Maze Runner: The Death Cure – 2018

Score: 2/10

My God this movie is boring. Horribly long at 142 minutes and boring to the point I had to actually see it in two days just to be able to go through it with my sanity still intact. Maze Runner: The Death Cure is the disappointing ending to a franchise that never managed to pick up the steam that it wanted to pick up. For me, it was bad from start to finish and although I had hoped that maybe, just maybe this last chapter would somehow redeem it, I was left wondering again how they could serve us such a crappy and illogical story, especially given that the source material is actually very nice and engaging.

The story is bland, convoluted and it doesn’t stand on its own at all. What do I mean by this? Well, if you haven’t seen the previous two movies it is almost impossible to understand anything from this one. I have seen them and even I was lost at certain points. You might say that this is normal because it’s a franchise and what not. But no, this is stupid, because this puts off people. If you want to see this movie as a standalone and you know you will understand nothing if you don’t watch the other 2 120+ minutes bore fests that preceded it, you will give up very fast. The big franchises do exactly the opposite, as you can actually see movies from LOTR, Star Wars, Marvel and many other similar series on their own and you will still enjoy them.

The characters are bland, boring, their motivations are stupid, they don’t resonate. You will not care about them, and that in turn will lead to you not caring about the story, which for a movie that supposedly ends a franchise is very bad. I could not care less about who lived and who died and none of the characters related to me in any way. Which is a shame, considering that Dylan O’Brien, Kaya Scodelario, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Dexter Darden, Nathalie Emmanuel, Giancarlo Esposito, Aidan Gillen, Walton Goggins, Ki Hong Lee and Jacob Lofland do try a lot to offer you emotions and make you invested.

The effects were a huge let down for me. I expected something epic and in turn all we got here were action scenes in dark places and a small scale altogether. Considering the fate of the entire world is at stake, the scene should have definitely been bigger. I mean for fucks sake, the last Resident Evil was better in that regard and that tells you a lot. Maybe it was because of the small budget or maybe they just wanted to end this series and be done with it, but this was the overall feeling I got, that nobody cared enough in order to try harder. Such a shame!

The clichés and story problems in this movie are too many to count, and they manage to affect the overall feel. You can’t be invested in a universe in which nothing happens as it should and you will be left scratching your head about many of the decisions that the main characters make. In fact, the whole idea on which this trilogy is based was done so poorly that you can’t stop and wonder how in the normal world, the conflict would have been resolved ages ago and without so much drama.

In conclusion, Maze Runner: The Death Cure is one of the most bland science fiction action films I have ever seen. It is far too long, the special effects are nothing to speak about, the action scenes are full of clichés, it has problems with the story, the lighting. Everything seems just off about this movie and you don’t even get a satisfying ending in order to justify sitting through it. I mean honestly, if I want to see Littlefinger doing Littlefinger stuff I can just watch Game of Thrones and be done with it. And seriously, when will zombie movies stop? I am tired of zombie movies and zombie video games and zombie anything… I am all zombied out so please Hollywood, enough with the zombies already…

Peter Rabbit – 2018

Score: 8/10

Peter Rabbit is a nice and refreshing comedy and a definite must see of 2018. You will laugh, you will smile and you will discover something different from what we are used to, from multiple viewpoints. This one managed to surprise me and it just gave me an overall good feeling. I highly recommend this movie, especially to people with children, because it is one of those animated stories that have something for the adults as well. You will not get bored at all and although the story is predictable and the outcome is easy to anticipate, you will enjoy every single second of the journey there…

The story is nothing to speak about and it is the main reason that this movie doesn’t get a higher mark. It is predictable, it is simple and it doesn’t manage to offer up any meaningful conflict. You are sure about the ending from the first moment the characters are introduced and after you realize that, you can’t really get involved in the scenes because you know that everything will be alright in the end. I get that this is a kid’s movie and we don’t need big shocks or things like that, but still, I would have wanted more story-wise from this one.

The characters are funny, engaging and the mix between real actors and animated animals is done interestingly from an acting point of view. There are some problems with the CGI and some of the special effects seem out of place, but knowing the difficulties that usually come with these sorts of movies, I can honestly say that they did a decent enough job here. The actors are great, big names that make the experience amazing. Kudos for their performances to Domhnall Gleeson, Rose Byrne, Sam Neill, Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Felix Williamson, James Corden, Daisy Ridley, Margot Robbie, Elizabeth Debicki, Colin Moody, Sia, Fayssal Bazzi and Ewen Leslie.

The animation style is a little bit different than what we are used too, mainly because this is a live action computer-animated mash up. Some of the explosion and action effects seem a bit on the down low and you can tell that this was not the main focus of the movie. Overall though, the animation and action scenes do just enough to propel the humor and make this one an amazing experience for children and an engaging one for adults.

They have already announced a sequel to this to be released in 2020, and although I enjoyed this movie a lot, I have to say that I will be expecting a lot more from the next chapter. Here we get the establishing of the universe, we get a cute love story and adorable characters overall, but the conflict is almost non-existent, the movie doesn’t have stakes high enough. While that might work and be overlooked for a first move, it will not cut it in the sequel, so if you truly want the next chapter to be successful, you will have to up your game.

In conclusion, Peter Rabbit is a very nice movie, a refreshing take on the genre and definitely one that has left children around the world laughing out loud. I enjoyed it from start to finish and I can’t wait to see what they have en stored for us in the next one. A good movie and one that I would watch again anytime. Oh, and considering this was released on the same weekend as Fifty Shades Freed and grossed almost the same, I can honestly say that I think many moms had a very tough choice to make… 😛

The 15 17 To Paris – 2018

Score: 4/10

Clint Eastwood is one of my favorite directors so whenever he does something, I try to watch. The 15 17 To Paris is unfortunately one of his weaker movies as he does not manage to offer the gritty and powerful experiences we are used too from him. It is boring, it is filmed poorly with too much shaky cam and overall it lacks any sort of feeling. I still recommend you to see it because it tries to be different, but there is no doubt in my mind that, compared too many of his other masterpieces, this one will not be remembered… Which is for the better I guess…

The story is based on real events and that is why I can’t really comment here about it, even if some things seem amazing. I guess reality sometimes beats fiction and so I will have to just accept that Americans travelling in Europe end up meeting almost exclusively other Americans. It happens I guess. Overall, the story is boring and it doesn’t make for an enjoyable experience as you can’t really get to relate to any of the characters. But hey, I guess heroes are not always nice people…

The characters are interesting, and the biggest thing about this movie is that most of the cast is composed of the actual people who were involved in this story. This is unique and it makes the film interesting to see because what can you say in the end about someone acting his own life… Still, I have to say that the best acting we get here is coming from the couple of professional actors that appear, and that should tell you a lot about what acting really means. I won’t mention the ones that portrayed themselves in the movie because I don’t see the point, and I will just congratulate the supporting actors that made this feel more like a film: Judy Greer, Jenna Fischer, Ray Corasani, Chris Norman, P. J. Byrne, Tony Hale, Thomas Lennon and Jaleel White.

One of the most interesting aspects here is Eastwood’s choice to show the actual conflict of the movie just through small flashes of action and nothing more. You get too see the lives of the characters prior to the event that the movie is actually centered on and that is something I have not seen before, especially in an action flick. It is interesting and it can bring an air of novelty to the film, unfortunately I think he got carried away by this and ended on creating a biographical drama that does not manage to really hit home.

Unfortunately, this movie could have been so much better. The shaky cam makes it unbearable, the story is broken by a lot of periods of pure boredom and nothing clicks. The concept is interesting but it’s not done justice. We get too much filler and the action that is supposed to come at the end leaves us disappointed. We know what happens from the first 2 minutes but we are forced to sit through 90 minutes of life stories we simply do not care about in order to get to it. I guess we can say that this was an experiment but, unfortunately, it obviously failed.

In conclusion, The 15 17 To Paris is not a movie that will impress you. But, because the subject matter is interesting and because Clint Eastwood tries something different here, I do encourage you to see it. It is short at 94 minutes and although it will bore you to no ends in the first hour, overall, you can get something out of the experience. The concept is interesting, having real people play their actual lives in a movie is fascinating and the events that actually happened make you rejoice for the power of humanity to fight terror. Actually fight it, not light candles and start hashtags about it. Because if you can learn something from this movie this is it: in the face of danger, you have to actually do something!

Black Panther – 2018

Score: 9/10

Marvel can do no wrong! Its official now, and I can’t tell it loud enough. Black Panther is so different from anything that I have ever seen before from Marvel, and yet it manages to be at the same high level we are used to. You have to watch this movie, you just have to watch it, and trust me, you will not regret it. The story is powerful, the visuals are amazing, everything clicks, you are invested in the characters and overall, even if like me you had reservations going in, you can’t come out of this one without a huge smile on your face.

The story is good. It’s not an origin story, and yet the movie manages to develop everything to the point where you can understand the characters motivations. Also, being so different from anything that we have ever seen from Marvel until this point, the story manages to create an entire new world that has its own rules and myths, and this world appears perfectly believable and, more importantly, in a natural relation with the entire multiverse. Wakanda seems a part of this world and you end up caring much more for it than you thought possible.

The characters are beautifully created. They are developed well, you understand their motivations, they have complex backstories, everything is just in perfect sync in this movie. Music, visuals and story come together to offer a perfect platform for a star studded cast composed of Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan, Lupita Nyong’o, Danai Gurira, Martin Freeman, Daniel Kaluuya, Letitia Wright, Winston Duke, Angela Bassett, Forest Whitaker and Andy Serkis to amaze and entertain us.

This movie is simply mesmerizing. The special effects are some of the best I have ever seen in a superhero movie. The sheer scale of Wakanda is impressive and all the action scenes and fight scenes are choreographed to perfection. They manage to avoid a lot of the clichés typical to the genre here and overall, the movie is fresh, fresh and powerful. It might not be as funny as the usual films we get from Marvel, but it is right up there with the best of the franchise in terms of sheer quality.

The world created here by Ryan Coogler is breathtaking. African culture is complex and this movie manages to present it without forcing anything. You will discover traditions here, you will discover a way of life that can only make you want to know more. Wakanda is an amazing place, full of color and life and I really hope we will get the chance to see it again in many more future Marvel movies. Oh, and I have to talk about the music, which is weird and funky and perfectly complements the essence of the movie!

Why doesn’t it get a 10 out of 10 you might ask then, if I am praising it so much? Well there are two reasons. First, at the beginning of the film some of the scenes are way too dark and it ruined the first 20 minutes for me. And second and more importantly, towards the end, the films gets a little bit too political for my taste. I mean yes, I get the parallels between the movie and real life, I get the social justice commentary, I really get those, but while in the first part of the film they are done in a decent way and without being intrusive, towards the end they get a little bit over the top and start getting very preachy for my taste…

In conclusion, Black Panther is a definite must see. You have to see this movie no matter if you like superhero films in general or not. You will be amazed by the sheer power it emanates, you will love the actors, the music, everything here simply clicks and offers what is already one of the best movies of 2018. The box office results back this up and while Infinity War will for sure beat it, these proves that Marvel should never be afraid to try out new things. At this point, I think all of us have agreed that they can do no wrong… Wakanda Forever!

Just Getting Started – 2017

Score: 4/10

Meh. This movie was simply that, meh. It could have been so much better, it had the cast for it, but unfortunately, the story was just beyond bland. It does not manage to get you invested at all and you will forget this one immediately after watching it. I am forcing myself to remember bits of it for this review and I just finished watching it a couple of hours ago, so there… Oh, and if you want to see the most weird audio of all time, you can’t go wrong with Just Getting Started. Seriously, Morgan Freeman sounds like an alien :)))

The story is the worst part of the movie, by far. It is filled with one cliché after another and it actually manages to hurt the movie, both from an action point of view and an acting one. I got the distinct sensation that the actors were held back by the script, they were given material that was impossible to work with. It is really a shame because I would have expected more from the story and there were a lot of possibilities there to truly make it interesting. Alas, that was not to be and we have here just another generic action comedy.

The characters are bland, and that is amazing considering the names involved. There are a lot of great actors here, legends of Hollywood, and despite of this, the movie just doesn’t click. You are bored, you are never invested in what happens on screen and everything just seems forced and artificial. It is a real shame and I don’t get how big names like Morgan Freeman, Tommy Lee Jones, Rene Russo, Glenne Headly, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Elizabeth Ashley, Kristen Rakes, Joe Pantoliano, Graham Beckel, Mel Raido, George Wallace, Nick Peine and Jane Seymour ended up offering such lacunar performances.

The wasted potential is the most infuriating thing about this movie. It could have been so much better, it could have been a comedy to remember, a staple, but instead, it is just more of the same. The jokes are older than the cast and they do not manage to hit home on more than a few weird occasions. The charisma of the big names manages to make it tolerable, but still, this is not one that you will ever want to see again.

Don’t believe the critics, this movie is not the worst in the world, they love to exaggerate. I can honestly say that I was bored, but at the same time, I was not angry towards the film. It doesn’t manage to offer too much, but at least it doesn’t pretend to do that. From start to finish everybody seems so relaxed and everybody seems to understand that there is not much here for the viewers. Now, if you are looking for that sort of film, this one deserves a shot. If you don’t expect much and you just want to watch the screen and see people doing shit, this is the perfect movie for exactly that…

In conclusion, Just Getting Started is just another bad popcorn movie that will not move you at all. But, if you have 91 minutes to waste, then go for it, it can’t be that bad. It is a comedy and it does have some strange moments of levity. There are unfortunately too few to save the movie overall, but as a bland and flavorless cracker in between two films that you actually want to see, this one can work. Oh, and please, Hollywood, don’t listen to the title of this movie and never make another one like this… Please…

Amityville: The Awakening – 2017

Score: 3/10

Amityville: The Awakening is a horror movie. And that says it all I think, because this one has almost all the clichés that drag this genre down. It’s too dark, filled with attempts at cheap scares and, most damaging, one of the worst acting performances I have seen in a while. This is not a movie that deserves your time and you should just skip through it or watch the first 5 minutes. That will tell you everything you need to know…

The story is nothing to speak about. This feels exactly as what it is, the 10th movie into a franchise that has worn out its welcome ages ago. Nothing happens, there is just a string of clichés, one right after another. You are never surprised, you are never wondering about the plot, everything is streamlined from start to finish and you can guess the ending after 5 minutes. This makes it boring and predictable…

The characters are bland, stupid, not developed at all and not realistic. You don’t feel for them, you don’t care about what happens to them, overall the movie fails big time when it comes to creating any sort of tension and interest. It is boring and the actors are not credible on screen. And I seriously don’t get it, because Bella Thorne, Cameron Monaghan, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Mckenna Grace, Thomas Mann, Taylor Spreitler, Jennifer Morrison and Kurtwood Smith are actually not that unknown. So all in all, on the acting front, a shameful display!

We are analyzing a horror here so of course there are jump scares in the movie. Amazingly, the movie shows a little bit of restraint and they did not become too bothersome. And, to my surprise, one or two actually made me jump a little from my seat, which is always interesting. Especially the mirror one made me really think that I am in a true horror movie, so kudos for that. It’s a shame that these were not enough to save this movie overall, because all the other clichés end up drowning up the small good parts that you can find here.

I think I would have given this movie a higher rating if only I would have been able to actually see it. Everything is very dark and yes, I know, it is a horror, but a horror doesn’t have to be necessarily dark as fuck. I want to at least see and understand what is happening and there are a lot of scenes here, especially towards the end, in which I just gave up. Seriously directors of horror movies, if you don’t have the decency to make your movies watchable so that we actually see what is happening, I will not bother to change the settings to my monitor and make them absurdly bright just so I can see your shit…

In conclusion, if you are a huge fan of horror and you have seen a lot of movies from the genre, you could also see Amityville: The Awakening. It is full of clichés, it is dark and muddy, but it does have an interesting musical score and it does manage to pull off a couple of decent scares. And, that’s about it. If you don’t like the genre skip this because you will find absolutely no enjoyment here and you will only waste your time. I truly believe that this franchise is on its last legs and something needs to change drastically if they want to keep going with it. Until then, I am looking at my clock and it’s 3:15 AM so I guess it’s time to go make myself a cup of tea… 😛

Fifty Shades Freed – 2018

Score: 8/10

Wow, simply wow! They listened, they actually listened. I can’t believe I am saying it, but Fifty Shades Freed is actually an enjoyable movie. Compared to the previous two instalments in the franchise, the difference is night and day. I actually liked this one a lot and, to my surprise, I connected with it, I related to the characters, I was invested until the end. I am still amazed because I expected to hate it, but what can I say, this is what happens when directors actually listen and take criticism seriously and improve. Kudos to you James Foley, kudos to you Sir!

The story is better here than in the first 2 films, because they actually tried to incorporate a conflict and some action. They failed in some parts but overall, the movie managed to keep me interested and it managed to actually make me care a little bit about the outcome. It is a huge step forward and I wonder how the first two installments would have been if they also had something like this. And yes, there are clichés here, there are stupid and ridiculous things, but nevertheless, this is a big improvement over the bland and boring plotlines of the first two movies.

The characters are the ones we are used too but, here, we get a little bit of development. The relationship between Christian and Anastasia grows and changes and it is actually done in a very believable and realistic way. It makes them more enjoyable and you can actually relate too many of the things that they do and to the way in which they interact. Overall, an interesting performance from Dakota Johnson, Jamie Dornan, Eric Johnson, Eloise Mumford, Rita Ora, Luke Grimes, Victor Rasuk, Max Martini, Jennifer Ehle, Kim Basinger, Marcia Gay Harden, Bruce Altman and Arielle Kebbel.

Finally they got the BDSM elements right, finally! I mean it took them 3 movies to do it which is a shame, but here, in the final chapter, they did it right. I almost fainted when I heard the phrase “safe word” in a 50 Shades movie. And they actually showed it correctly, I mean again, wow! From a BDSM point of view, everything clicks here, everything is portrayed correctly, right down to the end when she decides that she wants to play. It is realistic and adorable and a breath of fresh air after the butchering of these concepts in the first two installments…

As an ending to the series, this one manages to be exactly right. It offers enough romance and enough sex scenes to satisfy its audiences. The only thing that I missed here was a little bit more work on the action elements, because while they tried valiantly to spice things up with car chases and stuff like that, the entire arc felt a little bit rushed and artificially created. I get that it was a huge change from the tone of the first two movies and they couldn’t go overboard with it, but I still wanted and expected more, especially after the trailer.

In conclusion, if you have avoided the 50 Shades series until now, this one gives you a reason to watch it. Although I have to say it might not be enough, because while Fifty Shades Freed is good and enjoyable, the first two chapters are so bad that I just shiver at the thought of watching them again. So I don’t know what to say about the series as a whole, I sincerely don’t know. But coming back to this one, this is a movie that you should definitely see… Maybe because Dakota Johnson is so fucking hot or maybe because they finally show you some actual BDSM play or maybe, just maybe, to laugh about how Christian Grey has the worst fucking security team in the entire world… I mean seriously, how bad where those guys… They should be the ones receiving punishments, am I right? 😀

The Snowman – 2017

Score: 5/10

The Snowman is not a bad movie by any means, but it is also not a good one. It is far too long, convoluted, and while it does manage to offer a decent amount of scares and tension, the mind-blowingly complicated plot ends up taking most of the fun away. If you like crime thriller films and you have nothing better to see, give it a shot, but only if you don’t have a better option. If you do, just forget about this one…

The story is the worst thing about this movie, by far. It tries to be deep, it tries to be interesting, it tries to surprise you, but it fails horribly at all of those things. It is boring, it is convoluted, it makes no sense in a lot of parts. It is one of the worst adaptations of a book to a movie I have ever seen from the story point and the movie never manages to recover from this, despite having strong acting and nice visuals. Speaking of the visuals, you will truly enjoy them, but at the same time, seriously, people who sleep outside in the snow without proper clothes end up dead… Seriously, I kid you not movie!

The characters are good, interesting and it is the only common point the movie and the book have. The actors gel well together and they manage to offer credible and engaging performances. And while you are not going to relate to many of the things that happen in the movie, the cast completes the story and I can honestly say that performances from Michael Fassbender, Rebecca Ferguson, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Val Kilmer, J. K. Simmons, Toby Jones, David Dencik, Ronan Vibert, Chloë Sevigny and James D’Arcy are definitely a strong point of this film that lacks in so many other aspects.

It happens very rare for me to watch a movie and be truly lost, but this one managed to confuse me to hell. It is convoluted, it tries to surprise you but ends up only making everything much more complicated than it needs to be. It is a real letdown because the book is not like this and because it could have been done much better. This is one of the main reason it had such a mediocre performance at the box office, because movies like this don’t work anymore, not in this day and age and not with modern audiences.

This is supposed to be an adaptation of a book, but it falls way way short of that. There are almost no elements from the book present here, everything is changed and everything is made much more complicated and confusing. Beside the names, there is almost nothing here that reminds you of the book and if you read it like I have, you will be scratching your head all throughout. It is truly a shame and it is one of the most infuriating aspects of this movie. A shame, because if it followed the story in the book, it would have been definitely much much better.

In conclusion, The Snowman is a movie worth seeing, but do not expect too much and, most important, if you read the book, don’t come here looking for that story. It is a completely different story. In fact, the only things from the book are the names and the overall concept, which is a damn shame, since the book is truly worth it. Nevertheless, you can watch it, because the actors to a nice job and the musical score is above par. Still, you ruined snowmen for me movie, so shame on you… Shaaaame…!

1922 – 2017

Score: 7/10

1922 is not your average horror movie, so don’t expect jump scares or monsters. No, this is a Stephen King movie and that means the scares will be psychological. It is brutal, it is unforgiving and it will impress you for sure. Netflix gave us something nice here and I can honestly say I wasn’t expecting it to be such an entertainment. But fortunately I was wrong and this one is definitely worth your time. It is not a 10 out of 10 since it does move kind of slow in parts and it could have had more in the plot department, but still, a worthy film that does justice to the amazing source material.

The story is simple, yet it manages to fascinate and scare you at the same time. It is a typical Stephen King novel, focused on the drama that arises inside a family and extrapolating those themes into the realm of the supernatural. You don’t get a lot of scary imagery here, but the little things that come up from time to time, along with the very creepy musical score, are enough to make this feel like a true horror.

The characters are amazing. Well created, historic to the core, they make you really think that you are there in that year. The society was so different back then and the movie manages to present that very well. The cast comes together, they interact very nicely with one another and you can see that the script helps a lot in that regard. Still, amazing performances from Thomas Jane, Dylan Schmid, Molly Parker, Neal McDonough, Kaitlyn Bernard, Brian d’Arcy James and Bob Frazer, and we will for sure hear about them more in the future.

Stephen King has a certain appeal that you simply can’t deny, and that appeal is present here as well. I don’t know how to explain it, but every single movie made after his books has a sense of terror that you just can’t shake. Even if you don’t see anything, even if there are no monsters popping on screen, tension rises and you are always waiting for something to happen. It is amazing that here the image of a rat is far more scary than full on evil demons in other movies and this is why Stephen King is the absolute master of horror. You should just watch this movie and enjoy another scary story from the king.

This one has a lot of psychology in the background, and it is a big plus. You get to understand the motivations for murder, you get to witness the degradation of an entire family. Everything seems fine in the beginning and then you are witness to how things unfold. A decision turns into a murder and then the snowball goes downhill and gets bigger and bigger until it devours every single aspect of their lives. You discover different motivations and you actually identify with some of them, which actually makes the entire experience even scarier.

In conclusion, 1922 is definitely a movie worth seeing. Do not expect jump scares and the usual tropes of the genre or you will be disappointed. This is a movie about human nature and about what we are capable of when we really want something. It is scary, chilling to the bone and, in true Stephen King fashion, it will make you think about things and about your own life. It is brutal, it has strong imagery and everything seems to happen so naturally. You will be truly shocked about the depths of human nature and you will not forget it very soon. Oh, and if you are afraid of rats, seriously, I am very sorry for you 😛

Battle of the Sexes – 2017

Score: 9/10

Finally a good movie, finally! Battle of the Sexes is a truly refreshing film that manages to tackle some very deep and divisive themes without appearing to have an agenda. It is funny, it is well acted, it is well shot, it has everything it needs in order to appeal to people on both sides of the political spectrum. You can’t go wrong with this one and you are guaranteed to have a great and illuminating experience. This is the only way to talk about sexism, feminism and all the liberal concepts. Learn from this, learn how to do it right Hollywood!

The story is based on real events and although it might seem amazing at certain points, that is what actually happened. It is truly refreshing to see that this movie chose to present events as they were, without shying away from the racism and sexism that were the norm in that period. I love it when a historical movie does this, and doesn’t try to sugar coat anything. You get it all here, both sides of the debate, but both of them are historically accurate. The discussion about equality and about women rights and so on is done on the arguments of the 70’s, not on today’s arguments, and that makes the movie engaging and amazing to see.

The characters are great, brilliantly created and very relatable. You understand the motivations on both sides and you can feel the history oozing through their every pore. The cast is well chosen and they come together and click very well. There are big names here and you can feel that they were all very involved in the production and they also feel very strongly about the themes that are tackled here. A great effort and I have to give praise to Emma Stone, Steve Carell, Andrea Riseborough, Sarah Silverman, Bill Pullman, Alan Cumming, Elisabeth Shue, Austin Stowell, Natalie Morales, Eric Christian Olsen, Lewis Pullman, Jessica McNamee and James Mackay for their amazing performances.

This one is so refreshing, seriously, I know I’ve said already many times, but we get so few movies like this in today’s world. Nothing is forced down your throat, there is no virtue signaling here. It is just life, history, events unfolding. They don’t try to change what happened and, amazingly, both sides are presented as equal. Yes, the movie does finish on a very liberal tone, but that is only because that is what actually happened. The movie is racist, it is sexist and it is feminist all at the same time, and I can honestly say that was a very pleasant surprise for me.

This is how you do a movie about feminism, this is how you get your message across without it annoying people to death. I am usually very tired of feminism and social justice warriors and snowflakes and liberals, and I was expecting this movie to really piss me off. But it didn’t, I actually resonated with some of the messages here and I could identify with the main characters. It has LBTQ awareness, it has gender pay gap, it has all the hot topics coming together, but still, it manages to be funny and interesting. This is how you talk about these issues Hollywood, this is how you get your message across! Please, more movies like this!

In conclusion, Battle of the Sexes is an amazing movie and you should definitely see it. It doesn’t matter if you are a feminist or if you hate feminism with all your being, you will still enjoy this movie, you will enjoy it a lot. It is funny, fresh, historically accurate and, most importantly, it is interesting. You will not feel its 121 minutes because it is paced very well. The action flows, the story unfolds in a very natural way. You will relate to this movie whatever your beliefs are. A great one and one that you can’t afford to miss. And thank God she won right, I mean who doesn’t like to see girls in short dresses running around after balls…? :)))