Avengers: Endgame – 2019

Score: 10/10

Marvel Scale Score: 10/10*

*Since it seems that really Marvel can do no wrong, I have decided to implement a special scoring scale just for Marvel Movies. So while the first score is the absolute one compared to any other movies outside Marvel, the second one is strictly comparing this one to other Marvel Movies.

 We have come to it at least, the great movie of our times! Avengers: Endgame is by far the best movie that Marvel has ever made to date, edging a little bit in front of its predecessor, Avengers: Infinity War. It is an epic movie from start to end and you will go through a rollercoaster of emotions that you rarely get to experience in a movie theater. I can definitely say already that this will be the best movie of 2019 and it is one that you can’t afford to miss. It doesn’t matter if you like the genre or not, this one is a MUST SEE for everybody on the face of this planet…

The story is interesting. Everybody was anticipating it and yet we were all taken by surprise, at least in parts. Some characters die, some characters retire, but everything is done in a decent way, a way that does them justice. There is nothing here that will leave fans angry, everything is handled with grace and there is simply no fault in the story. Everything makes sense, everything clicks and you just want to see this one over and over again…

The characters are the ones we know already, the ones we love so there is nothing more I need to add here. Marvel is and always has been the king of casting, every actor seems born for the role and they prove it once again here. Absolutely stellar performances from every single member of the cast and since they are so many, I will skip the usual listing of their names. I mean it’s impossible to list them all without basically writing another page and none of them deserve to be left out… Brilliant, absolutely brilliant acting!

The road here was long, and if you want to really enjoy the movie to the maximum level, you will have to go back and watch every other single film released in the MCU. But trust me, it’s worth it, the saga is amazing from start to finish. This was the 22nd movie in the universe and it manages to capture the essence of all the others and distill it in 3 hour marathon that leaves you satisfied and wanting more at the same time. Truly a showcase of how to build a universe from the ground up with patience and attention to detail.

The special effects, the music, the dramatic moments, everything comes together so good here, it’s just mesmerizing to see every single element completing the others and offering us something epic. Epic is the perfect word to describe this film, as it has so much emotion and so much panache and basically it moves you regardless if you are a fan or not. There is so much to learn here, so much to think about and even though it is only fantasy, it says so much about us as a race and about the things that are so important for us.

Since this is the review, I do have to mention some tiny flaws, that even though are not enough to affect the score in any way, still managed to annoy me a tiny bit. Firstly, the beginning of the movie is long and boring, it starts with a lot of drama and not much action and it got a bit stale at points. I was waiting for it to start already and thank God it made up for it when it finally fired on all cylinders. The other thing I have a problem with is the all women come together in the battle scene. I mean yes, it was done well, yes, it was fun, but seriously Marvel, did we really need that scene there? To what? Show us that women save the day? It took me completely out of the movie because it feels so forced… I’m sure glad that all the female characters managed to come together in that exact same spot in the middle of a hectic fight just for the movie to showcase a feminist moment, so glad I tell you… :)))))

In conclusion, there is simply nothing to take away from the perfect score this movie gets. Whether you like superheroes or not, what Marvel has managed to accomplish over 22 films is epic and never before seen. It is truly the best superhero movie ever made and I will not be surprised if in a couple of weeks it will become the highest grossing film of all times, I will not be surprised at all… Marvel deserves it fully and I can’t wait to see where they go from here and what new roads filled with amazing experiences they have in store for us. Thank you Marvel for offering us Avengers: Endgame, it is the only thing appropriate to say… Thank you!

Venom – 2018

Score: 7,5/10

I have said it many times and I have to say it again, boy do movie critics suck ass! Venom was simply trashed by almost all the critics, I was expecting it to be terrible. And yet, not only it isn’t terrible, it is a bloody good movie. It was a very nice surprise for me and I have to say it proved it at the box office. Of course, it’s not perfect, it does have problems, but overall it is an enjoyable experience and I definitely recommend it to everyone!

The story is an origin story so it does come with the drawbacks of that. There is some filler, there is a lot of character development early on and it does go off the rails at times. I will not say the story in itself was bad, because it was actually enjoyable for me, but I have to say that there are a lot of really infuriating moments that are not explained. I mean come on, he is on top of a tree surrounded by security personnel on an island and you just cut to him arriving at his apartment? A symbiote just has a vacation for 6 months in Malaysia doing nothing? And I could go on… Seriously? This is the best you could Sony?

The characters are interesting, although I have to say there are a lot of clichés here. The only thing I am going to complain about is that I’ve seen it all before in countless other Marvel movies. I get that these are film based on comic books and there is sort of a formula when it comes to those, but seriously, try to do something different in the future or it risks becoming very stale. Despite that, the performances from Tom Hardy, Michelle Williams, Riz Ahmed, Scott Haze and Reid Scott are amazing.

One of the highlights here is the banter between Eddie Brock and Venom. It is by far the best thing about this movie and the relationship they develop is actually pretty intense and fell thought out. It’s no wonder that Sony jokingly marketed the DVD release as a romantic comedy between Brock and Venom. They gel well together, they complement each other and on more than one occasion they are funny as hell. Without those comments on the background, a lot of the action scenes would have been very boring…

There are also flaws here, this is not a perfect film. The first big problem with it is that it waits far too long to introduce Venom. The first third of the movie is full of backstory and personal stuff about the main character, and while I get that we get to know him that way, I really felt it was over the top. I mean come on Sony, I wanted to see a movie about a superhero symbiote that does badass things, not Tom Hardy drinking whisky in a bar and complaining about how life has unfairly treated him… Seriously… Oh, not to mention the other small problems in the story department, like weird jumps between scenes, weird transitions and stuff like that…

In conclusion, Venom is definitely a must see film. Even though it maybe lacks a little bit on the story side compared to other Marvel inspired movies, it is still great and will manage to make you laugh and feel invested in what happens. Venom might not be everyone’s cup of tea when it comes to superheroes, but he is done justice here and personally, I can’t wait till the sequel comes out and we get to see more of our symbiote friend. Until then, always remember, without arms, legs and a face, you will just be an armless, legless, faceless thing that rolls on the street… Like a turd… In the wind… :)))))

Deadpool 2 – 2018

Score: 10/10

What can I say about Deadpool 2? I mean it was exactly what I expected and more. It was one of those very few movies about which I expect a 10 out of 10 even before seeing them. And it did not disappoint. If you liked the first one, you will love this, because it is just more of the same and actually more over the top. Some say that it’s formulaic, but heck, if the formula works, why change it? I loved this movie and I can say that you will also love it. It doesn’t matter if you like superhero movies or comic books, you will love Deadpool 2 because it is just that type of movie that nobody can hate…

The story is interesting and it makes sense. I think this is the main positive thing I can say about the story, that it makes sense and it doesn’t seem forced or artificially inflated. You understand everything that happens, it seems logical and it leads to some very rational outcomes. That is rare in a superhero movie and that offers a very good platform for the characters to manifest themselves and for the sheer humor and gull of this movie to explode, delighting the audience. This is not a complex tale that you have to struggle to comprehend, this is a straightforward narrative that leaves room for the actual movie to impress.

The characters are great. They are developed, they are powerful and they manage to make you care about their lives and about what their outcomes are. Every single actor does a great job and you relate to almost all of the decisions. Nothing seems forced, everything flows in a natural and engaging way. I have to praise all the performances here from a stellar cast. Great job to Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin, Julian Dennison, Zazie Beetz, T. J. Miller, Brianna Hildebrand and Jack Kesy.

The humor is the main quality of this franchise and the second installment duly delivers. The jokes are funny, powerful, there is a lot of meaning to be found, a lot of references. In short, if you are familiar with pop culture and comic books and superhero movies, this one is an absolute treat. I was laughing out loud in many moments and I can honestly say that its 119 minutes just flew bye. Ryan Reynolds was born for this role and he embodies the character to perfection. And by going full on meta, the movie opens the door for every type of audience. You simply can’t watch this without appreciating at least some of the jokes and this is why this is one of the funniest super hero movies I have ever seen.

It is a superhero movie, so we do have to talk about the special effects and the CGI. The movie isn’t focused too much on the fights, and that is a good thing. The banter is what’s important here and the characters interacting is by far the most interesting thing about it. Putting that aside, what special effects and CGI we do get are done amazingly well and you will be fully immersed into the experience. I wonder if future instalments under Disney will feature more imposing fight scenes and special effects… For me, what we got here was a perfect bland between action and humor that manages to leave almost all the viewers in awe.

In conclusion, Deadpool 2 is definitely a must watch. You will laugh, you will care about everything that happens and you will want more in the end. A lot more. Because this is the only problem with the Deadpool franchise, that we don’t have more of it. I seriously hope they will make a lot more movies with the character and also X-Force. I am wondering how Disney will be able to incorporate this franchise into the MCU, but since they have not done wrong up until this point, I do feel optimistic. So go watch this one and never forget, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs! 😛

Avengers: Infinity War – 2018

Score: 10/10

I mean, seriously, I don’t even know where to start. It’s mind-blowing, it’s amazing, it’s perfect, it’s by far the best movie of 2018. Avengers: Infinity War is exactly what I expected it to be, a rollercoaster of emotion and a powerful example of what a carefully constructed multiverse can offer when it fully comes into force. It’s a brilliant movie and it offers you emotion after emotion. You can’t watch this without getting hyped and you will not feel the minutes going by. It’s long at 149 minutes but my God I wanted more, I wanted much more… I have praised Marvel movies in the past but this one is simply the icing on the cake. It’s a perfect movie from start to finish and you cannot afford to miss it!

The story is amazing. All of the little clues and post credits scenes from previous movies have paid off. It has heart, it is powerful, it has emotion, amazing music, one liners, everything that you could want from a superhero movie. You are engaged from the very first second and everything has an air of grandiose stakes. The world is coming to an end and the heroes that we grew up with are trying to save it. Amazing!

The characters are the ones we love and they are all showing us their best. I mean there is really no point talking about it more. It’s a stellar cast, like, all the huge names are here, they all pour their hearts on screen, they click, it’s simply amazing and it’s the coronation of the MCU and the previous 18 movies. Amazing and it will be long, but I have to praise Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Benedict Cumberbatch, Don Cheadle, Tom Holland, Chadwick Boseman, Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Olsen, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Tom Hiddleston, Idris Elba, Peter Dinklage, Pom Klementieff, Karen Gillan, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Gwyneth Paltrow, Benicio del Toro, Josh Brolin, Chris Pratt and Samuel L. Jackson for their performances. I mean seriously, look at this list of names… Marvel, OMG!!!!

Thanos! Like I can’t believe that in a movie like this, where you have ALL the heroes, my favorite character was the bad guy. I mean honestly, Josh Brolin’s performance is brilliant and every single act of the villain makes sense. He is correct in everything that he says, he evolves, he has emotion, he is all powerful, like, it’s simply the best villain I have ever seen in any superhero movie until now. I actually rooted for him towards the end and I wanted him to win, and considering that he was going against some of my favorite superheroes off all time, I am truly impressed that the movie made me feel this way. Thanos rules! Thanos forever! 🙂

This is how you do an ensemble cast movie. I mean we have here everyone from the Marvel universe, and by everyone I truly mean everyone. You get all the big superheroes in one movie, superheroes that each got their own movies before this, superheroes that all have sideline stories, love interests, agenda’s, everything comes together. And yet, like magic, everything fits. Every actor gets some share of the spotlight without making the movie feel weird and too complex. The action flows and you get to recognize each hero’s trademarks. This is an amazing feat and anyone planning to do movies with multiple protagonists should learn from this one. Marvel, there are no words to describe how great you are!

In conclusion, Avengers: Infinity War is THE MOVIE. For superhero fans, for movie fans, for anybody. If you live on this planet, you have to watch this film. And if you want the experience to be complete, before you watch this, take all the movies that have previously appeared in the MCU and watch them. You will understand everything that is going on and you will be amazed at the details and hidden meanings that fill up this universe. This one will remain in history as one of the best, if not the best, superhero movies of all time. I can’t wait for the sequel on May 3 2019 and I can only hope it will be as good as this one… I would say I want it to be better but frankly at this point I can’t see how that would be possible… So surprise me Marvel, if anyone can do it, you can…

Black Panther – 2018

Score: 9/10

Marvel can do no wrong! Its official now, and I can’t tell it loud enough. Black Panther is so different from anything that I have ever seen before from Marvel, and yet it manages to be at the same high level we are used to. You have to watch this movie, you just have to watch it, and trust me, you will not regret it. The story is powerful, the visuals are amazing, everything clicks, you are invested in the characters and overall, even if like me you had reservations going in, you can’t come out of this one without a huge smile on your face.

The story is good. It’s not an origin story, and yet the movie manages to develop everything to the point where you can understand the characters motivations. Also, being so different from anything that we have ever seen from Marvel until this point, the story manages to create an entire new world that has its own rules and myths, and this world appears perfectly believable and, more importantly, in a natural relation with the entire multiverse. Wakanda seems a part of this world and you end up caring much more for it than you thought possible.

The characters are beautifully created. They are developed well, you understand their motivations, they have complex backstories, everything is just in perfect sync in this movie. Music, visuals and story come together to offer a perfect platform for a star studded cast composed of Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan, Lupita Nyong’o, Danai Gurira, Martin Freeman, Daniel Kaluuya, Letitia Wright, Winston Duke, Angela Bassett, Forest Whitaker and Andy Serkis to amaze and entertain us.

This movie is simply mesmerizing. The special effects are some of the best I have ever seen in a superhero movie. The sheer scale of Wakanda is impressive and all the action scenes and fight scenes are choreographed to perfection. They manage to avoid a lot of the clichés typical to the genre here and overall, the movie is fresh, fresh and powerful. It might not be as funny as the usual films we get from Marvel, but it is right up there with the best of the franchise in terms of sheer quality.

The world created here by Ryan Coogler is breathtaking. African culture is complex and this movie manages to present it without forcing anything. You will discover traditions here, you will discover a way of life that can only make you want to know more. Wakanda is an amazing place, full of color and life and I really hope we will get the chance to see it again in many more future Marvel movies. Oh, and I have to talk about the music, which is weird and funky and perfectly complements the essence of the movie!

Why doesn’t it get a 10 out of 10 you might ask then, if I am praising it so much? Well there are two reasons. First, at the beginning of the film some of the scenes are way too dark and it ruined the first 20 minutes for me. And second and more importantly, towards the end, the films gets a little bit too political for my taste. I mean yes, I get the parallels between the movie and real life, I get the social justice commentary, I really get those, but while in the first part of the film they are done in a decent way and without being intrusive, towards the end they get a little bit over the top and start getting very preachy for my taste…

In conclusion, Black Panther is a definite must see. You have to see this movie no matter if you like superhero films in general or not. You will be amazed by the sheer power it emanates, you will love the actors, the music, everything here simply clicks and offers what is already one of the best movies of 2018. The box office results back this up and while Infinity War will for sure beat it, these proves that Marvel should never be afraid to try out new things. At this point, I think all of us have agreed that they can do no wrong… Wakanda Forever!

Justice League – 2017

Score: 6/10

Damn it DC, damn it! Just when I thought you have turned a corner with Wonder Woman, you go on and do this. Justice League was the big movie that DC waited for in order to challenge Marvel’s Avengers, but it is nothing of the sorts. In fact, it has the lowest box office score out of every movie in the DCEU. I know, I know, it might sound shocking, but I fully expected this. If DC doesn’t want to learn from Marvel and stop doing the same mistakes over and over again, they can’t expect different results in the future.

The story is weak, because as usual, they decided to introduce characters in the actual ensemble movie instead of before, in stand-alone installations. So in the beginning, we get characters being introduced, the team being assembled and stuff like that. Which yes, can be nice, but, as in Suicide Squad, it creates useless filler, it introduces a lot of secondary useless characters and, in the end, it makes the viewer tired and bored by the time the real action starts. If we would have gotten only the second hour I think I would have been happier.

The characters are good, nicely created and developed, and well casted. They are the heroes that we grew up with and we can rediscover them here. It is a nice array of personalities that come together, and they gel and work, so for the future, I could really see them do very well with a better script. Nevertheless, the performances from Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Gal Gadot, Ezra Miller, Jason Momoa, Ray Fisher, Jeremy Irons, Diane Lane, Connie Nielsen and J. K. Simmons are worth it.

The special effects are ok… Just ok unfortunately, because this movie is again too dark. It is starting to become a pattern in the DCEU and it makes me so sad. It is dark, gritty, nothing pops on screen compared to Marvel movies. Yes, they want to set a different overall tone, but that doesn’t mean everything has to be in those grey tones that make the effects seem very weak. It is a shame but unfortunately I don’t see DC changing this despite Wonder Woman proving what nice visuals and color can bring.

It’s too dark! And I am not talking now about the visuals. The entire movie is filled with tension, everybody is saying their lines like the end of the world is coming in the next minute. And while yes, I get it, the end of the world is actually coming, I want some humor and lightheartedness from my superhero movies. I want comedy, I want jokes, I want to watch the movie relaxed, not stressed out with only darkness and sad story after sad story. Seriously DC, Batman can actually smile from time to time, I know, it’s crazy, but it can work!

Unfortunately, I want to stress this again, DC is learning nothing. Stop using your good stories and your iconic villains like this. Don’t rush it. Marvel is crushing it right now, and you want the same, yes, but be patient. Start slowly, make a Wonder Woman movie, make a Batman standalone movie with Affleck, make a Flash movie, an Aquaman movie, and only after these characters are established do something like this. Otherwise your multiverse will never reach the level of Marvel. I get it, it is very hard to be patient, but if DC doesn’t understand this, I am sad to say that I really fear that we might miss on a lot of great comic book stories in the future.

In conclusion, Justice League is not what it could have been. But since I am a huge fan of superhero movies and even one that is not amazing still makes me giggle inside, I can’t be too hard on it. So yes, I will tell you to see this movie. You will find a lot of really enjoyable parts and you will rediscover some of your favorite heroes from the comic books. Unfortunately, this could have been so much better, and I am at the point of wishing for Marvel to simply buy DC so I can get amazing movies with the heroes that I grew up with. Do better DC, do better! For fucks sake, do better!

Darkest Hour – 2017

Score: 10/10

Amazing, simply amazing. 2017 has been a great year for war movies, and especially for war movies that focus on the Second World War. Darkest Hour is a masterpiece, and Gary Oldman has the role of his career portraying Winston Churchill. It is a movie you can’t miss and it tells a heroic story of human resilience in front of impossible odds. Watch this and Dunkirk together and you will really get a full picture of what that moment truly meant, for the war, for England and for the world!

The story is fictionalized a little, romanticized, but they did it well and it manages to stay realistic while also transmitting raw emotions to the audiences. You will feel the struggle of a country on the brink of extinction, you will understand what war actually means and how decisions taken in stuffy rooms underground go on to save or condemn millions of people. Dunkirk showed us in 2017 the ugly side of war, the gritty struggle for survival, and this movie comes to complete the picture by showing us what happens behind the scenes. Both worlds are important and only when they work together is humanity able to overcome the direst of situations.

The characters are amazing. Every single actor does a great job, they all feel real, relatable, you understand each and every single one of them. It is a brilliantly casted movie and Gary Oldman is perfect, absolutely perfect, down to the last little gesture and to the last intonation. It is rarely that you get to see such an amazing performance from an actor, and he is supported very well by Kristin Scott Thomas, Lily James, Ben Mendelsohn, Stephen Dillane, Ronald Pickup, Nicholas Jones, Samuel West, David Schofield, Richard Lumsden, Malcolm Storry, Hilton McRae and Benjamin Whitrow.

The mannerism in the movie, especially Oldman’s is one of the best feats of it. You actually feel transported into that time and you can discover all the great aspects of the amazing leader that was Winston Churchill. The movie revolves around him, everything happens because of him and the scenes are carefully calibrated to inspire this. Churchill is always in the center of attention and this is what makes the character and the movie pop on screen.

Everything is dramatic here, but dramatic in a good way. You will feel every single scene down to your core, and the ending, oh my god the ending, you can’t help yourself. I stood up and clapped right along with the characters. That speech was memorable and it changed the course of history, and the movie does it total justice here. Along with the music and the way it is filmed, everything comes together and creates one of the best war dramas that I have ever seen. It is a masterpiece through and through.

In conclusion, Darkest Hour is a great movie, one of the best war movies I have ever seen. And it manages to do this without showing you any actual war scenes. There is no violence here, there is no blood and amazing action scenes. But despite this, the tension reaches incredible levels and you truly feel that you are witnessing history being made. It is a brilliant film and you will feel empowered by it. Watch it and marvel at the power of humanity. And always remember, you cannot reason with a tiger, when your head is in its mouth!

Suicide Squad – 2016

Score: 7/10

I know I am going to piss a lot of people here, but I actually enjoyed watching Suicide Squad while also accepting that it has a lot of problems. It is not a very good movie, it could have been much better, but at the same time, I have no idea why, it didn’t piss me off as much as I would expect a film with so many flaws to do. And this is why I am giving it a 7 and I truly recommend any superhero fan to see this one.

The story is the weakest part of the movie. It is convoluted, it tries to achieve too much and in the end it doesn’t manage to stand out. The formula of bad guys coming together to do good is almost a cliché in today’s movies, and it shows. There are too many characters introduced and as a result, you don’t get to spend enough time with either of them in order to become truly invested into the outcome of the film.

The characters are interesting, they manage to capture the comics reasonably well. The only problem here is that we have too many characters in one movie and we are introduced to every single one of them. We get too many origin stories together so they kind of dilute and don’t manage to have the impact they should. Nevertheless, the casting choices are interesting and you will see great performances from Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Joel Kinnaman, Viola Davis, Jai Courtney, Jay Hernandez, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Ike Barinholtz, Scott Eastwood and Cara Delevingne.

The visuals are still too dark DC, they are still too dark, and the effects are lacking in many parts. This movie unfortunately doesn’t pop on screen, as many of the scenes have terrible lighting effects that make it very hard to identify things that happen in detail. Unfortunately, the villains are also weird and they swing from being overpowered to being ridiculously easy to beat. This is terrible because it means that we don’t have any tension worth speaking of. The stakes seem low although they try to be high, and overall, the final battle seems like a street scrap instead of a war for the future of the entire universe…

Marvel is better than DC when it comes to movies, by now we all know that, but this movie managed to at least try to come close to the atmosphere of their rivals. It has a little bit of humor, not nearly enough, but after the dark suicidal tones of previous DC movies, we are happy for anything we can get. DC managed to follow this with the positive and amazing Wonder Woman, so I can honestly say that I truly believe that this film was the turning point for DC, the moment when they understood that superhero movies today have to be funny and relaxing in order to be successful…

In conclusion, Suicide Squad is not at the level of Marvel movies, but if you compare it with the disaster that was Batman vs Superman or the blurry shitty shaky cam garbage that was Man of Steel, than it is a masterpiece. Anyway, it is a movie that is worth seeing, as you will enjoy some moments for sure. It has action, it has a little bit of comedy (which is a shocker for DC), and, most importantly, it has Margot Robbie. Please let us have the sequels to this be R rated, please give us a naked Harley Quinn and it will be an automatic 10 out of 10.

Doctor Strange – 2016

Score: 9/10

This is a Marvel movie that was hyped and that managed to deliver and then some. It is a different take, it expands the universe and it offers us something new, fresh and unexpected. It has humor, it has an eye popping cast and great visuals, a satisfying end, I mean, there isn’t one person that I know that disliked this movie and that says it all. A bold choice by Marvel and one that I hope will be repeated as soon as possible.

The story is strong. It is an origin story, so it does have some of the flaws associated with something like that, but nevertheless it manages to introduce all the characters in a satisfying way and it moves with the appropriate pace in order to not bore us out. There are no dead moments and everything falls in place beautifully. Scott Derrickson directs this in a way that keeps in line with the comics and manages to make Strange feel very relatable.

The characters are Marvel through and through. It is a universe we know and love that just got a little bit of an extra. There is a whole new dimension here and it manages to fascinate the viewers and make them want more. As always, the casting in this franchise is done to perfection, so I can’t say anything bad about the great performances from Benedict Cumberbatch, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Rachel McAdams, Benedict Wong, Michael Stuhlbarg, Benjamin Bratt, Scott Adkins, Mads Mikkelsen and Tilda Swinton.

The visuals, oh my God the visuals, they are different from anything previous in the Marvel universe, but different in a good way. It is an explosion of color and the perspective is always shifting, it is beautiful to look at. Especially the last scene, the big confrontation between our hero and the main villain, that is something we have never seen before and I can truly say it was one of the most refreshing scenes of 2016. Oh, and did I tell you about the lighting? Nah, you have to see it for yourselves in order to understand its grandiose appeal.

The Marvel multiverse will use Doctor Strange in the future to reset itself, I am sure of this, and although I think it would be a little bit of a cheap trick, I can’t wait for it to happen. The character is funny, his powers have not even been explored properly yet and I really hope to see much more of him in future instalments of the franchise. It is a welcome departure from all the typical superheroes we have seen until now and one that fortunately caught on very well with longtime fans.

In conclusion, Doctor Strange is a movie that you must see if you like superheroes or if you are a fan of Marvel, or even if you abhor these types of films. Yes, even if you do not usually like this type of movies, I am telling you to watch this one, because it is different, it is unique, it will make you wonder and overall, it will offer you an unforgettable experience. And oh, did I tell you that I would give anything, and I mean anything to have a cape like that…?

Thor: Ragnarok – 2017

Score: 10/10

Marvel, oh Marvel you so funny… Another great hit from this company that seems to be capable of no wrong. Thor: Ragnarok is one of the best movies of 2017 and one of the best superhero movies of all time. You will enjoy the great action scenes, slick special effects that satisfy all tastes and also joke after joke that will make you simply adore every single character and identify with them and be emerged in their stories.

Speaking of stories, the movie manages to offer a credible one. Everything seems to happen naturally, everything is explained and the screenwriter isn’t afraid to go back to previous installments and to use footage from them while also answering some burning questions about certain characters fates. It is a great example of how to tell a story in a superhero movie and you will watch its 130 minutes without ever getting bored. There is not filler here and it is definitely the best Thor movie in the trilogy.

The characters are amazing, we love them already but here they are even more endearing and fun. This is pure joy to watch, every single one of them has character traits that helps us identify with them and they make us laugh and become invested. It is a perfect movie in terms of casting and I have to praise the impressive performances from Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Cate Blanchett, Idris Elba, Jeff Goldblum, Tessa Thompson, Karl Urban, Mark Ruffalo and Anthony Hopkins.

The special effects are another strong point of the movie. They are not over the top and they manage to integrate nicely into the action, providing flow and pacing to the interactions of the characters. The world created here is believable and it is a joy to behold, especially considering the brightness of this one compared to the previous two Thor movies. This film is amazing to look at, plain and simple.

The comedy here is at a level never seen before in a Marvel movie. Nothing is taken too seriously and the whole film feels like a gift. Taika Waititi knows how to make you laugh and relax and at the same time bring up so many powerful themes. The effects that this movie will have on the franchise and on other superhero movies that will come after it will be huge, because people will start expecting this type of madness. And to me, this is a very good thing, because when you have this high quality of humor in your blockbusters, it can only elevate them and make them more appealing to audiences.

In conclusion, Thor: Ragnarok is an amazing movie that every single one of you should see right now if they haven’t already. You will laugh out loud a million times, you will rejoice in one of the most well thought-out stories in a superhero movie and you will want to see it again as soon as it is over. A great movie to see alone, with friends, with your children, I mean seriously, you can’t go wrong with this one. And it makes me shiver with anticipation for Infinity Wars and I can’t help but ask myself what are they going to do next?! Oh, and of course, almost forgot, I also have to ask myself, what are you the God of again? 🙂