Top 10 Drama Movies of 2018


10. Roma

Aflonso Cuaron is a legendary director and with Roma, he offers us another example of his genius. It is truly a masterpiece and one that you will enjoy from start to finish… Brilliant movie!


9. 12 Strong

12 Strong is a typical war movie about how great and amazing the US troops are. And since they actually are, I can honestly say that I enjoy these types of movies very much. This one is typical in a lot of ways and doesn’t manage to have that wow factor, but still, as an overall experience, I can say it is enjoyable. Not great but not bad and definitely a must see for any fan of military warfare. Also, those guns man, those guns look amazing… I really feel the need for some PUBG right now if you know what I mean.


8. Bird Box

The idea behind this movie is novel, interesting and it really managed to captivate audiences all around the world. It would be higher on the list but unfortunately, the outcome of the challenge craze that followed it can’t be ignored…


7. Mary Queen of Scots

Who doesn’t like history… This period has been done over and over and yet I discovered that there is still a lot left to enjoy and to appreciate… A great movie and one that does justice to the period it’s exploring.


6. First Man

I know, I know, Ryan Gosling as Neil Armstrong sounds a little bit far fetched… And yet the movie works, it grips you, it makes you want them to succeed, it makes you get involved… And that is the most important thing when it comes to a good drama. 


5. A Star is Born

Great movie, amazing performances by the actors and one that will surely stand the test of time. The romance is powerful, the story flows and my God Lady Gaga is so cute when she is not dressed up as a lunatic :))))


4. Love, Simon

Wow! I didn’t expect this movie to be so nice, so full of joy, full of life and enjoyable. Love, Simon is a beautiful teen comedy-drama that manages to make you care about what happens without transforming into a pedantic exercise in politics. It is one of the few movies that have tackled issues like this without transforming into a liberal pool of stupidity, and this is why I highly enjoyed it and I am recommending it to everybody. It is simple, it is direct, it is funny to the core and it never goes over the top. If you want to relax with a romantic comedy, than this is the perfect choice.


3. Bohemian Rhapsody

We have all listened the great songs, we have all felt the emotion. Now we get to see the story behind the songs and trust me, it is truly a story worth seeing. This is by far a must see and one of the best movies of the year.


2. Red Sparrow

Wow, now this is what I call a spy movie! It is simply amazing, brutal, energizing, it offers you the distinct feeling of claustrophobia and the uneasiness that this genre was once famous for. Red Sparrow is a journey into a world of secrets, a world of violence, a world devoid of emotions, a world that you will never be able to fully comprehend. Backed up by amazing acting, especially from its lead, this is one of the best movies of the year so far and you should definitely watch it, especially given the current political context. Not as reality, but as a perfectly paced story that takes place in a universe that exists, no matter how much we wished it hadn’t!


1. Padmaavat

Padmaavat is a must see. It is one of the biggest surprises of 2018 for me and it will definitely resist the test of time, in the same manner that the story it’s telling did. You will be amazed, you will be fascinated and you will want to see it again almost immediately to discover things that you missed. It is historic, it is about love turning into war and about a clash between good and evil, a clash of principles and honor. Padmaavat is exactly what an epic period drama should be!

Top 10 Blockbuster-Action Movies of 2018


10. Solo: A Star Wars Story

You have to see it, it’s Star Wars, and that’s why it has to be on this list. But I truly believe that in order to have any chance of enjoying it, you have to try and think about it as a standalone movie. Just don’t think of it as being part of the universe you have grown to love and maybe, just maybe you will be able to sort of enjoy it. It lacks the big focus of the previous installments, it lacks any sort of magnitude. Sure, there are some decent action scenes, it can be interesting, but I was expecting so much more from it, especially considering its huge budget.

tomb raider

9. Tomb Raider

Overall, the movie had some nice moments, especially in the first part. The bike scene kept me glued to my seat and the way Lara smiled while riding was amazing. It has beautiful moments and it comes together well. You really start to get invested into her story and you care about what happens to her, which is much more than I ever felt towards the previous installations. It’s not that I don’t like Angelina Jolie, but I don’t know why, Alicia Vikander seems to be perfect for this role, she truly encompasses everything that I think Lara Croft should be.


8. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is exactly what it is supposed to be. It’s big, it’s loud, it’s funny, it has you on the edge of your seat! It’s the perfect example of what a summer blockbuster should be and it manages to tick almost all the boxes needed to be a huge success. The box office results speak for that and you have to see this movie, you just have to see it.


7. Deadpool 2

Deadpool 2 is definitely a must watch. You will laugh, you will care about everything that happens and you will want more in the end. A lot more. Because this is the only problem with the Deadpool franchise, that we don’t have more of it.


6. Skyscraper

Ah, I missed movies like this, I really did… An action movie that seems to come straight out of the 90’s, with a very likeable lead and over the top action. This is how you can sum up Skyscraper. And although it does have flaws, it works, it makes you giggle with anticipation and it leaves you with a nice taste in your mouth. It’s not the best movie of 2018, not by any chance, but it is enjoyable and exactly what it should be. I want to see more movies like this, movies that don’t take themselves too seriously… I missed these types of movies so much…


5. Pacific Rim Uprising

Pacific Rim Uprising is definitely a movie worth your time. You will have fun, you will be amazed by the visuals and you will actually get invested into the story, not a lot, but enough for my taste. It’s done well, it has a decent cast and it manages to bring something new to the franchise. It has a big sequel potential and I can’t wait to see how they will bring the battle to them…


4. Rampage

It’s official! Dwayne Johnson is THE star of the moment. Everything that he does works and a movie that stars him is definitely going to be a huge box office hit! Rampage is no different, and I can honestly say it was one of the best monster films I have seen in the last years. It’s great from start to finish and it doesn’t take itself too seriously, which makes is refreshing and relaxing. It is a popcorn movie yes, but it is done very well and it manages to engage you and too keep you interested for all of its duration. You can’t go wrong with this one and I highly recommend it to everyone.


3. Black Panther

Marvel can do no wrong! Its official now, and I can’t tell it loud enough. Black Panther is so different from anything that I have ever seen before from Marvel, and yet it manages to be at the same high level we are used to. You have to watch this movie, you just have to watch it, and trust me, you will not regret it. The story is powerful, the visuals are amazing, everything clicks, you are invested in the characters and overall, even if like me you had reservations going in, you can’t come out of this one without a huge smile on your face.


2. Ready Player One

Ready Player One is an amazing movie about a future that can actually happen. It has good acting, amazing action scenes, great visuals and enough Meta references to satisfy even the biggest fan boys. It is a gamer’s dream and it has enough humor and flashy lights to not disappoint non gamers. A great effort from a great director and one that will definitely stand the test of time.


1. Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers: Infinity War is THE MOVIE. For superhero fans, for movie fans, for anybody. If you live on this planet, you have to watch this film. And if you want the experience to be complete, before you watch this, take all the movies that have previously appeared in the MCU and watch them. You will understand everything that is going on and you will be amazed at the details and hidden meanings that fill up this universe. This one will remain in history as one of the best, if not the best, superhero movies of all time.

Top 10 Comedy Movies of 2018


10. Eight Grade

Eight Grade is sweet, funny and it teaches is some very important lessons about life and about ourselves. It is perhaps not the laugh out loud extravaganza that some of the other entries are, but it still deserves a shot.


9. Isle of Dogs

Isle of Dogs is an amazing movie, a different type of animation than you are used to. But nevertheless, it works, it works almost perfectly. You will fall in love with this film very fast and you will enjoy every second of it. It’s funky, it’s weird, but in a good way. Wes Anderson does it again and I can honestly say that his name has become in my mind a guarantee for a movie.


8. Game Night

Game Night is a perfect choice for a slow evening in which you have nothing better to do. It is not great and it will not leave you pondering about deep themes, but it is a decent example of what a popcorn movie can bring to the table. The actors have chemistry, especially the leads, and overall, the idea is interesting and engaging.


7. Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2

The first movie in this franchise was a huge success and this second one manages to hold up to that standard. It is funny, provocative and in the end, you just simply can’t go wrong with good old Ralph… A definite must watch from 2018.


6. Peter Rabbit

Peter Rabbit is a nice and refreshing comedy and a definite must see of 2018. You will laugh, you will smile and you will discover something different from what we are used to, from multiple viewpoints. This one managed to surprise me and it just gave me an overall good feeling. I highly recommend this movie, especially to people with children, because it is one of those animated stories that have something for the adults as well.


5. Crazy Rich Asians

The name alone should make you want to see this one, but if that isn’t enough, you will be treated to a funny and engaging story that is a little bit different to what we are all used too… Reasons enough for me…


4. Paddington 2

Paddington 2 is an amazing movie, perfect for you to see with your family, especially if you have children. It is positive from start to finish, it is full of joy and it will make you smile and laugh many times. The action flows nicely and you can identify with every single character. The little bear that loves marmalade has been a staple of British culture for many years and this series of films does it justice. A great and relaxing movie and one that you should not miss…


3. The Death of Stalin

The Death of Stalin is funny, truly and epically funny. If you like politics and you like satire, this one is a must see. You will not regret watching this and you will discover that even the worse events in humanity’s history can be told in a funny and relaxed way.



2. Deadpool 2

I know, I know, this isn’t a comedy movie per se… But come on, I mean, it’s Deadpool… I mean it was exactly what I expected and more. It was one of those very few movies about which I expect a 10 out of 10 even before seeing them. And it did not disappoint. If you liked the first one, you will love this, because it is just more of the same and actually more over the top.


1. Blockers

Blockers is hands down one of the best comedies of the year and it will definitely make you laugh all the way to the end. It is a great movie, it is light and it manages to be realistic and to portrait every single of its characters as it should. The film doesn’t try to be more than it is and this makes the experience relaxing for the viewers. I had fun and I never had the impression that this one tried to be more than just a comedy. In the context of today’s world, in which movies are more and more interested in making statements, seeing a comedy interested only in making people laugh is a welcomed breath of fresh air!

Top 10 Horror Movies of 2018


10. The Nun

The Nun is worth seeing if you are a fan of this franchise or if you really like horror movies. In fact, regardless of the reasons, you should check this one out, because it was a big box office success and that means there are elements here that people all over the world appreciated.


9. The Cloverfield Paradox

The Cloverfield Paradox is worth a watch, but don’t try too hard to fit it into the context of the franchise. That will just leave you confused and it will end up actually annoying you in the end. Watch it as a standalone movie and it can actually be fun, gripping in parts and engaging.


8. Insidious: The Last Key

You should only see Insidious: The Last Key if you are a big fan of horror movies or if you have followed this series. It can offer huge fans of the franchise some backstory, some context, even a satisfying resolution.


7. Unsane

Unsane is weird, and if you are in the right mood for it, it can be one of the most interesting experiences of 2018. Definitely a must see if you are a fan of the horror genre…


6. Halloween

This franchise keeps going and I can honestly say it is a well done reboot. If not for anything else, watch it for the iconic theme song… That never gets old…


5. The First Purge

As usual with this franchise, while it’s not the most amazing movie out there, it has a certain appeal and it makes you think about things and question what you would do in a situation like that. Definitely worth it!


4. Truth of Dare

Truth or Dare is definitely a movie worth seeing. Especially if you are a horror fan, you should not miss this. It might not be as scary as other films, but it has a certain atmosphere that will leave you shivering when you really think about things. So see it and enjoy one of the most fun games in the world.


3. Annihilation

Annihilation is truly a weird one. It’s weird because of its subject and the visual style and everything that happens on screen and it’s also weird because it ended up losing money and being rejected by audiences despite high praises from critics. Personally, I found it to be an interesting one, powerful, engaging in parts and different from what I usually watch.


2. Hereditary

Many people called this one as the best Horror movie of 2018. I liked it, it’s right up there, but for me, the winner was clear. Nevertheless, this is truly a masterpiece and you should not skip it.


1. A Quiet Place

A Quiet Place is definitely worth seeing. It is the “Get Out” of 2018, a horror movie that manages to break all the patterns and impress everybody, critics and audiences alike. I am very pleased that this one did so amazingly well at the box office and I hope that this will teach Hollywood that yes, horror movies still work as long as the idea behind them is amazing and as long as they are done well. A great movie, one that we will all remember for a long time and one that will truly and utterly leave you… you guessed it, speechless…

Top 10 Animated Movies of 2018

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10. Peter Rabbit

Peter Rabbit is a very nice movie, a refreshing take on the genre and definitely one that has left children around the world laughing out loud.


9. Sherlock Gnomes

In conclusion, Sherlock Gnomes is worth watching only if you want an over the top computer animated movie that will make you laugh from time to time. This being here speaks as to how few little amazing animations we got in 2018.

8. teen titans

8. Teen Titans Go! To the Movies

Teen Titans Go! To the Movies is one that will make you laugh from start to finish and definitely one of the nicest surprises in 2018 when it comes to animation.

7. hotel transylvania 3

7. Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation

Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation is exactly as advertised, an animated comedy they you will not remember, but that will manage to entertain you over its 97 minutes. Don’t expect it to leave you mind blown, but do expect to laugh and have a great time.

6. the grinch

6. The Grinch

I am not usually a big fan of reboots as I find them pointless, but this movie does it’s job, it entertains and it appeals to its core audiences. This is why I have to recommend you go watch it now!

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5. Batman Ninja

Batman Ninja is definitely worth it, it’s an amazing animation that makes you remember fondly one of the favorite characters in history. Batman fits almost perfectly into that environment and this one is a rollercoaster from start to finish.

4. isle_of_dogs

4. Isle of Dogs

Isle of Dogs is an amazing movie, a different type of animation than you are used to. But nevertheless, it works, it works almost perfectly. You will fall in love with this film very fast and you will enjoy every second of it.

3. spider man

3. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

I doubt this one needs any introduction or reasoning. It’s Spider-Man, it works, it’s querky, funky, it has every single element in order for it to be a huge hit and to entertain audiences. The only thing you can say about this is why isn’t it number one…

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2. Incredibles 2

We have waited for so long for this movie, and while it might not be as amazing as the most biggest fans of the franchise expected, it is still a thrill from the first to the last second and overall an amazing experience.

1. ralph breaks the internet

1. Ralph Breaks the Internet

Maybe not all people agree with this being number 1, but I have to say that out of all movies on this list, this one made me laugh the most. And in the end, it’s Ralph… I mean come on, how can you not love Ralph…? The best animated movie of 2018 hands down!