Avengers: Endgame – 2019

Score: 10/10

Marvel Scale Score: 10/10*

*Since it seems that really Marvel can do no wrong, I have decided to implement a special scoring scale just for Marvel Movies. So while the first score is the absolute one compared to any other movies outside Marvel, the second one is strictly comparing this one to other Marvel Movies.

 We have come to it at least, the great movie of our times! Avengers: Endgame is by far the best movie that Marvel has ever made to date, edging a little bit in front of its predecessor, Avengers: Infinity War. It is an epic movie from start to end and you will go through a rollercoaster of emotions that you rarely get to experience in a movie theater. I can definitely say already that this will be the best movie of 2019 and it is one that you can’t afford to miss. It doesn’t matter if you like the genre or not, this one is a MUST SEE for everybody on the face of this planet…

The story is interesting. Everybody was anticipating it and yet we were all taken by surprise, at least in parts. Some characters die, some characters retire, but everything is done in a decent way, a way that does them justice. There is nothing here that will leave fans angry, everything is handled with grace and there is simply no fault in the story. Everything makes sense, everything clicks and you just want to see this one over and over again…

The characters are the ones we know already, the ones we love so there is nothing more I need to add here. Marvel is and always has been the king of casting, every actor seems born for the role and they prove it once again here. Absolutely stellar performances from every single member of the cast and since they are so many, I will skip the usual listing of their names. I mean it’s impossible to list them all without basically writing another page and none of them deserve to be left out… Brilliant, absolutely brilliant acting!

The road here was long, and if you want to really enjoy the movie to the maximum level, you will have to go back and watch every other single film released in the MCU. But trust me, it’s worth it, the saga is amazing from start to finish. This was the 22nd movie in the universe and it manages to capture the essence of all the others and distill it in 3 hour marathon that leaves you satisfied and wanting more at the same time. Truly a showcase of how to build a universe from the ground up with patience and attention to detail.

The special effects, the music, the dramatic moments, everything comes together so good here, it’s just mesmerizing to see every single element completing the others and offering us something epic. Epic is the perfect word to describe this film, as it has so much emotion and so much panache and basically it moves you regardless if you are a fan or not. There is so much to learn here, so much to think about and even though it is only fantasy, it says so much about us as a race and about the things that are so important for us.

Since this is the review, I do have to mention some tiny flaws, that even though are not enough to affect the score in any way, still managed to annoy me a tiny bit. Firstly, the beginning of the movie is long and boring, it starts with a lot of drama and not much action and it got a bit stale at points. I was waiting for it to start already and thank God it made up for it when it finally fired on all cylinders. The other thing I have a problem with is the all women come together in the battle scene. I mean yes, it was done well, yes, it was fun, but seriously Marvel, did we really need that scene there? To what? Show us that women save the day? It took me completely out of the movie because it feels so forced… I’m sure glad that all the female characters managed to come together in that exact same spot in the middle of a hectic fight just for the movie to showcase a feminist moment, so glad I tell you… :)))))

In conclusion, there is simply nothing to take away from the perfect score this movie gets. Whether you like superheroes or not, what Marvel has managed to accomplish over 22 films is epic and never before seen. It is truly the best superhero movie ever made and I will not be surprised if in a couple of weeks it will become the highest grossing film of all times, I will not be surprised at all… Marvel deserves it fully and I can’t wait to see where they go from here and what new roads filled with amazing experiences they have in store for us. Thank you Marvel for offering us Avengers: Endgame, it is the only thing appropriate to say… Thank you!

Venom – 2018

Score: 7,5/10

I have said it many times and I have to say it again, boy do movie critics suck ass! Venom was simply trashed by almost all the critics, I was expecting it to be terrible. And yet, not only it isn’t terrible, it is a bloody good movie. It was a very nice surprise for me and I have to say it proved it at the box office. Of course, it’s not perfect, it does have problems, but overall it is an enjoyable experience and I definitely recommend it to everyone!

The story is an origin story so it does come with the drawbacks of that. There is some filler, there is a lot of character development early on and it does go off the rails at times. I will not say the story in itself was bad, because it was actually enjoyable for me, but I have to say that there are a lot of really infuriating moments that are not explained. I mean come on, he is on top of a tree surrounded by security personnel on an island and you just cut to him arriving at his apartment? A symbiote just has a vacation for 6 months in Malaysia doing nothing? And I could go on… Seriously? This is the best you could Sony?

The characters are interesting, although I have to say there are a lot of clichés here. The only thing I am going to complain about is that I’ve seen it all before in countless other Marvel movies. I get that these are film based on comic books and there is sort of a formula when it comes to those, but seriously, try to do something different in the future or it risks becoming very stale. Despite that, the performances from Tom Hardy, Michelle Williams, Riz Ahmed, Scott Haze and Reid Scott are amazing.

One of the highlights here is the banter between Eddie Brock and Venom. It is by far the best thing about this movie and the relationship they develop is actually pretty intense and fell thought out. It’s no wonder that Sony jokingly marketed the DVD release as a romantic comedy between Brock and Venom. They gel well together, they complement each other and on more than one occasion they are funny as hell. Without those comments on the background, a lot of the action scenes would have been very boring…

There are also flaws here, this is not a perfect film. The first big problem with it is that it waits far too long to introduce Venom. The first third of the movie is full of backstory and personal stuff about the main character, and while I get that we get to know him that way, I really felt it was over the top. I mean come on Sony, I wanted to see a movie about a superhero symbiote that does badass things, not Tom Hardy drinking whisky in a bar and complaining about how life has unfairly treated him… Seriously… Oh, not to mention the other small problems in the story department, like weird jumps between scenes, weird transitions and stuff like that…

In conclusion, Venom is definitely a must see film. Even though it maybe lacks a little bit on the story side compared to other Marvel inspired movies, it is still great and will manage to make you laugh and feel invested in what happens. Venom might not be everyone’s cup of tea when it comes to superheroes, but he is done justice here and personally, I can’t wait till the sequel comes out and we get to see more of our symbiote friend. Until then, always remember, without arms, legs and a face, you will just be an armless, legless, faceless thing that rolls on the street… Like a turd… In the wind… :)))))

Incredibles 2 – 2018

Score: 9/10

We had to wait 14 years for this movie and my God it was worth every second. Incredibles 2 is a worthy sequel that manages to showcase once more all the best of Pixar. It is great from start to finish and it is definitely a treat, for the children as well as for the adults. It is one of the best animated movies of 2018 and right up there with the best of all time. Considering that last year wasn’t the best when it comes to animated movies, this one was a welcome breath of fresh air let me tell you!

The story is simple and yet engaging. Everything works, it seems real, it seems like something that could happen in a world like that. Nothing seems forced, the characters are left to develop and grow in a natural and fluent way, and that makes the movie very easy to follow. You can just relax and go on a ride, you don’t have to stress about hidden messages or some weird symbolic shit we see in so many animations today… This one is simple and it’s very refreshing to see!

The characters are great. They are complex, they interact very well and without realizing, you will quickly start to root for them. The situations they go through are so realistic that you are definitely going to relate to almost everything that happens during the movie. And considering this is an animated film about superheroes, that is no small feat. Great performances here by Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Sarah Vowell, Huckleberry Milner, Eli Fucile, Nick Bird, Samuel L. Jackson, Bob Odenkirk, Catherine Keener, Bill Wise, Brad Bird, Jonathan Banks and Michael Bird.

This movie didn’t get a 10 out of 10 because of two simple reasons. The first one is that towards the end, I don’t know why, it seems to drag a little bit. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still awesome, but I just got the distinct feeling that there was some filler here, there were scenes that didn’t need to be there. The second reason and this I have to say was the only thing that I found to be really annoying is that the big villain reveal is very predictable. It’s so obvious who is really the bad guy that I was actually insulted by the movie jumping up and down expecting me to be surprised. I know, I know, it’s a kid’s movie in the end, but still, considering it wanted to surprise us and failed, that has to lower the score.

The animation is brilliantly done. We are used to this from Pixar, but here, director Brad Bird offers something truly extraordinary. I mean honestly, I have not seen animation done this way in a long time. Everything clicks, the action flows, the colors complement the characters, everything just pops from the screen and you are really there. You are there alongside your favorite superheroes saving the world. It is a joy to behold and it is right up there with other visual classics from Pixar like Toy Story or Coco…

In conclusion, Incredibles 2 is an amazing movie, one that you can’t afford to miss and one that will definitely stand the test of time. It’s funny, engaging and it manages to tackle some very important issues is a relaxed way. It makes you laugh out loud and it makes you think at the same time, which is one quality that is paramount for animated movies today. They have to be fun for the kids but they also have to be interesting and worth it for the parents of the kids. And this one delivers on all fronts. I have to stress again, you cannot afford to miss seeing this one and the only thing I wish is to not have to wait another 14 years for another installment in this amazing franchise… Come on Pixar, I believe in you! 🙂

Sicario: Day of the Soldado – 2018

Score: 5,5/10

Sicario: Day of the Soldado was for me a huge disappointment. The first movie was brilliant, I loved it, I felt it right to the core. So naturally, I was expecting the same here. Unfortunately, this is not what we get. Everything is messy, it doesn’t have any sort of logic, it’s all just scraped together in an effort to capitalize on the success of the first installment and on some political happenings. It just doesn’t work well and it is obvious to me that this sequel was not planned as it should have been. Since they are gunning for a third one, I really hope we will get to see an improvement there…

The story is bad. It’s convoluted, it doesn’t flow, it’s insulting in parts. It does not have the mystery and the appeal of the original and it just seems to want to impress you without actually bringing anything to the table. It really doesn’t help the movie, it doesn’t fit the amazing action scenes and it offers no emotion at all. It seems like the director is just going through the motions. There is nothing new and original here and my God, the pacing is absolutely horrendous. I had never in my life imagined I would be so bored by a movie about drugs, cartels and the CIA… Honestly…

The characters are bad. And it’s all about the script and the way the movie is written. The absence of Denis Villeneuve is felt a lot here, and there is not one character that you can get attached to. You end up not caring about anything or anyone and that spells disaster for a movie like this. Now don’t get me wrong, despite the horrible script, the actors bring it, and that is why I have to congratulate Benicio del Toro, Josh Brolin, Isabela Moner, Jeffrey Donovan, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo, Catherine Keener, Matthew Modine and Raoul Trujillo for their performances.

The one good thing that in part redeems this movie, at least a little bit, are the action scenes. It is the one thing they managed to replicate from the first movie and the one thing that keeps you in the seat. The music is ominous, the scenes are powerful, there is a lot of force there, everything seems real. And this reality underlines the brutality of it all, the struggle that we can find in the real world, just outside our door. It’s gritty, it’s messy and it’s done very well. These have to be some of the best put together action scenes of 2018. What a shame that the story just couldn’t live up to them…

There is no consistency here and nothing gets explained. This is the main problem of this movie, because it is not a standalone. It follows another film, one that has already established the rules of this world. And this one doesn’t respect those rules, it actually goes against many of them. The main character acts totally different here. I mean come on, a dude that actually murdered a child in cold blood in the first movie is going to risk everything to protect the daughter of the man that killed his family? For real? Why, because his daughter was deaf? I mean come on movie, nobody buys that shit. Not to mention the ending which is infuriating to say the least. I mean yes, of course it makes sense to basically mentor the teen that shot you in the face because he wanted to impress some narcos… Yes movie, that totally makes sense…

In conclusion, Sicario: Day of the Soldado is not a terrible movie. Yes, it could have been much better, yes it has a lot of flaws, but bottom line, it is not a terrible movie. So, if you saw the first one and enjoyed it, then you should also give this one a shot. It will not be as good or as engaging, but there will be flashes of the original’s panache here and there. There are moments in this movie when you really feel that you are there, present, a part of the action. Unfortunately boredom and a very slow pacing drown out those moments and end up leaving you with a very bad taste in your mouth… Still, it’s not the worst choice for an action movie. Oh, and for the love of God, make those helicopter noises softer, they take the whole fun out of the movie…

Solo: A Star Wars Story – 2018

Score: 5/10

It finally happened… As a huge fan of Star Wars I never thought it would ever come to this, but here it is, the first time when I can say a Star Wars movie is bad, boring and pointless… Fine, the score might not signal out just how bad I found it, because in the end, this is Star Wars and I simply love this franchise too much. But trust me, compared to every other Star Wars movie, Solo: A Star Wars Story is truly disappointing. I can’t tell you to skip this one because come on, it’s Star Wars, but seriously, why? Why did a movie like this had to come out, why after so many great successes we have to reach this low point…? I think for me, personally, this has to be the most infuriating movie of 2018…

The story is boded well, it’s flowing… But unfortunately it flows towards a very predictable and essentially boring end. Yes, there are no major flaws here, there is nothing to complain about. But there is also nothing to praise and that is simply unacceptable for a Star Wars movie. I think the best word to describe it is bland. It’s a bland story and it offers no surprises. It might be shocking, but a predictable story that flows well is no longer enough for a movie to impress it’s audiences in the current cinema climate…

The characters are interesting, but you simply don’t care about them, you are not invested into them. The supporting cast is brilliant, they work well, they gel very nicely and they truly bring something good into the narrative. The problem here is that Han Solo is poorly casted. Not because Alden Ehrenreich is not a good actor, he just doesn’t bode well with the previous portrayal of the character by Harrison Ford. But besides Han Solo, the rest of the characters are amazingly done, so congratulations for that to Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke, Donald Glover, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Joonas Suotamo and Paul Bettany.

The lack of purpose is amazing here. The movie has no ambition, it is not trying to surprise you or to challenge you in any way. I was expecting some surprises, some twists, something to make this movie less predictable. But alas, that was not the case and everything here runs according to a script, predictable from the first scene to the last. No, my mistake, at the end of the movie you do get the reveal of Darth Maul and that is quite a surprise. But unfortunately it was the one and only moment when I was scratching my head… And that is not enough… Not nearly enough…

The lack of Star Wars in a Star Wars movie to me was baffling. I mean there is almost nothing that reminds you about the scope and scale of the previous movies, and that to me was the biggest problem. Nothing seems to matter on the grand scale, the story is small and its limitations are felt throughout the scenes. The world of this film is small and the actions, while trying to connect with the overall narrative arc of the series, mostly miss the mark. There is nothing here to make you feel suspense, nothing makes you root for the characters, especially since you know that the main ones will survive.

In conclusion, I really don’t know what to say about this one. I mean yes, you have to see it, it’s Star Wars. But I truly believe that in order to have any chance of enjoying it, you have to try and think about it as a standalone movie. Just don’t think of it as being part of the universe you have grown to love and maybe, just maybe you will be able to sort of enjoy it. It lacks the big focus of the previous installments, it lacks any sort of magnitude. Sure, there are some decent action scenes, it can be interesting, but I was expecting so much more from it, especially considering its huge budget. Overall, one of the most disappointing movies of 2018… The Force was clearly not with Solo: A Star Wars Story… 😦

Top 10 Best Movies of 2018


10. Hereditary

Many people called this one as the best Horror movie of 2018. I liked it, it’s right up there, a great experience and one that you will be sure to want to watch more than once. This one is truly a masterpiece and you should not skip it.


9. Blockers

Blockers is hands down one of the best comedies of the year and it will definitely make you laugh all the way to the end. It is a great movie, it is light and it manages to be realistic and to portrait every single of its characters as it should. The film doesn’t try to be more than it is and this makes the experience relaxing for the viewers. I had fun and I never had the impression that this one tried to be more than just a comedy. In the context of today’s world, in which movies are more and more interested in making statements, seeing a comedy interested only in making people laugh is a welcomed breath of fresh air!


8. A Quiet Place

A Quiet Place is definitely worth seeing. It is the “Get Out” of 2018, a horror movie that manages to break all the patterns and impress everybody, critics and audiences alike. I am very pleased that this one did so amazingly well at the box office and I hope that this will teach Hollywood that yes, horror movies still work as long as the idea behind them is amazing and as long as they are done well. A great movie, one that we will all remember for a long time and one that will truly and utterly leave you… you guessed it, speechless…


7. Black Panther

Marvel can do no wrong! Its official now, and I can’t tell it loud enough. Black Panther is so different from anything that I have ever seen before from Marvel, and yet it manages to be at the same high level we are used to. You have to watch this movie, you just have to watch it, and trust me, you will not regret it. The story is powerful, the visuals are amazing, everything clicks, you are invested in the characters and overall, even if like me you had reservations going in, you can’t come out of this one without a huge smile on your face.


6. Deadpool 2

Deadpool 2 is definitely a must watch. You will laugh, you will care about everything that happens and you will want more in the end. A lot more. Because this is the only problem with the Deadpool franchise, that we don’t have more of it.


5. Bohemian Rhapsody

We have all listened the great songs, we have all felt the emotion. Now we get to see the story behind the songs and trust me, it is truly a story worth seeing. This is by far a must see and one of the best movies of the year.


4. Red Sparrow

Wow, now this is what I call a spy movie! It is simply amazing, brutal, energizing, it offers you the distinct feeling of claustrophobia and the uneasiness that this genre was once famous for. Red Sparrow is a journey into a world of secrets, a world of violence, a world devoid of emotions, a world that you will never be able to fully comprehend. Backed up by amazing acting, especially from its lead, this is one of the best movies of the year so far and you should definitely watch it, especially given the current political context. Not as reality, but as a perfectly paced story that takes place in a universe that exists, no matter how much we wished it hadn’t!


3. Ready Player One

Ready Player One is an amazing movie about a future that can actually happen. It has good acting, amazing action scenes, great visuals and enough Meta references to satisfy even the biggest fan boys. It is a gamer’s dream and it has enough humor and flashy lights to not disappoint non gamers. A great effort from a great director and one that will definitely stand the test of time.


2. Padmaavat

Padmaavat is a must see. It is one of the biggest surprises of 2018 for me and it will definitely resist the test of time, in the same manner that the story it’s telling did. You will be amazed, you will be fascinated and you will want to see it again almost immediately to discover things that you missed. It is historic, it is about love turning into war and about a clash between good and evil, a clash of principles and honor. Padmaavat is exactly what an epic period drama should be!


1. Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers: Infinity War is THE MOVIE. For superhero fans, for movie fans, for anybody. If you live on this planet, you have to watch this film. And if you want the experience to be complete, before you watch this, take all the movies that have previously appeared in the MCU and watch them. You will understand everything that is going on and you will be amazed at the details and hidden meanings that fill up this universe. This one will remain in history as one of the best, if not the best, superhero movies of all time.

Top 10 Worst Movies of 2018

life itself

10. Life Itself

Bad romantic comedies that try to be more than they are are the worst thing imaginable. This movie is just bland, and it offers you absolutely nothing. Skip this one. In fact, run away as far as possible from this one!


9. Acrimony

Acrimony is not a movie I would recommend. It is far too long, it has too much filler to make it engaging and it ends with one of the worst conclusions I have ever seen on the big screen. It could have been much better if it had some kind of a statement in the end, but unfortunately it tried to be too many different things at once. Tyler Perry is not a bad director but he should focus on what he does know and leave the rest to somebody else. Oh and seriously, when you throw somebody in the water and then they emerge after 5 minutes from that water completely dry, you done fucked up movie, you done fucked up!


8. Gotti

I just love movies about gangsters, I truly do, but there is absolutely nothing to love about Gotti. It is simply a bad movie from start to finish and it pains me to think about how much better this could have been done…


7. Maze Runner: The Death Cure

My God this movie is boring. Horribly long at 142 minutes and boring to the point I had to actually see it in two days just to be able to go through it with my sanity still intact. Maze Runner: The Death Cure is the disappointing ending to a franchise that never managed to pick up the steam that it wanted to pick up. For me, it was bad from start to finish and although I had hoped that maybe, just maybe this last chapter would somehow redeem it, I was left wondering again how they could serve us such a crappy and illogical story, especially given that the source material is actually very nice and engaging.


6. The Strangers: Prey at Night

The Strangers: Prey at Night sucks! It could have been a great movie, it could have been interesting, it could have been a good slasher flick. But alas, you will not get to see more than 10 minutes, because again, you can’t stare for 85 long minutes to a black screen and enjoy the ride. It is a shame that another horror movie turns out to be destroyed by poor lighting, but alas, I am starting to get used to it.


5. Early Man

Early Man is one of the most ridiculous animated movies I have ever seen. It is plain stupid and aside from a few good jokes from time to time, it offers absolutely nothing. The story is full of clichés, it is absurd even for a comedy film and none of the characters have the chemistry needed in order to get you to care for them. It was a huge disappointment for me and I seriously expected more from a director that has 4 Academy Awards. I mean seriously, I don’t get all the critics that praised this one and I am not surprised at all about its poor performance at the box office. This is definitely one to skip.


4. The Hurricane Heist

This movie is simply a joke, or that is how it appeared to me. There is nothing in The Hurricane Heist to make it stand out, there is nothing different or special. It is just a bland heist action film that tries to be special but ends up offering more of the same. Nothing works here, nothing gets you invested in what happens on screen and you end up just watching your clock and hoping for it to be over as soon as possible.


3. Sherlock Gnomes

Sherlock Gnomes is only worth watching if you want an over the top computer animated movie that will make you laugh from time to time but nothing more. The movie seems pointless from start to finish and I really don’t get why the studio felt that we needed a sequel to the first one. And considering that its box office performance was disappointing, I really hope that we will not have another film in this series.


2. A Wrinkle in Time

This is a perfect example of how you can turn an amazing book into a crappy movie. A perfect example on how too much of everything can end up delivering nothing at all. A Wrinkle in Time is definitely one of the worst movies from Disney and one that hopefully will serve as a warning for future studios to stop with these adaptations that try to reach too far and end up failing at every single turn. It is bad from start to finish and the fact that it lost almost 100 million dollars should not surprise anybody.


1. Monster Family

My God! I have never seen an animation that sucks so much as Monster Family. The main idea behind it is interesting and it actually had a lot of potential… But the execution is terrible, simply terrible, it has flaws in every single aspect and it actually managed to annoy me to no end, especially towards the finale. It is full of clichés, it is overacted, it is bland from a visual point of view, the jokes don’t work, the toilet humor is far too much for anybody’s taste, it’s just bad, bad to the core. It is by far the worst movies I have seen all year and it is definitely not worth your time, despite being only 96 minutes!

Top 10 Comedy Movies of 2018


10. Eight Grade

Eight Grade is sweet, funny and it teaches is some very important lessons about life and about ourselves. It is perhaps not the laugh out loud extravaganza that some of the other entries are, but it still deserves a shot.


9. Isle of Dogs

Isle of Dogs is an amazing movie, a different type of animation than you are used to. But nevertheless, it works, it works almost perfectly. You will fall in love with this film very fast and you will enjoy every second of it. It’s funky, it’s weird, but in a good way. Wes Anderson does it again and I can honestly say that his name has become in my mind a guarantee for a movie.


8. Game Night

Game Night is a perfect choice for a slow evening in which you have nothing better to do. It is not great and it will not leave you pondering about deep themes, but it is a decent example of what a popcorn movie can bring to the table. The actors have chemistry, especially the leads, and overall, the idea is interesting and engaging.


7. Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2

The first movie in this franchise was a huge success and this second one manages to hold up to that standard. It is funny, provocative and in the end, you just simply can’t go wrong with good old Ralph… A definite must watch from 2018.


6. Peter Rabbit

Peter Rabbit is a nice and refreshing comedy and a definite must see of 2018. You will laugh, you will smile and you will discover something different from what we are used to, from multiple viewpoints. This one managed to surprise me and it just gave me an overall good feeling. I highly recommend this movie, especially to people with children, because it is one of those animated stories that have something for the adults as well.


5. Crazy Rich Asians

The name alone should make you want to see this one, but if that isn’t enough, you will be treated to a funny and engaging story that is a little bit different to what we are all used too… Reasons enough for me…


4. Paddington 2

Paddington 2 is an amazing movie, perfect for you to see with your family, especially if you have children. It is positive from start to finish, it is full of joy and it will make you smile and laugh many times. The action flows nicely and you can identify with every single character. The little bear that loves marmalade has been a staple of British culture for many years and this series of films does it justice. A great and relaxing movie and one that you should not miss…


3. The Death of Stalin

The Death of Stalin is funny, truly and epically funny. If you like politics and you like satire, this one is a must see. You will not regret watching this and you will discover that even the worse events in humanity’s history can be told in a funny and relaxed way.



2. Deadpool 2

I know, I know, this isn’t a comedy movie per se… But come on, I mean, it’s Deadpool… I mean it was exactly what I expected and more. It was one of those very few movies about which I expect a 10 out of 10 even before seeing them. And it did not disappoint. If you liked the first one, you will love this, because it is just more of the same and actually more over the top.


1. Blockers

Blockers is hands down one of the best comedies of the year and it will definitely make you laugh all the way to the end. It is a great movie, it is light and it manages to be realistic and to portrait every single of its characters as it should. The film doesn’t try to be more than it is and this makes the experience relaxing for the viewers. I had fun and I never had the impression that this one tried to be more than just a comedy. In the context of today’s world, in which movies are more and more interested in making statements, seeing a comedy interested only in making people laugh is a welcomed breath of fresh air!

Top 10 Horror Movies of 2018


10. The Nun

The Nun is worth seeing if you are a fan of this franchise or if you really like horror movies. In fact, regardless of the reasons, you should check this one out, because it was a big box office success and that means there are elements here that people all over the world appreciated.


9. The Cloverfield Paradox

The Cloverfield Paradox is worth a watch, but don’t try too hard to fit it into the context of the franchise. That will just leave you confused and it will end up actually annoying you in the end. Watch it as a standalone movie and it can actually be fun, gripping in parts and engaging.


8. Insidious: The Last Key

You should only see Insidious: The Last Key if you are a big fan of horror movies or if you have followed this series. It can offer huge fans of the franchise some backstory, some context, even a satisfying resolution.


7. Unsane

Unsane is weird, and if you are in the right mood for it, it can be one of the most interesting experiences of 2018. Definitely a must see if you are a fan of the horror genre…


6. Halloween

This franchise keeps going and I can honestly say it is a well done reboot. If not for anything else, watch it for the iconic theme song… That never gets old…


5. The First Purge

As usual with this franchise, while it’s not the most amazing movie out there, it has a certain appeal and it makes you think about things and question what you would do in a situation like that. Definitely worth it!


4. Truth of Dare

Truth or Dare is definitely a movie worth seeing. Especially if you are a horror fan, you should not miss this. It might not be as scary as other films, but it has a certain atmosphere that will leave you shivering when you really think about things. So see it and enjoy one of the most fun games in the world.


3. Annihilation

Annihilation is truly a weird one. It’s weird because of its subject and the visual style and everything that happens on screen and it’s also weird because it ended up losing money and being rejected by audiences despite high praises from critics. Personally, I found it to be an interesting one, powerful, engaging in parts and different from what I usually watch.


2. Hereditary

Many people called this one as the best Horror movie of 2018. I liked it, it’s right up there, but for me, the winner was clear. Nevertheless, this is truly a masterpiece and you should not skip it.


1. A Quiet Place

A Quiet Place is definitely worth seeing. It is the “Get Out” of 2018, a horror movie that manages to break all the patterns and impress everybody, critics and audiences alike. I am very pleased that this one did so amazingly well at the box office and I hope that this will teach Hollywood that yes, horror movies still work as long as the idea behind them is amazing and as long as they are done well. A great movie, one that we will all remember for a long time and one that will truly and utterly leave you… you guessed it, speechless…

Top 10 Animated Movies of 2018

10 - peterrabbit

10. Peter Rabbit

Peter Rabbit is a very nice movie, a refreshing take on the genre and definitely one that has left children around the world laughing out loud.


9. Sherlock Gnomes

In conclusion, Sherlock Gnomes is worth watching only if you want an over the top computer animated movie that will make you laugh from time to time. This being here speaks as to how few little amazing animations we got in 2018.

8. teen titans

8. Teen Titans Go! To the Movies

Teen Titans Go! To the Movies is one that will make you laugh from start to finish and definitely one of the nicest surprises in 2018 when it comes to animation.

7. hotel transylvania 3

7. Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation

Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation is exactly as advertised, an animated comedy they you will not remember, but that will manage to entertain you over its 97 minutes. Don’t expect it to leave you mind blown, but do expect to laugh and have a great time.

6. the grinch

6. The Grinch

I am not usually a big fan of reboots as I find them pointless, but this movie does it’s job, it entertains and it appeals to its core audiences. This is why I have to recommend you go watch it now!

5. batmanninja

5. Batman Ninja

Batman Ninja is definitely worth it, it’s an amazing animation that makes you remember fondly one of the favorite characters in history. Batman fits almost perfectly into that environment and this one is a rollercoaster from start to finish.

4. isle_of_dogs

4. Isle of Dogs

Isle of Dogs is an amazing movie, a different type of animation than you are used to. But nevertheless, it works, it works almost perfectly. You will fall in love with this film very fast and you will enjoy every second of it.

3. spider man

3. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

I doubt this one needs any introduction or reasoning. It’s Spider-Man, it works, it’s querky, funky, it has every single element in order for it to be a huge hit and to entertain audiences. The only thing you can say about this is why isn’t it number one…

2. incredibles2

2. Incredibles 2

We have waited for so long for this movie, and while it might not be as amazing as the most biggest fans of the franchise expected, it is still a thrill from the first to the last second and overall an amazing experience.

1. ralph breaks the internet

1. Ralph Breaks the Internet

Maybe not all people agree with this being number 1, but I have to say that out of all movies on this list, this one made me laugh the most. And in the end, it’s Ralph… I mean come on, how can you not love Ralph…? The best animated movie of 2018 hands down!