Hereditary – 2018

Score: 9/10

Finally, I mean finally I get to see a horror movie the way horror movies are supposed to be. Hereditary is an amazing movie from start to finish and one that truly makes you shiver at every turn. It is one of the best horror movies I have ever seen and it is a must see, regardless if you are a fan of the genre or not. It is simply masterful and you will bask in awe at the beautiful pacing, the amazing music, the acting… Everything clicks here, everything falls into place and I can honestly say that this is one of the best movies of 2018 regardless of genre. It is simply a treat from start to finish!

The story is great, it is interesting, novel, you don’t know what is going to happen next. It is actually the scariest part of the movie, and that in itself is something special and something that we are not used to seeing in horror movies of late. The story scares you, imagining yourself in that universe makes you shiver, and that makes it great. Yes, it’s a little bit slow paced at the start and it has for me a subpar ending that leaves many questions unanswered, but overall, it’s really done well.

The characters are amazing, each one has its own quarks and particularities, the acting is on point and they just give up a creepy vibe, which for a horror movie is a blessing. You just know that something is off with all of them, you can just feel the terror of what’s going to happen slowly creep into you because of the way the actors perform. Speaking of actors, brilliant performances here from: Toni Collette, Gabriel Byrne, Alex Wolff, Milly Shapiro, Ann Dowd and Mallory Bechtel.

Finally I get to see a horror movie that is god damn scary without having jump scares. Not a single jump scare in the entire movie was like a dream to me. I hate jump scares, I abhor them and this film was proof that you can create tension and horror and dread without something flashy jumping out from the screen at you. All the tension is pure, it is built up very well and you are actually getting scared by the story and by realizing what is happening on screen as opposed to jumping out of your seat because of some loud noise.

There is one little thing that prevented me from giving this movie a 10 out of 10. The problem for me is that it kind of takes a while to get going. I mean don’t get me wrong, it is full of tension and you can feel that something horrible is about to happen and all the little things and the music and everything contributes to the movie giving you a certain state of mind, but at one point I just wanted for something to start happening already so that we can really get going. It did and it was awesome, but the road there seemed a little bit longer than it had to be for me…

In conclusion, Hereditary is a brilliant movie that will leave you in awe. Scared and horrified yes, but in awe of the power that it has to induce you those feelings, especially towards the ending. Everything is done right here, you feel the actual horror in your stomach, it makes you edgy, it makes you question things and your own reality. It is really one of the best horror films ever made and it will go down in history as such. I know audiences maybe didn’t fully appreciate it, and I can respect that, but trust me, this one is a definite must see. And seriously, invoking the spirits of the dead is not good, say no to spirits! :)))

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom – 2018

Score: 8/10

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is exactly what it is supposed to be. It’s big, it’s loud, it’s funny, it has you on the edge of your seat! It’s the perfect example of what a summer blockbuster should be and it manages to tick almost all the boxes needed to be a huge success. The box office results speak for that and you have to see this movie, you just have to see it. You will actually root for the dinosaurs towards the end (that’s a first for a Jurassic Park movie) and you will be satisfied with the progression of the characters. This one is truly a refreshing surprise for me and I can honestly say it deserved its success!

The story is interesting, especially towards the end, because for the first time we get to see the dinosaurs in the real world. The sequel, slated for 2021, will be the first Jurassic movie that will take place in the openness of the world instead of a controlled environment and I can’t wait to see what new possibilities that will open. It is a nice stepping stone on the journey to a different type of movie and it manages to be entertaining and emotional as well. Could it have been different? For sure! But for now, I am happy with what we got and I just hope that this is just the first step towards something even better!

The characters are good, developed, engaging and, most importantly, relatable. You understand their motivations and whether you agree with them or not, you are invested. This is a great achievement of the film, that it manages to make you care about every single character. An amazing job here by the cast, and I have to praise Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Rafe Spall, Justice Smith, Daniella Pineda, James Cromwell, Toby Jones, Ted Levine, B. D. Wong, Isabella Sermon, Geraldine Chaplin and Jeff Goldblum for their performances.

Now, you are probably wondering why just an 8 if it’s so great. Well, the movie is good, but the problem is that we have seen most of it before. And while that worked for the first installation of this new series, it is simply starting to become stale and boring the second time around. I get it, there is always a kid who likes dinosaurs, there is always a bigger dinosaur taken out by a smaller one… It’s always the same and I swear I felt at times that I was watching previous movies. It still worked here but it’s the last time. For the sequel, come up with something new please or the fans will simply not show up anymore… And trust me on that, we won’t…

As CGI and special effects go, this one nails it! I loved the design of the dinosaurs, the world felt real and engaging and there was an air of majestic beauty surrounding most of the scenes. I did want more outside action, as the last part of the movie felt a little bit stuffy and dark, but nevertheless, as a whole, the effects work and they are a definite improvement on previous instalments. Couple that with the witty banter from the two leads and with the amazing musical score and you get the perfect recipe for a blockbuster that has managed to fascinate audiences all around the world.

In conclusion, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is definitely a must see. I am sure it will end the year in the top 5 highest grossing movies of 2018 and that is exactly where it deserves to be. It was hugely popular and rightly so, because it brings some of the excitement of the first movies back to the big screen. If they manage to fix some of the errors and they stop repeating every theme over and over, I can honestly see this series producing at least another trilogy. And while some critics find that idea repulsing, if you are a normal and honest human being, you can’t say that you are not excited about it! So let’s see what the future holds in regards to our ancient friends and in the meantime, does anybody know of a place where I can buy a Blue of my own? 😀 Seriously, I need one, I really do… 😛

The Commuter – 2018

Score: 9/10

Liam Neeson still has it. I mean I wasn’t expecting it, seriously, but The Commuter is one hell of a movie. It’s fast paced, it has an interesting story, it is powerful, realistic and it makes you ask questions about yourself and about your life. It is one of the best action thrillers I have seen in 2018 and it is definitely one to check out. You will enjoy it from start to finish and you will be captivated towards the end, simply captivated by the intricate and complex story. It is a great example of how you can do an amazing movie without a huge budget and one that I hope will be recreated more often in the future.

The story is interesting, powerful, and it manages to surprise the audience on more than one occasion. There are clichés here yes, and some of them are very obvious, especially the end scene. But despite those, the movie works, it has an air of freshness about it and it manages to entertain you, which I think is the only duty of a film. You will be entertained watching this and that is due in a large part to the good story.

The characters are powerful, interesting and they integrate very well into the story. You get the feeling that something is off, and then you can search for the clues. I was very happy at the end to discover that I had noticed some of the most important things along the way and this movie offers you a lot in that sense, because everything is about details. Big names in the cast here, and they all do a great job, so I have to congratulate Liam Neeson, Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Jonathan Banks, Sam Neill, Elizabeth McGovern, Killian Scott, Shazad Latif, Andy Nyman, Clara Lago, Roland Møller, Florence Pugh and Dean-Charles Chapman.

The action scenes are a highlight here and I think we are starting to see a positive trend. I don’t know how to better explain it, but the action is gritty, realistic, everything happens in a normal way if I can call it that. Especially the fight scenes are this way, brutal, powerful and yet not going over the top how we were used to by action movies in the past. You get the distinct impression that real people are fighting and I can say I like it. Yes, I also like amazing action that pushes my suspension of disbelief to the limit, but I think that should be reserved to superhero and fantastic movies and not to thrillers like this. For these types of films I prefer combat I can relate to and that doesn’t make me roll my eyes in disbelief. So great job on that front movie, great job!

The one thing that prevented me from giving this a perfect score are the little absurdities in the plot. They are not big ones, and they don’t hurt the overall quality at all, but if you are picky and you are used to noticing stuff like this, they will not fly under your radar. Some of the things happen out of the blue, with no possible explanation and no logical reason. I mean seriously, I see the wedding ring on the wife’s finger at the start and then 6 hours later it’s in the train to scare Liam Neeson?! Not to mention conversations that last 5 minutes and end exactly when the train pulls into a station, a murder that is committed at the exact second needed in order for it to be witnessed and so on. They piled up and they became annoying so this is why it’s only a 9 out of 10…

In conclusion, The Commuter is definitely a must see for any fan of action. Liam Neeson still kicks ass, the rest of the cast is more than up to the task, and the story, with all its little shortcomings, will manage to fascinate you and to keep you glued to your seat. It is a very good movie done right and the time will simply fly by while watching it. Don’t miss it and remember, if somebody offers you money in order to do “a little thing”, always ask what that little thing is before accepting. I mean seriously, government conspiracies and all that shit, you never know when one happens :)))))

Batman: Gotham by Gaslight – 2018

Score: 7,5/10

DC live action movies suck, everybody knows that by now. Ok, with the exception of Wonder Woman, DC live action movies suck! On the other hand, DC animation rules! It’s amazing and they almost always manage to deliver. Batman: Gotham by Gaslight is no exception and if you are a fan of comic books and of superheroes, you will not be disappointing by watching this one. It is powerful, dark, it has interesting themes that leave you wondering about society and of course, as always, it has kick ass action from one of our most beloved superheroes. I grew up watching Batman and I enjoyed this one to the core.

The story is weird in a way, because this is part of the Elseworlds stories that takes characters and strips them away from their usual timelines. This is why, at first, you will be a little bit shocked and disturbed by the Victorian era narrative. But if you give it a chance, you will definitely discover interesting elements here and you will find out how Batman could function in a totally different world and society. It is interesting, it is novel, it is something we are definitely not used to and it works! Oh, and the plot twists and surprises are right up there and I can honestly say I was shocked by the reveal at the end. All in all, the story has all the ingredients needed to be one that stands out from the crowd.

The characters are those that we know and love. I have to say I wanted different casting choices here because I really think the voice acting could have been done better. But all in all, considering the subject and the overall story, the actors do just enough to keep this interesting and engaging all the way. Decent performances here from Bruce Greenwood, Jennifer Carpenter, Anthony Head, Chris Cox, John DiMaggio, David Forseth, Grey Griffin, Bob Joles, Yuri Lowenthal, Lincoln Melcher and Scott Patterson.

I liked the atmosphere, I liked that I finally got to see a superhero movie set in a world that is not politically correct. It was funny, engaging, especially how Batman leaves right in the middle of rousing speeches from characters. The movie tried to recreate the period and managed to do it well enough to make it feel different from other Batman movies, and that for me is a big plus. It is different, well animated as is the course with DC and it manages to make you want to see more of this world, which I did not expect at the start.

On the negative side, some of the scenes were dark, a little bit too dark for my taste. And I am talking here about the visuals and lighting, not the subject matter. The subject matter I enjoyed, because I like to see superheroes act in the real world, where tragedies do happen. Pitting Batman against Jack the Ripper makes for a great story and although many of the fights were underwhelming, overall this was a credible and engaging villain. Oh, and I have to highlight that I found much of the social commentary to be useless and annoying, especially the feminism that was artificially inserted here just because this is the current trend. This is why I am only giving this a 7,5 rating, because I am tired of superhero movies trying to insert social commentary just for the sake of doing it. Do it better or, even better, don’t do it at all!

In conclusion, Batman: Gotham by Gaslight is a great animation and one that you should definitely watch if you like DC and Batman. It is short, powerful, it manages to keep you interested until the end and it offers a fresh take on many of the characters we have become accustomed to over time. It is definitely a must watch for any superhero fan. And I have to wonder if DC would do better by opening these animations in theaters instead of live action movies that fail time and time again… Come on DC, do better! Or just do animated stuff!

Truth or Dare – 2018

Score: 7/10

Truth or Dare is actually a decent movie. It came as a surprise, because from the trailer it seemed like just another typical horror flick filled with clichés and jump scares. And yet, the actual movie is different. The story is interesting, it has twists, it has some decent scares and it offers you an engaging overall atmosphere. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s not perfect, but as a horror movie made on a tiny budget, it actually surprised the hell out of me. You can feel that the team behind it has experience and knows how to get audiences engaged. A nice experience and one that I recommend to all of you.

The story is the best element of the movie. It has ups and downs and it does flirt with logic from time to time, but overall, it is decent, it has an air of novelty about it and it manages to offer a decent premise. The game in itself is spooky as hell and you can’t watch this without wondering what you would do if you were there. The answers might not please everyone but this is exactly the point of this experiment. The movie makes you think about your own life and if you can learn anything from it, it should be that secrets are never worth it. Honesty always makes our lives better…

The characters are okish, nothing special but nothing annoying at the same time. You have here typical teens with typical problems, people like you or me who interact sometimes absurdly yes, but who most of the time act like typical human beings would in those situations. I found that refreshing and although the cast is virtually unknown, their performances are up to par. Kudos for that to Lucy Hale, Tyler Posey, Violett Beane, Hayden Szeto, Landon Liboiron, Nolan Gerard Funk, Sophia Ali, Sam Lerner, Aurora Perrineau, Tom Choi and Gary Anthony Williams.

The scares are probably the most important part of a horror movie and while this does not have terrifying moments, it somehow works. I mean there are no jump scares, thank God for that, and there are no demons eviscerating people. And yet the movie is scary, because it plays with your head, it shows you what fear can do to us when we let it take over. It is all psychological and it manages to put you in a certain state of mind. I could see here the influence of producer Jason Blum and I can honestly say that we need more horror movies like this instead of the usual scare fest jams.

The one thing I hated about this movie are the rules of the game they are playing. Because those rules basically meant that the game couldn’t be won. They were doomed from the start and there was no way out, no chance for them to escape the demon, no chance for them to actually do something about that curse. And I find that cheap because it is a simple way to finish the movie and at the same time I find that it makes the whole experience seem pointless. If they can’t escape it means that all their actions ultimately mean absolutely nothing. And I am certainly not ok with that!

In conclusion, Truth or Dare is definitely a movie worth seeing. Especially if you are a horror fan, you should not miss this. It might not be as scary as other films, but it has a certain atmosphere that will leave you shivering when you really think about things. So see it and enjoy one of the most fun games in the world. Oh, and just a reminder, when you are in Mexico and a creepy guy invites you to play a game in the middle of some ruins, just tell him to get the fuck away from you… Trust me, it’s easier!

Winchester – 2018

Score: 7/10

Not a big fan of horror movie here, and this is why I don’t watch this type of movies so often. But knowing the stories surrounding this house and knowing everything that the Winchesters guns have meant over the course of history, I just couldn’t skip this one. And I am not sorry that I watched it, since Winchester is actually a pretty decent horror movie. You will get a little bit scared, the jump scares are almost nonexistent thankfully and the overall tone is interesting. It is a concept that tries to be special and since it’s based on a place that actually exists, it can really connect with many audiences.

The story is simple, direct and although it seems convoluted at first, it is actually streamlined very nice in the second part of the movie. You understand the motivations of the characters, you understand the concepts in play and everything feels natural. You actually accept everything that happens as a normal and natural consequence of history and the movie manages to make you involved in the outcome to a certain degree. For a horror movie, the story feels good enough as a platform for scary scenes.

The characters are interesting, but they did appear very one dimensional for me. I mean everybody says their lines with conviction and there is no questioning at all. Even the doctor starts believing in ghosts just after experiencing them first hand. I guess it was simpler this way but unfortunately it is also very unrealistic and for me, it hurts the overall experience. Nevertheless, we get here very good performances from Helen Mirren, Jason Clarke, Sarah Snook, Finn Scicluna-O’Prey, Angus Sampson, Laura Brent, Tyler Coppin, Eamon Farren and Bruce Spence.

The main problem that this movie has is in the scare department. I don’t know why, many of the scenes just don’t work. Maybe it’s because of the characters, maybe it’s because of the script, but I just did not find the movie to be scary. There are some scenes here and there yes, but it is far too little in order to justify it as a supernatural horror film. And while it did not bother me very much since I am not such a big fan of the genre, for fans of horror films, this will surely be a huge turn off and it might explain the bad reviews that this movie got from critics. It’s just not scary and that is a big no-no for any horror movie.

The thing that did bother me and that plagues the horror genre in general is, of course, the darkness. Every scene is dark and cluttered and you have to really make an effort if you want to truly understand everything that is happening on screen. I really hate this about horror movies and I would just like to point out here that things can be scary even in the middle of the day you know, you don’t have to shut all the lights in order to make me afraid. Please try to scare people in the day time as well Hollywood, please… At least try…

In conclusion, Winchester is actually an enjoyable movie if you are interested in the story and characters. If you only want to be scared, than this might not be for you and you would be better served skipping it. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it so I am going to recommend it as a strong horror that manages to make you think about life and death and about the responsibility that we should have over our own actions. Oh, and also, if you close doors by just nailing them 13 times, you’re gonna have a bad time…

Downsizing – 2017

Score: 5/10

This movie lied to us, or, more specifically, the trailer did. It promised comedy, an interesting subject, a great cast and funny moments. But instead, Downsizing is something totally different. It is a drama, it has deep subjects, it tackles controversial themes and, worst of all, the only humorous moment comes at the end with the Vietnamese girl and the different types of fuck. It is far too little and that is why unfortunately, this was a very big disappointment for me.

The story is the one good thing about this movie, but unfortunately, not the entire story. The background is amazing, the backstory of the universe is interesting, but unfortunately that is where all the good things stop. If this was a science paper about an interesting prospect in the world of genetics, than yes, it would have gotten a 10 out of 10. But alas, it is a movie and because of that, I would have expected a lot more. There are no stakes here, none whatsoever, and that means you can never truly get involved and care about things. A shame…

The characters are bland, boring and they don’t manage to engage you at all. Unfortunately, I couldn’t relate to any of them, because they seem as simple clichés that are there only to send out a specific message. And while that message could be interesting, its delivery is not and that hurts the overall quality of the experience. A shame, considering the big names in the cast like Matt Damon, Christoph Waltz, Hong Chau, Kristen Wiig, Jason Sudeikis, Maribeth Monroe, Udo Kier and Rolf Lassgård.

There is a lot of social commentary here, and while most of it is interesting and on point, it gets a little bit too much, especially towards the end. The movie seems more like a manifest and while I get what the director wanted to do here, unfortunately, it doesn’t work. In order to make the problems of the world you have created really matter, first you have to make the audiences interested in that world and its characters. I couldn’t care less about every single character in this movie and that is why all the social commentary left me bored out of my mind. Before you can make me think about what happens in your universe, be sure to create that universe in an appealing and interesting way. Otherwise, it is just useless!

There is nothing actually happening here, and that is amazing considering that we are talking about a 135 minute long movie. There is no action, there is no villain, and there is no plot points that develop over time. The movie is bland to the core and because of that, all the deep themes and meditations appear empty. When you don’t care about anything that is on screen it is very hard to take a film seriously and to wonder about the important questions that it raises. Watching a character lead a normal and boring life does not equal box office success as this one proves once again…

In conclusion, Downsizing could have been an interesting movie, because the story will make you think and ponder about yourself and the human race in general. But is it a good movie? I can answer honestly here that no, unfortunately, it is not a good movie and you will be no doubt bored towards the end. The story is a deep meditation but nothing more than that, since nothing of note actually happens. It is like a circle that goes around but never amounts to anything. You will not care about anything and that is truly a shame, since the subject could have been treated far much better. Oh, but seriously, always be careful what type of fuck you give to girls… The love fuck is always best I was told… 😛

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle – 2017

Score: 8,5/10

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is exactly what a sequel/reboot should be. It pays homage to the first movie in a discreet and delicate way and it adds a lot to the mythos, it expands the universe, all the while introducing new and relatable characters. It is a great movie that will make you laugh while also managing to offer good special effects and engaging action scenes at the same time. A worthy sequel and one that you should not miss.

The story manages to stand on its own. It is not a simple rehash of the original, it actually brings something new to the table. This movie is an evolution in the same way that the game evolves from a board game to a video game. Everything is upgraded and more adapted to the times and the huge box office success proves that it was the right decision. The film is very well calibrated to the modern audiences and by including very popular actors, it managed to gain a lot of support and good will.

The characters are the best part of the movie. The kids are nicely developed in a very short time and yes, there are clichés here, but they work very well. And the game characters are simply amazing, so funny and with so much chemistry between them, that I have to say the casting choices are perfect. Alex Wolff, Dwayne Johnson, Madison Iseman, Jack Black, Ser’Darius Blain, Kevin Hart, Morgan Turner, Karen Gillan, Mason Guccione, Nick Jonas, Bobby Cannavale, Rhys Darby, William Tokarsky and Rohan Chand truly manage to bring this fantastic universe to life, and they simply pop on screen.

The action scenes are nicely done, well-choreographed, and they actually manage to bring something new and unexpected to the big screen. Some of the animal scenes where a little bit hard to swallow, since jaguars run much faster than people and rhinos can’t chase down a helicopter, but nevertheless, considering that this is a movie about a magical board game that torments people, I am going to let those slide. But what I want to stress out is that you will find much more action here than in the first one, a lot more. It is an action adventure movie through and through and you should expect that going in.

The humor is another strong point here, and on this front, I think it actually managed to surpass the original. The actors are very well chosen and the banter between them is amazing at times. The only problem I have here is that this movie is targeted towards families, and because of that, it feels too PC at times, not going over the limits. I would have seriously liked some raunchier jokes and maybe, yes, I am going to say it, even some nudity… I know, I know, Jumanji is for kids, but damn, Karen Gillan is so hot…

In conclusion, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is a very good movie, a worthy follower of the original and one that you will definitely enjoy. It manages to reach a perfect balance between action and humor and it will offer you a thrilling ride. I would not go so far to say it’s better than the original, because that had a certain novel feeling that unfortunately here you will not find, but it is definitely up there. You should watch it regardless if you like the genre. Oh, and if you hear drums, run away… Trust me, it’s easier!

Happy Death Day – 2017

Score: 9/10

Wow, this was a big and very pleasant surprise. I expected a horror plagued by the usual tropes of this type of films, but instead I got a refreshing story, an interesting take on the genre and very relatable characters. Happy Death Day is, despite its name, a movie filled with optimism that will make you laugh all the way, and one that you will not forget very soon. I highly recommend it and I can guarantee that you will not be sorry after watching it.

The story is interesting, although the main theme is not a new one. We have seen it in Groundhog Day and in Edge of Tomorrow, but here, it manages to bring something new and more personal to the audiences. You have no informations, no warning about what is coming, and that makes you discover everything at the same time as the main character. Thus, the movie becomes a journey, and a very interesting one at that.

The characters are nicely created, developed and the way they interact manages to appear real and authentic. The pacing of the movie helps things here, because it doesn’t dwell on certain aspects, and instead it shows us bit by bit the true motivations behind every single thing that is happening. Kudos to the fairly unknown Jessica Rothe, Israel Broussard, Ruby Modine, Rachel Matthews, Charles Aitken, Rob Mello, Phi Vu and Caleb Spillyards for their performances here. I am sure we will hear much more about them in the future.

This movie manages to take a well tackled theme and bring something new to it, by adding a lot of humor and a love story that manages to be, in the end, perfectly believable. The pacing is great, nothing seems out of place, nothing seems forced, and in fact, the only problem I have to highlight here is the lack of explanation about how she keeps relieving the same day over and over. I mean we get that she has to find the killer in order to get the next day, but we have no clue about why she didn’t simply die the first time. We have to suspend our disbelief and simply accept that, and while it’s not such a big problem in a movie like this, it is the reason why I didn’t give it a 10 out of 10.

The horror elements are very few, because this movie is not truly a horror, and you should not be fooled by this tag. It is a mix between different genres and surprisingly, they all work very well together and manage to offer a thrilling and powerful experience. You don’t get a single moment of boredom in the entire film, it is like a roller-coaster that involves you for its entire duration. A great and different type of movie than what you are used to.

The humor is the best part of this film, because it manages to make it flow and depart from the usual clichés of the genre. You will laugh, you will relate, you will welcome each and every awakening. The life of a teenager is perfectly described here and you will actually find a lot of elements from classic comedies about this subject. A great mix with the horror undertones and one that I have very rarely encountered.

In conclusion, Happy Death Day is not your typical horror movie, not by a long shot. Do not go into this expecting jump scares, actually, don’t go into it expecting to be scared at all. This is more of a psychological movie, amazingly funny, an experience that will leave you thinking about your own life. It is different and its success at the box office proves that it is a step in the right direction. Not everything has to be super serious in order to work, and I hope to see more of these movies in the future. That is, if we manage to get to tomorrow lol :)))

The Hateful Eight – 2015

Score: 8/10

I can’t say I am a big fan of Quentin Tarantino. I have never been and I most certainly have a lot of problems with many of his movies. So I have to say that I went into this a little bit biased. But The Hateful Eight managed to change my mind and I ended up loving it. It is harder to see than most films, but if you manage to get to the end and think about it afterwards, you will discover that the experience was totally worth it. I would see it again and that alone says a lot about the inner quality of it.

The story is a little bit convoluted, but you can expect that already from a Tarantino movie. Nevertheless, it is interesting, it has twists and it manages to keep you alert. This is a great movie for someone who likes to talk and most importantly for someone who likes to discover people through the small things they say and the idiosyncrasies they display. The dialogue is carefully constructed and there are almost no continuity errors here. A great story, and a unique one at that, which is not easy to do!

The characters are amazing, beautifully created and highly relatable. You really feel you are in the Old West and you can’t help but root for not one, but almost all of them. It is amazing to see such a talented cast at work, and the names here will leave you speechless. It is one of the most impressive casts I have ever seen, and I have to commend performances from Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Walton Goggins, Demián Bichir, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen, Bruce Dern, James Parks, Dana Gourrier and Zoë Bell.

The overall style of the movie is typical Tarantino. A small and almost impossible to identify silver line and a lot of hidden symbols that you have to understand in order to enjoy the experience fully. And here is my problem with this movie. Because of his style, Tarantino manages to make his films feel longer than they actually are. It is the same case here, because on a first viewing, I was almost pushed to the limit. You could argue that is because the 168 minutes running time, but I really think it’s the way everything is shot, with a lot of pauses and a lot of “art”. Too much art can hurt a movie and destroy your immersion, and I really hope Tarantino will stop doing this in the future.

The music, oh my God the music. It is by far the best thing about this movie, and although I was expecting something like this from a legendary composer like Ennio Morricone, I have to admit that he actually managed to surpass every single expectation I had. He is a true legend of cinema and any movie in the world would be enhanced by his atypical and powerful scores. It is a joy from start to finish, and especially in the open credits, the cross scene will leave you breathless… Simply breathless…

In conclusion, The Hateful Eight is definitely a movie worth watching. It tries to be a classic western and it manages to be totally different from whatever you have seen before. It moves slowly but at the same time the action makes you jump from your seat in more instances than one. Overall, I would say that it is a unique experience, completed to perfection by the atmosphere that Tarantino creates, by the amazing musical score from Ennio Morricone and by the spectacular performances of a stellar cast. Oh, and the constant swearing and racism is simply adorable. Now who doesn’t love listening to over 200 hundred swear words in one single movie? 😀