Avengers: Endgame – 2019

Score: 10/10

Marvel Scale Score: 10/10*

*Since it seems that really Marvel can do no wrong, I have decided to implement a special scoring scale just for Marvel Movies. So while the first score is the absolute one compared to any other movies outside Marvel, the second one is strictly comparing this one to other Marvel Movies.

 We have come to it at least, the great movie of our times! Avengers: Endgame is by far the best movie that Marvel has ever made to date, edging a little bit in front of its predecessor, Avengers: Infinity War. It is an epic movie from start to end and you will go through a rollercoaster of emotions that you rarely get to experience in a movie theater. I can definitely say already that this will be the best movie of 2019 and it is one that you can’t afford to miss. It doesn’t matter if you like the genre or not, this one is a MUST SEE for everybody on the face of this planet…

The story is interesting. Everybody was anticipating it and yet we were all taken by surprise, at least in parts. Some characters die, some characters retire, but everything is done in a decent way, a way that does them justice. There is nothing here that will leave fans angry, everything is handled with grace and there is simply no fault in the story. Everything makes sense, everything clicks and you just want to see this one over and over again…

The characters are the ones we know already, the ones we love so there is nothing more I need to add here. Marvel is and always has been the king of casting, every actor seems born for the role and they prove it once again here. Absolutely stellar performances from every single member of the cast and since they are so many, I will skip the usual listing of their names. I mean it’s impossible to list them all without basically writing another page and none of them deserve to be left out… Brilliant, absolutely brilliant acting!

The road here was long, and if you want to really enjoy the movie to the maximum level, you will have to go back and watch every other single film released in the MCU. But trust me, it’s worth it, the saga is amazing from start to finish. This was the 22nd movie in the universe and it manages to capture the essence of all the others and distill it in 3 hour marathon that leaves you satisfied and wanting more at the same time. Truly a showcase of how to build a universe from the ground up with patience and attention to detail.

The special effects, the music, the dramatic moments, everything comes together so good here, it’s just mesmerizing to see every single element completing the others and offering us something epic. Epic is the perfect word to describe this film, as it has so much emotion and so much panache and basically it moves you regardless if you are a fan or not. There is so much to learn here, so much to think about and even though it is only fantasy, it says so much about us as a race and about the things that are so important for us.

Since this is the review, I do have to mention some tiny flaws, that even though are not enough to affect the score in any way, still managed to annoy me a tiny bit. Firstly, the beginning of the movie is long and boring, it starts with a lot of drama and not much action and it got a bit stale at points. I was waiting for it to start already and thank God it made up for it when it finally fired on all cylinders. The other thing I have a problem with is the all women come together in the battle scene. I mean yes, it was done well, yes, it was fun, but seriously Marvel, did we really need that scene there? To what? Show us that women save the day? It took me completely out of the movie because it feels so forced… I’m sure glad that all the female characters managed to come together in that exact same spot in the middle of a hectic fight just for the movie to showcase a feminist moment, so glad I tell you… :)))))

In conclusion, there is simply nothing to take away from the perfect score this movie gets. Whether you like superheroes or not, what Marvel has managed to accomplish over 22 films is epic and never before seen. It is truly the best superhero movie ever made and I will not be surprised if in a couple of weeks it will become the highest grossing film of all times, I will not be surprised at all… Marvel deserves it fully and I can’t wait to see where they go from here and what new roads filled with amazing experiences they have in store for us. Thank you Marvel for offering us Avengers: Endgame, it is the only thing appropriate to say… Thank you!

Hereditary – 2018

Score: 9/10

Finally, I mean finally I get to see a horror movie the way horror movies are supposed to be. Hereditary is an amazing movie from start to finish and one that truly makes you shiver at every turn. It is one of the best horror movies I have ever seen and it is a must see, regardless if you are a fan of the genre or not. It is simply masterful and you will bask in awe at the beautiful pacing, the amazing music, the acting… Everything clicks here, everything falls into place and I can honestly say that this is one of the best movies of 2018 regardless of genre. It is simply a treat from start to finish!

The story is great, it is interesting, novel, you don’t know what is going to happen next. It is actually the scariest part of the movie, and that in itself is something special and something that we are not used to seeing in horror movies of late. The story scares you, imagining yourself in that universe makes you shiver, and that makes it great. Yes, it’s a little bit slow paced at the start and it has for me a subpar ending that leaves many questions unanswered, but overall, it’s really done well.

The characters are amazing, each one has its own quarks and particularities, the acting is on point and they just give up a creepy vibe, which for a horror movie is a blessing. You just know that something is off with all of them, you can just feel the terror of what’s going to happen slowly creep into you because of the way the actors perform. Speaking of actors, brilliant performances here from: Toni Collette, Gabriel Byrne, Alex Wolff, Milly Shapiro, Ann Dowd and Mallory Bechtel.

Finally I get to see a horror movie that is god damn scary without having jump scares. Not a single jump scare in the entire movie was like a dream to me. I hate jump scares, I abhor them and this film was proof that you can create tension and horror and dread without something flashy jumping out from the screen at you. All the tension is pure, it is built up very well and you are actually getting scared by the story and by realizing what is happening on screen as opposed to jumping out of your seat because of some loud noise.

There is one little thing that prevented me from giving this movie a 10 out of 10. The problem for me is that it kind of takes a while to get going. I mean don’t get me wrong, it is full of tension and you can feel that something horrible is about to happen and all the little things and the music and everything contributes to the movie giving you a certain state of mind, but at one point I just wanted for something to start happening already so that we can really get going. It did and it was awesome, but the road there seemed a little bit longer than it had to be for me…

In conclusion, Hereditary is a brilliant movie that will leave you in awe. Scared and horrified yes, but in awe of the power that it has to induce you those feelings, especially towards the ending. Everything is done right here, you feel the actual horror in your stomach, it makes you edgy, it makes you question things and your own reality. It is really one of the best horror films ever made and it will go down in history as such. I know audiences maybe didn’t fully appreciate it, and I can respect that, but trust me, this one is a definite must see. And seriously, invoking the spirits of the dead is not good, say no to spirits! :)))

The Hateful Eight – 2015

Score: 8/10

I can’t say I am a big fan of Quentin Tarantino. I have never been and I most certainly have a lot of problems with many of his movies. So I have to say that I went into this a little bit biased. But The Hateful Eight managed to change my mind and I ended up loving it. It is harder to see than most films, but if you manage to get to the end and think about it afterwards, you will discover that the experience was totally worth it. I would see it again and that alone says a lot about the inner quality of it.

The story is a little bit convoluted, but you can expect that already from a Tarantino movie. Nevertheless, it is interesting, it has twists and it manages to keep you alert. This is a great movie for someone who likes to talk and most importantly for someone who likes to discover people through the small things they say and the idiosyncrasies they display. The dialogue is carefully constructed and there are almost no continuity errors here. A great story, and a unique one at that, which is not easy to do!

The characters are amazing, beautifully created and highly relatable. You really feel you are in the Old West and you can’t help but root for not one, but almost all of them. It is amazing to see such a talented cast at work, and the names here will leave you speechless. It is one of the most impressive casts I have ever seen, and I have to commend performances from Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Walton Goggins, Demián Bichir, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen, Bruce Dern, James Parks, Dana Gourrier and Zoë Bell.

The overall style of the movie is typical Tarantino. A small and almost impossible to identify silver line and a lot of hidden symbols that you have to understand in order to enjoy the experience fully. And here is my problem with this movie. Because of his style, Tarantino manages to make his films feel longer than they actually are. It is the same case here, because on a first viewing, I was almost pushed to the limit. You could argue that is because the 168 minutes running time, but I really think it’s the way everything is shot, with a lot of pauses and a lot of “art”. Too much art can hurt a movie and destroy your immersion, and I really hope Tarantino will stop doing this in the future.

The music, oh my God the music. It is by far the best thing about this movie, and although I was expecting something like this from a legendary composer like Ennio Morricone, I have to admit that he actually managed to surpass every single expectation I had. He is a true legend of cinema and any movie in the world would be enhanced by his atypical and powerful scores. It is a joy from start to finish, and especially in the open credits, the cross scene will leave you breathless… Simply breathless…

In conclusion, The Hateful Eight is definitely a movie worth watching. It tries to be a classic western and it manages to be totally different from whatever you have seen before. It moves slowly but at the same time the action makes you jump from your seat in more instances than one. Overall, I would say that it is a unique experience, completed to perfection by the atmosphere that Tarantino creates, by the amazing musical score from Ennio Morricone and by the spectacular performances of a stellar cast. Oh, and the constant swearing and racism is simply adorable. Now who doesn’t love listening to over 200 hundred swear words in one single movie? 😀