkirk showed us in 2017 the ugly side of war, the gritty struggle for survival, and this movie comes to complete the picture by showing us what happens behind the scenes. Both worlds are important and only when they work together is humanity able to overcome the direst of situations.

The characters are amazing. Every single actor does a great job, they all feel real, relatable, you understand each and every single one of them. It is a brilliantly casted movie and Gary Oldman is perfect, absolutely perfect, down to the last little gesture and to the last intonation. It is rarely that you get to see such an amazing performance from an actor, and he is supported very well by Kristin Scott Thomas, Lily James, Ben Mendelsohn, Stephen Dillane, Ronald Pickup, Nicholas Jones, Samuel West, David Schofield, Richard Lumsden, Malcolm Storry, Hilton McRae and Benjamin Whitrow.

The mannerism in the movie, especially Oldman’s is one of the best feats of it. You actually feel transported into that time and you can discover all the great aspects of the amazing leader that was Winston Churchill. The movie revolves around him, everything happens because of him and the scenes are carefully calibrated to inspire this. Churchill is always in the center of attention and this is what makes the character and the movie pop on screen.

Everything is dramatic here, but dramatic in a good way. You will feel every single scene down to your core, and the ending, oh my god the ending, you can’t help yourself. I stood up and clapped right along with the characters. That speech was memorable and it changed the course of history, and the movie does it total justice here. Along with the music and the way it is filmed, everything comes together and creates one of the best war dramas that I have ever seen. It is a masterpiece through and through.

In conclusion, Darkest Hour is a great movie, one of the best war movies I have ever seen. And it manages to do this without showing you any actual war scenes. There is no violence here, there is no blood and amazing action scenes. But despite this, the tension reaches incredible levels and you truly feel that you are witnessing history being made. It is a brilliant film and you will feel empowered by it. Watch it and marvel at the power of humanity. And always remember, you cannot reason with a tiger, when your head is in its mouth!

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle – 2017

Score: 8,5/10

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is exactly what a sequel/reboot should be. It pays homage to the first movie in a discreet and delicate way and it adds a lot to the mythos, it expands the universe, all the while introducing new and relatable characters. It is a great movie that will make you laugh while also managing to offer good special effects and engaging action scenes at the same time. A worthy sequel and one that you should not miss.

The story manages to stand on its own. It is not a simple rehash of the original, it actually brings something new to the table. This movie is an evolution in the same way that the game evolves from a board game to a video game. Everything is upgraded and more adapted to the times and the huge box office success proves that it was the right decision. The film is very well calibrated to the modern audiences and by including very popular actors, it managed to gain a lot of support and good will.

The characters are the best part of the movie. The kids are nicely developed in a very short time and yes, there are clichés here, but they work very well. And the game characters are simply amazing, so funny and with so much chemistry between them, that I have to say the casting choices are perfect. Alex Wolff, Dwayne Johnson, Madison Iseman, Jack Black, Ser’Darius Blain, Kevin Hart, Morgan Turner, Karen Gillan, Mason Guccione, Nick Jonas, Bobby Cannavale, Rhys Darby, William Tokarsky and Rohan Chand truly manage to bring this fantastic universe to life, and they simply pop on screen.

The action scenes are nicely done, well-choreographed, and they actually manage to bring something new and unexpected to the big screen. Some of the animal scenes where a little bit hard to swallow, since jaguars run much faster than people and rhinos can’t chase down a helicopter, but nevertheless, considering that this is a movie about a magical board game that torments people, I am going to let those slide. But what I want to stress out is that you will find much more action here than in the first one, a lot more. It is an action adventure movie through and through and you should expect that going in.

The humor is another strong point here, and on this front, I think it actually managed to surpass the original. The actors are very well chosen and the banter between them is amazing at times. The only problem I have here is that this movie is targeted towards families, and because of that, it feels too PC at times, not going over the limits. I would have seriously liked some raunchier jokes and maybe, yes, I am going to say it, even some nudity… I know, I know, Jumanji is for kids, but damn, Karen Gillan is so hot…

In conclusion, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is a very good movie, a worthy follower of the original and one that you will definitely enjoy. It manages to reach a perfect balance between action and humor and it will offer you a thrilling ride. I would not go so far to say it’s better than the original, because that had a certain novel feeling that unfortunately here you will not find, but it is definitely up there. You should watch it regardless if you like the genre. Oh, and if you hear drums, run away… Trust me, it’s easier!

Happy Death Day – 2017

Score: 9/10

Wow, this was a big and very pleasant surprise. I expected a horror plagued by the usual tropes of this type of films, but instead I got a refreshing story, an interesting take on the genre and very relatable characters. Happy Death Day is, despite its name, a movie filled with optimism that will make you laugh all the way, and one that you will not forget very soon. I highly recommend it and I can guarantee that you will not be sorry after watching it.

The story is interesting, although the main theme is not a new one. We have seen it in Groundhog Day and in Edge of Tomorrow, but here, it manages to bring something new and more personal to the audiences. You have no informations, no warning about what is coming, and that makes you discover everything at the same time as the main character. Thus, the movie becomes a journey, and a very interesting one at that.

The characters are nicely created, developed and the way they interact manages to appear real and authentic. The pacing of the movie helps things here, because it doesn’t dwell on certain aspects, and instead it shows us bit by bit the true motivations behind every single thing that is happening. Kudos to the fairly unknown Jessica Rothe, Israel Broussard, Ruby Modine, Rachel Matthews, Charles Aitken, Rob Mello, Phi Vu and Caleb Spillyards for their performances here. I am sure we will hear much more about them in the future.

This movie manages to take a well tackled theme and bring something new to it, by adding a lot of humor and a love story that manages to be, in the end, perfectly believable. The pacing is great, nothing seems out of place, nothing seems forced, and in fact, the only problem I have to highlight here is the lack of explanation about how she keeps relieving the same day over and over. I mean we get that she has to find the killer in order to get the next day, but we have no clue about why she didn’t simply die the first time. We have to suspend our disbelief and simply accept that, and while it’s not such a big problem in a movie like this, it is the reason why I didn’t give it a 10 out of 10.

The horror elements are very few, because this movie is not truly a horror, and you should not be fooled by this tag. It is a mix between different genres and surprisingly, they all work very well together and manage to offer a thrilling and powerful experience. You don’t get a single moment of boredom in the entire film, it is like a roller-coaster that involves you for its entire duration. A great and different type of movie than what you are used to.

The humor is the best part of this film, because it manages to make it flow and depart from the usual clichés of the genre. You will laugh, you will relate, you will welcome each and every awakening. The life of a teenager is perfectly described here and you will actually find a lot of elements from classic comedies about this subject. A great mix with the horror undertones and one that I have very rarely encountered.

In conclusion, Happy Death Day is not your typical horror movie, not by a long shot. Do not go into this expecting jump scares, actually, don’t go into it expecting to be scared at all. This is more of a psychological movie, amazingly funny, an experience that will leave you thinking about your own life. It is different and its success at the box office proves that it is a step in the right direction. Not everything has to be super serious in order to work, and I hope to see more of these movies in the future. That is, if we manage to get to tomorrow lol :)))

A Bad Moms Christmas – 2017

Score: 7/10

A Bad Moms Christmas is a hugely enjoyable movie, and that type of comedy that you can see alone or with your friends and you will be guaranteed to have a great time. It’s not deep, it’s very over the top, but it will make you laugh and laugh and it will make you want to call your mother and just say hi. It is an easy going film that is great for when you are feeling down with problems, and a worthy successor to the amazing Bad Moms.

The story is the weakest part of this movie. It’s not that it is not funny, it’s just that it feels formulaic and it doesn’t manage to be sufficiently different from the first Bad Moms film. It’s predictable and there is not enough conflict here in order for you to get truly involved. The happy ending doesn’t seem earned and I knew it would happen like this after the first 10 minutes. But nevertheless, because this is a comedy, maybe I was expecting too much.

The characters are interesting, and we get a lot of new ones besides the heroes from the first movie. The moms of the moms are a welcome addition to the cast and they manage to be exactly what we would expect. This movie is very well casted and we have amazing actresses coming together to offer a flurry of laughs. Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, Kathryn Hahn, Christine Baranski, Cheryl Hines, Susan Sarandon, Jay Hernandez, Justin Hartley, Peter Gallagher and Christina Applegate (cameo) manage to make us laugh and do total justice to the unfortunately not stellar story.

This is a worthy sequel, although I have to admit that the level is not the same. In Bad Moms we had the surprise, we had something different, we had something unexpected and we had a blast. Here, the jokes work, the movie flows nicely, but there is something missing. You expect things to happen in a certain way and unfortunately the film does very little to get away from the formula. Everything feels the same, down to the slow motion drunk dancing, and that hurts your overall immersion.

The critics that bash this movie are simply hypocrites, and they do this when it comes to many of the comedies of this sort. Why do they do it? It’s simple, because they like to think that they are special and they refuse to accept that the real people are those depicted here. Yes, mothers are brought to the edge of desperation by their children, yes, people drink, do stupid things, have fun, make silly decisions, and more importantly, yes, people are over the top and make stupid jokes. Stupid jokes are fucking funny and instead of thinking you are so above them and shit, you should just accept that that is the way humans are and more importantly, that is the way humans should be. We as a race are funny as hell, especially because we are stupid on more than one occasion! Embrace your stupidity instead of feeling ashamed by it!

In conclusion, A Bad Moms Christmas is a movie worth watching. You will laugh non-stop at it’s over the top style of comedy, you will relate to all the characters and overall, you will have a really good time. It is light, it is full of joy and it paints a very interesting and realistic picture of how family life really is. Yes, it might not be as good as its predecessor, it might not have the same wow factor, but nevertheless, the recipe works. If you want a movie to chill and relax, this one is a perfect choice. How many months are left until Christmas? I can’t wait already…

Victoria and Abdul – 2017

Score: 8/10

History is amazing. I love discovering historical figures and learning more about them. This is why I chose to see Victoria and Abdul, and I was not disappointed, not in the slightest. Quite the opposite actually, because I got more than I expected. The movie is funny, amazingly witty and it managed to put a smile on my face on more than one occasion. This is how you do a period drama and this is how you make us love a Queen!

The story is based on real events, so if you are familiar with the historical period, you should not expect big shocks. Still, it manages to offer a touching view into a monarch’s life and it makes you think about how somebody that has so much power is in reality alone and suffering. Behind all the pomp and the gold, there is always just another human being, and Queen Victoria says it very well, in the end, every single one of us is a prisoner…

The characters are amazing. Dame Judi Dench is one of the most complete actors I have ever seen and her portrayal of Queen Victoria is mesmerizing. I did not expect it, but it is full of humor and endearing, you will be moved and impressed by this amazing historical figure and you will wish you could have seen her in real life. An amazing performance from Dench, and she is masterfully supported by Ali Fazal, Eddie Izzard, Adeel Akhtar, Tim Pigott-Smith, Olivia Williams, Fenella Woolgar, Paul Higgins, Robin Soans, Julian Wadham, Simon Callow and Michael Gambon.

This is a movie about a clash of culture that runs very deep and it manages perfectly to mirror the situation today. People don’t understand and don’t want to accept a different culture, this is natural and normal. Yes, it might sound crude, but it is natural and this film manages to encapsulate that feeling very well. You feel for Abdul, you understand his drama, but at the same time you can’t condemn the ones that attack him, because their actions are explained in a realistic way. We might hate it, but we can see themselves in them, we can remember those moments when we were the ones that were afraid to accept something new.

I have to say something here to the critics and snowflakes and social justice warriors that of course have attacked this film. Stop whining about the racism and about the so called glorification of slavery and oppression, this is nothing like that. History is history and some things happened in a certain way. Yes, maybe we don’t like what happened, maybe we don’t agree with the actions of our ancestors, but if you make a historical movie, you can’t and should not change those actions in order to fit our modern views. We have certain sets of principles today, but it is totally wrong and absurd to judge the past based on them, it is insanity. So stop doing that and just fucking enjoy a movie, instead of getting triggered by everything!

In conclusion, Victoria and Abdul is an amazing movie, a powerful tale of how two people that are fundamentally different, from opposing worlds, can come together and forge a truly remarkable relationship that transcends nationality, race, color and religion. It is emotional, powerful, and it will make you go to Wikipedia and learn more about Queen Victoria and all the other characters. It is a nice testament to history and to the curious things that happen when two amazing personalities interact. A great movie, a big surprise for me, and one that you will not regret watching. Oh, and learn to eat faster or you don’t get to eat at all!

Murder on the Orient Express – 2017

Score: 8,5/10

Murder mysteries have always fascinated me. I love a good puzzle that progresses slowly and challenges me to solve it before time runs out. Murder on the Orient Express is exactly that and while I was hoping for it to be interesting and engaging, it managed to surpass my expectations, by a lot. It is strong, powerful, packed with action and offering us a glimpse into the many layers of the human psyche.

The story is convoluted, but on purpose. You think that you understand everything, just for the film to throw you into another twist and change the entire situation. It is a rollercoaster of emotion for the characters and the viewers at the same time, while also managing to be believable and relatable. Things can happen like this and it is a testament to the power of the human spirit. Revenge is one of the most powerful motivators out there and the psychology lesson that this movie teaches us is very important.

The characters are the best part of the movie, by far. Each of them is developed enough to appear endearing and because of that, you are unable to root for any of them to be the murderer. It is a great feat that this movie manages to achieve in this regard and the stellar names in the cast have a lot to do with it. Kenneth Branagh, Daisy Ridley, Josh Gad, Derek Jacobi, Leslie Odom Jr., Tom Bateman, Penélope Cruz, Willem Dafoe, Judi Dench, Michelle Pfeiffer, Olivia Colman, Lucy Boynton, Marwan Kenzari, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo, Sergei Polunin, Johnny Depp and Miranda Raison are names that need no introduction and they prove their pedigree again here.

Agatha Christie was the queen of mystery and the reasons for that are apparent here. Each character is meticulously created, the details surrounding the murder are perfectly synched, and everything happens for a reason. It is a joy to watch and it manages to make you want more. After this movie, I can definitely see a franchise in the works, and I can’t wait for the next instalments. Agatha Christie was a very prolific writer, so the material is there in droves. If they manage to keep everything at a high level, I truly believe that in the long term, this series will be very successful. And as little nitpicks, for the future, please try to dial it down a little with the fancy camera work and make the audio clearer, as it is at times hard to understand what the characters are saying.

A very important element in this type of movies is the surprise. A movie like this has to manage to surprise you in order to fulfill its purpose. And this is exactly what happens here, there are twists and turns and surprises and you have to be very careful to every single little detail in order to anticipate the conclusion. It was a truly masterful mental exercise that I thoroughly enjoyed and if you haven’t read the book in advance, you will be challenged to the max.

In conclusion, Murder on the Orient Express is a great movie, one of the best adaptations of an Agatha Christie novels to date. I enjoyed it from start to finish, I laughed, I was left befuddled and at the end, I felt totally satisfied with its conclusion. I highly recommend this one to anyone, you will not regret watching it and you will definitely want more when it is over. A good movie, a powerful story, an amazing cast, this is one that will definitely be remembered. Oh, and man, I want a moustache like that, I mean seriously!

Loving Vincent – 2017

Score: 6,5/10

Loving Vincent is the first film in history created entirely by using paintings. It is an amazing feat of art and the visuals will leave you stunned and fascinated by what talented people can create when they work together. It is a biographical film in the end and it manages to present the life of a very talented and iconic painter. Unfortunately, the story in itself and the cast don’t manage to rise to the level of the visuals, but still, if you like artistic movies, this is one that you shouldn’t miss…

The story is the weakest part of the movie, and unfortunately, it does hurt it, a lot. It is sad, it drags, it moves at a very slow pace and it doesn’t manage to make you feel invested too much. Now don’t get me wrong, I wanted to find out how it ends, but that was simple curiosity, because the film did not manage to make me care about the characters. It tries to be a homage, but it ends up being a documentary that doesn’t capture the true essence of what could have been. This is very disappointing and I really hoped for more in regards to the story. It is a shame that they couldn’t do better justice to the amazing visual style.

The characters are another interesting point. The voice actors are ok, but they don’t stand out and they don’t manage to capture your imagination in a way that will make you feel invested in their lives and destinies. It is a decent casted movie, but again, I can’t shake the feeling that it could have been better. Still, the unknown actors like Robert Gulaczyk, Douglas Booth, Jerome Flynn, Saoirse Ronan, Helen McCrory, Chris O’Dowd, John Sessions, Eleanor Tomlinson and Aidan Turner are trying their best.

The artistic value of the movie is high, and the amount of work that has been put into this is simply amazing. 125 painters worked to create the 65.000 works of art that were used in order to tell this story, and I have to take my hat off in front of this titanic endeavor that should not be understated by any means. It is a brilliantly put together movie and from a visual and artistic point of view, it is a unique experience that I was not anticipating. It is simply mesmerizing and it manages to make you appreciate art even more.

The innovation is the greatest thing about this movie. It is something that has never been done before. Now, usually, I am not really impressed by artistic exercise, because I feel that many of them are done just for the sole ridiculous purpose to impress, without any substance behind them. But that is not the case here. This movie is not made in order to impress critics, this one is a nice and touching tribute to a beloved artist and it is done in a very discreet and elegant manner that will surely leave you thinking about things…

In conclusion, Loving Vincent may not be the best movie out there in term of story and excitement, but it is most definitely an amazing experience and a testament to the power of art. You will watch in amazement at how paintings come to life and tell the story of one of the most enigmatic creators in the history of humanity. It is a film that is definitely worth watching, but don’t expect a rollercoaster of emotion. Look at it as a piece of art and appreciate the delicate nature of its composition… Oh, and whatever you do, don’t cut your ear off, that’s not going to get you anywhere nice… 🙂

Star Wars: The Last Jedi – 2017

Score: 10/10

Wow! Simply wow, Star Wars is back baby, and it is better than ever. This movie is simply a joy to watch, it manages to offer something new, it twists and turns and it is simply jam-packed by jaw dropping scenes. It is far better than I ever expected it to be and it manages to do justice to this legendary franchise. Star Wars: The Last Jedi is right up there with Empire Strikes Back and I can honestly say I enjoyed every single second of it.

The story is great, it offers us a perfect balance between action and deep scenes, a perfect balance between the old and the new. It manages to reset the universe almost completely, while also giving satisfying closure for long time fans by offering respectful story arc finishes for iconic characters. Luke, Leia, Han Solo and others are all gone now, and future films will be able to focus on a fresh and powerful new cast of characters. It is very hard to reboot a universe like this, but Star Wars did it, and did it in style…

Speaking of the characters, they are complex, powerful, easy to relate too, and, most importantly, funny. Humor was what lacked in the 7th episode, and this has been corrected here. You will laugh in so many moments, sometimes awkwardly, but never forced. It all feels natural and for that, the credit has to go to the following amazing actors that made it all possible: Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Lupita Nyong’o, Domhnall Gleeson, Anthony Daniels, Gwendoline Christie, Kelly Marie Tran, Laura Dern, Frank Oz and Benicio del Toro.

The visual effects are amazing, although I have to say, as my only bit of little nitpicking criticism, that some scenes looked a little bit too obvious with regards to the CGI. I don’t know why, but I could feel that I was watching a movie and it broke my immersion a little bit. Nevertheless, the movie looks amazing, it is eye-popping, it bursts on screen and it will impress you, especially with the innovative battle scenes.

The twists and turns of the story are simply amazing and I have to mention them again, because I was not expecting it to be at this level. It shocks you on more than one occasion. I mean oh my God, Finn being stopped from sacrificing himself was a breath of fresh air in the context of usual movie clichés, a heroic plan failing was another one. It is a welcome departure from the usual tropes of the genre and they manage to keep you on your toes at all times. Simply beautiful!

Disney did it! I had no doubt, but at the same time I didn’t expect it to be so fast. They managed to resurrect the Star Wars franchise, truly resurrect it. It is here to stay and I can’t wait for the future considering that now we have fresh and new characters. I think we will see at least 4 more movies with this cast in the future and I am sure that we will grow to love them more and more. It is the beginning of a new epic saga and future generations will envy us for being here when it all began…

In conclusion, Star Wars The Last Jedi is an amazing movie, a simply beautiful experience from start to finish. You will rejoice in seeing characters you love, you will discover new ones, everything through the amazing lens of great visual effects and a story paced to perfection. There is a lot of fan service here, there are a lot of great surprises that will simply shock you. To sum it up, this movie is one of the best in the series and one that manages to really bring new elements to the universe. Star Wars is definitely back and we are lucky to be alive to see where this amazing franchise goes next. May the Force be with you!

Suicide Squad – 2016

Score: 7/10

I know I am going to piss a lot of people here, but I actually enjoyed watching Suicide Squad while also accepting that it has a lot of problems. It is not a very good movie, it could have been much better, but at the same time, I have no idea why, it didn’t piss me off as much as I would expect a film with so many flaws to do. And this is why I am giving it a 7 and I truly recommend any superhero fan to see this one.

The story is the weakest part of the movie. It is convoluted, it tries to achieve too much and in the end it doesn’t manage to stand out. The formula of bad guys coming together to do good is almost a cliché in today’s movies, and it shows. There are too many characters introduced and as a result, you don’t get to spend enough time with either of them in order to become truly invested into the outcome of the film.

The characters are interesting, they manage to capture the comics reasonably well. The only problem here is that we have too many characters in one movie and we are introduced to every single one of them. We get too many origin stories together so they kind of dilute and don’t manage to have the impact they should. Nevertheless, the casting choices are interesting and you will see great performances from Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Joel Kinnaman, Viola Davis, Jai Courtney, Jay Hernandez, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Ike Barinholtz, Scott Eastwood and Cara Delevingne.

The visuals are still too dark DC, they are still too dark, and the effects are lacking in many parts. This movie unfortunately doesn’t pop on screen, as many of the scenes have terrible lighting effects that make it very hard to identify things that happen in detail. Unfortunately, the villains are also weird and they swing from being overpowered to being ridiculously easy to beat. This is terrible because it means that we don’t have any tension worth speaking of. The stakes seem low although they try to be high, and overall, the final battle seems like a street scrap instead of a war for the future of the entire universe…

Marvel is better than DC when it comes to movies, by now we all know that, but this movie managed to at least try to come close to the atmosphere of their rivals. It has a little bit of humor, not nearly enough, but after the dark suicidal tones of previous DC movies, we are happy for anything we can get. DC managed to follow this with the positive and amazing Wonder Woman, so I can honestly say that I truly believe that this film was the turning point for DC, the moment when they understood that superhero movies today have to be funny and relaxing in order to be successful…

In conclusion, Suicide Squad is not at the level of Marvel movies, but if you compare it with the disaster that was Batman vs Superman or the blurry shitty shaky cam garbage that was Man of Steel, than it is a masterpiece. Anyway, it is a movie that is worth seeing, as you will enjoy some moments for sure. It has action, it has a little bit of comedy (which is a shocker for DC), and, most importantly, it has Margot Robbie. Please let us have the sequels to this be R rated, please give us a naked Harley Quinn and it will be an automatic 10 out of 10.