Ingrid Goes West – 2017

Score: 9/10

I am giving this movie a 9 out of 10 because I really believe that it should be seen by as many people as possible. It is not a bad movie by any means, but if you analyze it strictly based on its quality as a film, it is not that good. But, because of its subject, I really want to encourage as many of you to see it. I do this very rarely, but I truly believe that Ingrid Goes West brings to the light a very interesting and complex topic that we should all pay more attention to. We as a society have become dependent and addicted to social media and we perceive ourselves through the feedback that we get from others, and that is a very dangerous state of mind to be in, and, as this movie shows, it can lead to terrifying conclusions.

The story is the best part of the film, because it focuses on what being alone really means. It is billed as a black comedy, but I didn’t find many laughing matters here. The movie is powerful, it is dark, and unfortunately at the end, it sends the wrong message. Social media is a problem in today’s world, social media is making people feel more alone and the fact that everything seems to be solved by social media is the wrong message to send out as your conclusion. We should all watch this movie and try to put our phone down as often as possible, because truly, what should stick with us after seeing this is that having millions of followers on Instagram will do nothing for our peace of mind.

The characters are interestingly created and the actors are chosen wisely. They identify with the characters and you can recognize a lot of typologies here. Unfortunately, you can also relate too many of them, which means the movie is achieving its goal. The actors are doing a great job here, they manage to transmit real and raw emotions, and I have to praise performances from Aubrey Plaza, Elizabeth Olsen, O’Shea Jackson Jr., Wyatt Russell, Billy Magnussen, Pom Klementieff, Hannah Utt, Joseph Breen, Angelica Amor, Meredith Kathleen Hagner and Charlie Wright.

The movie tackles deep themes and it manages to show off a lot of human emotions that are maybe not so well understood. Depression is a big problem in today’s society and the feeling of anxiety is only augmented by social media. It is a sad story told in a very direct and franc way and you will truly be impressed by what people are willing to do in order to stop being alone. We all need someone to love and friends and this film is a truly heartbreaking tale about what we are capable of doing in order to have those things.

Overall, the movie manages to put you in a very specific state of mind. You can’t be happy watching this, because you can’t avoid feeling sorry for the characters. Especially the main character is played in such a way that it makes you mad in parts. There are so many people that act like that around us and the film manages to describe the feeling of immense despair that fills their existence.

In conclusion, Ingrid Goes West is one movie that I truly recommend to everybody, especially to young people. If you take it seriously, it will definitely make you think about your life and about the choices you make. In the end, it might be just a story about a crazy and disturbed person that stalks people, but there is so much more to the message if you choose to think about it. It is one of those movies that can actually make you learn and you should treat it as such. Oh, and as I always say, stop fucking keeping private things on your phone! Use a PC for that, like normal people have done for decades now! Stop living your life through your phone!

Brawl in Cell Block 99 – 2017

Score: 4/10

Have you ever seen a movie that has almost no music? Well Brawl in Cell Block 99 is exactly that. It is a movie bereft of music and, unfortunately, bereft of any fun. It is one of the most depressing films I have ever seen and I can’t wait to get the memory of it out of my mind. It is sad, boring, overly long and it has one of the most stupid and absurd endings I have ever seen. It is simply ridiculous and infuriating. A very bad movie and one that I can honestly say you should skip. Your time is far too important…

The story is nothing out of the ordinary, it is a typical drama, nothing we have not seen before. There are some interesting twists and turns and I was actually surprised towards the end, but still, nothing that I haven’t seen before and nothing that I feel the need to remember. It is a basic story about evil people and if you like senseless fighting shot realistically (as in bad), you are sure to get plenty of that here. Everything is very gritty, the visuals are muddy and the last part is basically an extended torture session that has absolutely no redeeming qualities.

The characters are the only really god thing about this movie. You can feel the pain, you can feel the grit and struggling of each and every one of them, you can identify with some and you can fully hate others. In terms of acting, the movie duly delivers, and the performances are stellar, absolutely stellar. Vince Vaughn especially does an amazing job as the main character, and he is supported to perfection by Jennifer Carpenter, Don Johnson, Udo Kier, Marc Blucas, Mustafa Shakir, Thomas Guiry, Dion Mucciacito, Geno Segers, Willie C. Carpenter and Fred Melamed.

As a documentary about what it means to go to prison, this movie is amazing. It shows you exactly how the life is inside and how many hurdles the ones that are sent there have to overcome. Still, all of it is told at such a slow pace, and in such a way that it becomes so tedious, especially during the first and middle acts. It does not manage to gain any sort of pace and you end up just wanting it to be over already. You don’t care about what happens to the characters, you don’t care about where they end up, and considering that there are amazing scenes here and there, it really sucks that the finished product is not up to that level.

It is BORING, it is one of the most boring movies I have ever saw, and that is really a shame considering that the story could have been really interesting. I personally love movies about prisons, I find those micro universes amazing and I was expecting to be amazed by this one. Don’t get me wrong, some of the moments are worth your time, but they are far in between and to get to them, you have to suffer through long and drawn out scenes that really take out all the possible enjoyment out of the film.

In conclusion, I really don’t know what to say about Brawl in Cell Block 99. If you like long movies that simply show you the harsh and crude reality, you might actually enjoy it. To me, it was filled with too much filler and way too much like a documentary in the first part. And don’t get me wrong, I like documentaries, but that was not what I was signing up when I decided to see this. It could have been far better since the subject is interesting and the actors are well chosen, but, alas, it was not to be. A huge disappointment for me. And seriously, how can you have a movie that has no music, how… It’s not like I’m the one in prison am I? :)))

Daddy’s Home 2 – 2017

Score: 7/10

Daddy’s Home 2 might not be the most amazing comedy ever created, but I can honestly say that I found it quite enjoyable. I laughed, I related, I actually had a good time while watching it, and to me that is the most important thing, especially when it comes to a comedy. It is definitely a movie worth watching if you want to relax and have a good time. But please, no more, I think two is enough, the idea is starting to get a little bit thin and drawn out.

The story is not great, although it doesn’t have to be great. It is weaker than its prequel, because the gag is already worn out. Still, it manages to be believable and relatable to a certain point and I think that is enough of a platform for the humor. You will start caring for some of the things that happen and that meant that I managed to stay invested to the end. It is not amazing, but it is sufficient for a movie like this.

The characters are interesting, relatable and they manage to avoid being cringy in a bad way. You can understand their motivations, they interact well and besides the cartoonish action scenes, they actually seem real. Also, the cast is amazing and all the big names that come together here are sure to please a lot of movie goers. It is basically a dream to see Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg, Mel Gibson, John Lithgow, Linda Cardellini, John Cena, Scarlett Estevez, Owen Vaccaro, Alessandra Ambrosio, Didi Costine, Chesley Sullenberger, Liam Neeson and Bill Burr gel so well together and offer amazing performances.

The humor is ok, not amazing but passable. You will laugh out loud on more than one occasion and you can see that the pure talent of the actors makes many of the scenes hugely enjoyable. It is a movie about real people and you can relate to that, even though it sometimes goes a little bit overboard. I found the humor at the same level as the original and I actually wanted more at the end. It managed to make me relate, and that is great for a comedy like this, great and really unexpected…

Nothing is serious here, and on this front unfortunately the movie is a bit lacking. The best comparison I can make here is with Bad Moms. That movie actually had some sort of background, it made you think about family and relationships and how you can improve your own life. You will not get anything like that here, because unfortunately, even when something of the sort happens, it is quickly drowned by the humor to the point of having no meaning. Also, the dancing and singing scene in the end doesn’t help, since it transforms any form of resolution into basically a joke…

In conclusion, Daddy’s Home 2 is definitely a movie worth watching. It is truly escapist fun, it has nothing complex underneath all the gags and it will manage to make you laugh on more than one occasion. It is a funny movie and a very easy going one. The action flows, the story is simple and clichéd to the core in a very positive way. It is not a film that will make you think, it is simply a comedy that you can enjoy alone or with your friends. It will not make you ponder deep questions or make you feel strongly one way or another, and it doesn’t even try to pretend that it is that type of movie. But for those that simply want to relax for 100 minutes, it is a perfect choice. Oh, and you get to see Mel Gibson kissing Mark Wahlberg, so there… :))

The Disaster Artist – 2017

Score: 7/10

The Disaster Artist is an interesting, but very specific movie. You have to be in a certain state of mind to fully enjoy it and, most importantly, you have to see The Room to really understand all the meta jokes and the references. I highly recommend this one to people who like sarcasm and to those that want to understand the human mind in all of its infinite nuances. It might seem shallow on the surface, but if you really take you time with it, this one will make you think while also offering a unique perspective into the life of a professional actor.

The story is not much to speak about. The plot follows the making of a cult movie, and while it does manage to shed some light and explain specific scenes from that one, there is nothing really surprising or shocking here. Tommy Wiseau is a very weird dude and this movie proves it again, without taking it to a whole other level. Nothing will shock you if you have already seen The Room and know the story, and everything will simply seem unreal for those who are not familiar with this particular subject.

The characters are nicely done. You really see what a talented group of actors can do if they gel well together and there are very few differences between the real persons and what we get here. Especially Tommy is recreated in an amazing way by James Franco, who proves once again the incredible range and raw talent that he possesses. He is supported brilliantly by Dave Franco, Seth Rogen, Ari Graynor, Alison Brie, Jacki Weaver, Paul Scheer, Zac Efron, Josh Hutcherson, June Diane Raphael, Megan Mullally, Jason Mantzoukas, Andrew Santino, Nathan Fielder and Sharon Stone.

The idea is very interesting, and I truly believe that Tommy and The Room deserved this. It is not easy to create a film that is so bad that it actually becomes good, and, more than that, a cult classic. Also, I can’t talk about this movie without mentioning the cameos, which bring even more excitement. Among the names featured here we can find Bryan Cranston, J. J. Abrams, Lizzy Caplan, Kristen Bell, Kevin Smith, Judd Apatow, Zoey Deutch and Randall Park.

The humor is interestingly done. This movie is not trying to make fun in a bad way about The Room, and it is quite surprising for me to see how much respect it actually pays it. Everything is explained and you can see that that everybody in the cast has a deep understanding of the source material. It is refreshing to see something like this have success and I really hope that the positive trend of biographical pics in the last few years continues to offer us such quality products that are actually enjoyable.

In conclusion, The Disaster Artist is definitely a movie worth watching. But, and I can’t stress this enough, if you want to really enjoy it and laugh at many of the jokes, before watching it, you should also see The Room, the original movie this one is analyzing and making fun of. If you don’t see that first the experience will not manage to hit home. It is funny, it is cringe as hell in many instances and you will be shocked by many things, especially surrounding the main character. But, since this is based on real people and real events, in the end, it is definitely worth it, as it shows you a weird and fascinating side of humanity. I did not! Oh, hi Mark…

The Babysitter – 2017

Score: 8/10

My God this movie is crazy… Totally and utterly crazy! The Babysitter is your classic teen horror film, a gore fest filled with jocks, hot girls, bullies and all the likes. I really enjoyed it, from start to finish, it’s short, direct, and it manages to make you laugh when you least expect it. It also has a lot of references to other horror classics and if you are a movie buff you will most certainly recognize many of them. It is a relatable movie, not scary at all, but that is exactly the point. Watch this as the black comedy that it is and I can guarantee you will have a great time.

The story is simple, direct and it will not make you question things at all. In fact, it’s better if you don’t think too much about it, since the plot points are not developed at all. Also, you should not expect to understand the characters motivations at all. It is a movie that you just have to go with and not question, and I actually think we should get more of these. In a world that is more and more serious, films like this are a welcome breath of fresh air.

The characters are interesting, funny and seriously over the top. Every single one of them is defined by one character trait, and again, the movie is making fun of the horror genre here. The cast clicks very well and Samara Weaving, Judah Lewis, Hana Mae Lee, Robbie Amell, Bella Thorne, Andrew Bachelor, Emily Alyn Lind, Leslie Bibb and Ken Marino put in great performances. We will hear more about them in the future, there is no doubt in my mind about that. Cast wise, the only thing I would have wanted from this movie was a bit of nudity. I mean seriously, how can you have a teen horror film without some boobs, I am right? 😀

The humor is great, in your face all the time and really over the top. It is gory, it has a lot of blood, brutal deaths and every other characteristic you would expect from a teen horror movie. The girls are hot, the guys are ripped, and everything happens in the most absurd way possible. This makes the film enjoyable if you don’t take it very seriously and you will get a shot of adrenaline while watching it. Just don’t take it to serious and try to enjoy yourself and let your emotions flow. It is that kind of movie…

It is over the top, and that makes it great. This movie knows exactly what it’s doing and it manages to do it very well. The jokes land well, the characters interact in a funny manner and everything seems to fall in place very conveniently. Yes, we are missing some backstory, yes, some of the action scenes are simply ridiculous, but if we put them all together, it helps to induce a certain atmosphere that really helps with the overall humor levels. Human stupidity is one the funniest subjects and this movie manages to really make it stick out. Unfortunately, it will be impossible for you not to relate to some of the scenes, and although that is sad for you and for all of us, it is also funny as fuck…

In conclusion, The Babysitter is definitely a movie that is worth your time. It’s one of the most funny and outlandish horrors I have seen in recent time and it actually made me laugh out loud on more than one occasion. It plays well on many of the tropes and clichés that usually plague the genre and it manages to offer an engaging enough experience to make you want more. This film is a perfect choice to see with friends and it will definitely get you in the mood for some adventures… It was a definite breath of fresh air for me as I am not a big fan of horror in general. Oh, and now I have to wonder why I didn’t have a hot babysitter when I was growing up, I mean seriously…

Paddington 2 – 2017

Score: 8,5/10

I don’t know why, but British films and series have a certain appeal. It might be the language, it might be the accents, but when I see something British I get a warm feeling and a giddiness that feel me up. And this one is exactly the same. It’s light, heartwarming and a definite gem, so I recommend Paddington 2 for all of you that love comedy, animation and movies that don’t take themselves too seriously. You will not tackle deep themes here, you will not save the world, you will not cry with your head in your hands. But you are going to have a bloody good time, that, I can guarantee!

The story is exactly what you would expect from this type of movie. It is closely linked to the first installment while also offering a little more backstory. It is engaging in parts and although it kind of drops in the final act, it will still manage to keep you invested. I would have definitely wanted a little bit more tension, but overall, the story is a well enough developed vehicle for the comedy of this iconic character.

The characters are great. They are developed well enough, interesting, and yes, simplistic, but done in a manner that makes them funny and engaging. You have positive clichés and thankfully, the movie doesn’t take itself to serious, offering you a lighthearted experience. There are a lot of big stars here, and the performances from Ben Whishaw, Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, Hugh Grant, Brendan Gleeson, Madeleine Harris, Samuel Joslin, Julie Walters, Jim Broadbent, Peter Capaldi, Simon Farnaby, Imelda Staunton, Michael Gambon, Joanna Lumley, Ben Miller, Jessica Hynes and Noah Taylor do justice to the script.

The blend between animation and live action is done very well. Paddington feels like he is a part of that world and he interacts very nice with the human characters. There is a lot of physical comedy here and the over the top banter will at times make you laugh out loud. It is a delicate type of comedy, typical British humor, but it still hits home perfectly and it makes me want more movies like this. Oh, and Capaldi is here, making me even more hyped for the return of Doctor Who in the fall…

This movie has one problem, and that problems is the tension. You never get the impression of the stakes being high. Everything that happens is devoid of any tension. You know things will resolve in a good way and therefore especially towards the end, the movie loses a lot of appeal. Now I get it, it is a kid’s movie, and this is why I don’t give it too much slack for this, but still, in the future, maybe make it a little bit more emotional and give us some tension. Trust me, it can’t hurt the overall feeling…

They are making a third one, and that is making me happy and a little bit nervous at the same time. I say nervous because unfortunately, this was a little bit worse than the first one and I worry that the third will lose even more of its novelty factor. Something has to be different, the adventures have to go on another level, or else, people will start responding less and less positive to the same thing rehashed. So while yes, I support the decision to continue this franchise, I really hope they will manage to surprise us for the third one… At least a little bit…

In conclusion, Paddington 2 is an amazing movie, perfect for you to see with your family, especially if you have children. It is positive from start to finish, it is full of joy and it will make you smile and laugh many times. The action flows nicely and you can identify with every single character. The little bear that loves marmalade has been a staple of British culture for many years and this series of films does it justice. A great and relaxing movie and one that you should not miss… And seriously, it made me hungry, so brb, I have to go get a jar of that sweet delight…

Insidious: The Last Key – 2018

Score: 6/10

Insidious: The Last Key is a typical horror movie. It has every single trope and cliché specific to the genre and this is why unfortunately it didn’t manage to impress me at all. I would have given it a lower score but I have to give it credit for being the biggest box office success of the franchise. I respect audiences so the fact that this movie was so successful at the box office means that a lot of people found it engaging. For me it was a huge disappointment and I actually expected a lot more.

The story is predictable, boring, convoluted in a bad way and not doing justice to the previous movies. It tries to explain a lot of the background but for me, it just made everything that happened in the first 3 installments sort of weird. I get what they tried to offer the viewers but unfortunately it just doesn’t work. It’s muddy, overly complicated and it didn’t manage to satisfy me in a meaningful way. Unfortunately, the Further has never looked more boring than now and that is very sad.

The characters are bland… You can’t get invested truly into their stories, it all seems very superficial and forced. All the backstory with the abusive dad that was really a creep that was killing young girls seems made up and there just to create a shock, without any meaning behind it… Lin Shaye, Ava Kolker, Hana Hayes, Angus Sampson, Leigh Whannell, Spencer Locke, Caitlin Gerard, Pierce Pope, Thomas Robie, Josh Stewart, Kirk Acevedo and Tessa Ferrer put in decent performances, but nothing special to talk about.

The visual effects and overall feel of the film are not up to par with the subject. Everything is shot in close quarters, in pitch black and the angles try to feel special, but manage only to annoy the viewers. If you like claustrophobic scenes that try to make you scared by their accompanying loud noises, than yes, you will love this movie. Oh, and pigs will start flying outside your window, but hey, we can’t have everything…

The darkness, of my God the darkness. I know, I know, it is a horror movie, but it is tragic that we have come to expect all horror movies to be so dark and shot so bad that you can’t actually understand what is going on in many of the scenes. You can shoot night scenes that make sense Hollywood, it can actually be done, I know, it’s a shock, but it can be done and you have no idea how much that would change the overall feel of the movie.

Horror elements? For me there was nothing like that here. I laughed a couple of times because I could see that the film wanted so hard to scare me and achieved the exact opposite effect. In rest, you have all the clichés typical to the genre, to the point of suffocation. Every single cliché is here, nothing is surprising, nothing is actually scary. In fact, the only times my pulse was even mildly elevated was when the stupid jump scares happened. Jump scares do not equal good horror films, and this one is way over the top with them, to the point of actually making me mad.

In conclusion, you should only see Insidious: The Last Key if you are a big fan of horror movies or if you have followed this series. It can offer huge fans of the franchise some backstory, some context, even a satisfying resolution. But for the rest of us, it is not a thrilling ride, it is a festival of clichés and jump scares that ends up being far too long and far too boring. And seriously Hollywood, when you create a main villain in a horror movie that only manages to make me laugh, you done fucked up son, really fucked up…

The Purge – 2013

Score: 7/10

I wanted for a long time to come back to this. This series is not one that you will remember amongst the best movies you have ever seen, but it is one that will make you think, it is one that will surprise you, it is one that you will want to see again just to understand better the underlying psychology that it throws in your face. The Purge is one movie that you will not be able to forget very soon and since these are so rare today, I can’t ignore it.

The story is a great concept. It is unique, scary, it makes you think and you will feel truly shaken after seeing this. It has powerful implications and it manages to show you the ugly side of humanity. You watch this movie and then you think about those around you, your neighbors, your friends. And then you get a chill down your spine trying to predict what they would do if something like this actually happens.

The characters are unfortunately weak. You can’t relate with many of their decisions and you are actually frustrated about the sheer stupidity they exhibit at times. They are not making you feel invested in the movie, they seem like simple random people that were plunged into the script in order to be fodder. It could have been done much better and despite some big names being here, I have to say the casting is done poorly and Ethan Hawke, Lena Headey, Adelaide Kane, Max Burkholder, Arija Bareikis, Dana Bunch, Edwin Hodge, Cindy Robinson and Tony Oller fail to impress.

The concept is novel, and it has managed to permeate the cultural zeitgeist and become an actual word that people use in conversations. There aren’t many movies that manage something like that and we have to commend it for doing that. I love films that make me think, I love films that manage to surprise me and make me want to explore their universe more, and this one managed to do exactly that. I wanted to discover this society, I want to understand how those people think, I want to put myself into the same position and meditate about what I would do. For that and that alone I think everyone of us should see this one.

Unfortunately, over the 3 movies in the series, the pace drops and you get the feeling that they could have been done better. Even this first one is kind of boring after the novelty of the idea wears off. I would have liked to see more individuals acting out, I would have loved to see more actual purging and for the movie to be less focused on a fixed set of characters. It is the biggest downfall of the film and it is infuriating to think about what we ended up with compared with what could have been.

In conclusion, The Purge and its two sequels are definitely worth your time, for the interesting story and the novel concept alone. Yes, they are not the best movies out there and the sequels tend to get really tedious at points, but nevertheless, overall, you should watch this series. It is unfortunate that we don’t get more movies with ideas like this, ideas that challenge deep themes and show us what we as a race are capable of. The Purge may be fantasy, but it hits home perfectly. Whether we like it or not, this is how something like this would play out, and while it might be chilling to accept it, it is also eye-opening.

Ferdinand – 2017

Score: 8/10

Ferdinand is the most family friendly movie I have seen in recent times that also manages to shock its viewers with deep and profound adult themes. It is a very simple and a very complex movie at the same time and I actually found myself laughing out loud on multiple occasions. You can’t go wrong with this one, and even if it does have its flaws, it is overall a very enjoyable experience. Oh, and of course, a point extra for any good or decent movie that doesn’t come from Disney/Pixar… It is known by now… 😛

The story is unfortunately very predictable. Every single thing that happens is very obvious and you can predict the ending after the first 10 minutes. Yes, it is a family film that is mainly addressed for kids, but even then, the absence of any twist or surprise hurts. This is not a movie for people that want to be challenged. Nevertheless, if you want to just relax and get an overdose of happiness, this is a perfect choice.

The characters are the best part of the movie. They are well developed, they are engaging and they manage to make you root for them. Yes, the film is maybe too much on the cheesy side of things, but still, it manages to captivate and to flow very well. I have to praise the voice acting of John Cena, Colin H. Murphy, Kate McKinnon, Anthony Anderson, Nile Diaz, Bobby Cannavale, Jack Gore, Peyton Manning, Gina Rodriguez, David Tennant, Tim Nordquist, Daveed Diggs, Gabriel Iglesias, Flula Borg, Boris Kodjoe, Sally Phillips and Juanes.

The animation style is ok, more on the cartoon style and definitely not at a Pixar level, but still, decent enough to make you feel immersed in the universe. It was actually refreshing to see it do reasonably well at the box office and I truly believe that we will all profit in the long term if there is more than one big company that creates amazing animations. So 20th Century Fox, keep them coming, you are on the right path.

Bullfighting is the main focus of the movie, it is the central theme. And of course, we all know, this subject is very controversial. The film was actually attacked by bullfighters because of its negative portrayal of the practice. And that is right, bullfighting is not portrayed in a positive light here. But please, stop with the hypocrisy. I am not saying bullfighting should be illegal, I can understand that it is a tradition. But at the same time, stop negating reality. It is a tradition, but it is also barbaric. So I am fine with it, but stop trying to make it seem innocent. Please, stop pissing on us and trying to call it rain!

Emotionally, unfortunately, the movie tries very much to impress, but doesn’t quite reach the levels it’s searching for. Even the deaths that are implied are not powerful enough to instill a response from the audience. I get it, every single animation movie tries to be Toy Story, but that is wrong. Stop trying to be deep when there is no need for it. This is a feel good movie through and through and the attempts at emotional scenes only work to extend its runtime.

In conclusion, Ferdinand is a good movie, a movie worth watching. Especially children will be in awe of this. It has physical comedy specific to cartoons, it has engaging characters and you can actually relate with many of the animals. It is a great mix of fun action for children and of deep themes that adults can ponder over. Even if it doesn’t manage to reach the emotional levels of Pixar movies, it is still a great choice for an evening in with your family. But please, try not to think about anything dirty when I tell you that yes, this is a movie about a girl and her bull. If you know what I mean… 😛

Justice League – 2017

Score: 6/10

Damn it DC, damn it! Just when I thought you have turned a corner with Wonder Woman, you go on and do this. Justice League was the big movie that DC waited for in order to challenge Marvel’s Avengers, but it is nothing of the sorts. In fact, it has the lowest box office score out of every movie in the DCEU. I know, I know, it might sound shocking, but I fully expected this. If DC doesn’t want to learn from Marvel and stop doing the same mistakes over and over again, they can’t expect different results in the future.

The story is weak, because as usual, they decided to introduce characters in the actual ensemble movie instead of before, in stand-alone installations. So in the beginning, we get characters being introduced, the team being assembled and stuff like that. Which yes, can be nice, but, as in Suicide Squad, it creates useless filler, it introduces a lot of secondary useless characters and, in the end, it makes the viewer tired and bored by the time the real action starts. If we would have gotten only the second hour I think I would have been happier.

The characters are good, nicely created and developed, and well casted. They are the heroes that we grew up with and we can rediscover them here. It is a nice array of personalities that come together, and they gel and work, so for the future, I could really see them do very well with a better script. Nevertheless, the performances from Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Gal Gadot, Ezra Miller, Jason Momoa, Ray Fisher, Jeremy Irons, Diane Lane, Connie Nielsen and J. K. Simmons are worth it.

The special effects are ok… Just ok unfortunately, because this movie is again too dark. It is starting to become a pattern in the DCEU and it makes me so sad. It is dark, gritty, nothing pops on screen compared to Marvel movies. Yes, they want to set a different overall tone, but that doesn’t mean everything has to be in those grey tones that make the effects seem very weak. It is a shame but unfortunately I don’t see DC changing this despite Wonder Woman proving what nice visuals and color can bring.

It’s too dark! And I am not talking now about the visuals. The entire movie is filled with tension, everybody is saying their lines like the end of the world is coming in the next minute. And while yes, I get it, the end of the world is actually coming, I want some humor and lightheartedness from my superhero movies. I want comedy, I want jokes, I want to watch the movie relaxed, not stressed out with only darkness and sad story after sad story. Seriously DC, Batman can actually smile from time to time, I know, it’s crazy, but it can work!

Unfortunately, I want to stress this again, DC is learning nothing. Stop using your good stories and your iconic villains like this. Don’t rush it. Marvel is crushing it right now, and you want the same, yes, but be patient. Start slowly, make a Wonder Woman movie, make a Batman standalone movie with Affleck, make a Flash movie, an Aquaman movie, and only after these characters are established do something like this. Otherwise your multiverse will never reach the level of Marvel. I get it, it is very hard to be patient, but if DC doesn’t understand this, I am sad to say that I really fear that we might miss on a lot of great comic book stories in the future.

In conclusion, Justice League is not what it could have been. But since I am a huge fan of superhero movies and even one that is not amazing still makes me giggle inside, I can’t be too hard on it. So yes, I will tell you to see this movie. You will find a lot of really enjoyable parts and you will rediscover some of your favorite heroes from the comic books. Unfortunately, this could have been so much better, and I am at the point of wishing for Marvel to simply buy DC so I can get amazing movies with the heroes that I grew up with. Do better DC, do better! For fucks sake, do better!