Incredibles 2 – 2018

Score: 9/10

We had to wait 14 years for this movie and my God it was worth every second. Incredibles 2 is a worthy sequel that manages to showcase once more all the best of Pixar. It is great from start to finish and it is definitely a treat, for the children as well as for the adults. It is one of the best animated movies of 2018 and right up there with the best of all time. Considering that last year wasn’t the best when it comes to animated movies, this one was a welcome breath of fresh air let me tell you!

The story is simple and yet engaging. Everything works, it seems real, it seems like something that could happen in a world like that. Nothing seems forced, the characters are left to develop and grow in a natural and fluent way, and that makes the movie very easy to follow. You can just relax and go on a ride, you don’t have to stress about hidden messages or some weird symbolic shit we see in so many animations today… This one is simple and it’s very refreshing to see!

The characters are great. They are complex, they interact very well and without realizing, you will quickly start to root for them. The situations they go through are so realistic that you are definitely going to relate to almost everything that happens during the movie. And considering this is an animated film about superheroes, that is no small feat. Great performances here by Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Sarah Vowell, Huckleberry Milner, Eli Fucile, Nick Bird, Samuel L. Jackson, Bob Odenkirk, Catherine Keener, Bill Wise, Brad Bird, Jonathan Banks and Michael Bird.

This movie didn’t get a 10 out of 10 because of two simple reasons. The first one is that towards the end, I don’t know why, it seems to drag a little bit. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still awesome, but I just got the distinct feeling that there was some filler here, there were scenes that didn’t need to be there. The second reason and this I have to say was the only thing that I found to be really annoying is that the big villain reveal is very predictable. It’s so obvious who is really the bad guy that I was actually insulted by the movie jumping up and down expecting me to be surprised. I know, I know, it’s a kid’s movie in the end, but still, considering it wanted to surprise us and failed, that has to lower the score.

The animation is brilliantly done. We are used to this from Pixar, but here, director Brad Bird offers something truly extraordinary. I mean honestly, I have not seen animation done this way in a long time. Everything clicks, the action flows, the colors complement the characters, everything just pops from the screen and you are really there. You are there alongside your favorite superheroes saving the world. It is a joy to behold and it is right up there with other visual classics from Pixar like Toy Story or Coco…

In conclusion, Incredibles 2 is an amazing movie, one that you can’t afford to miss and one that will definitely stand the test of time. It’s funny, engaging and it manages to tackle some very important issues is a relaxed way. It makes you laugh out loud and it makes you think at the same time, which is one quality that is paramount for animated movies today. They have to be fun for the kids but they also have to be interesting and worth it for the parents of the kids. And this one delivers on all fronts. I have to stress again, you cannot afford to miss seeing this one and the only thing I wish is to not have to wait another 14 years for another installment in this amazing franchise… Come on Pixar, I believe in you! 🙂

Avengers: Infinity War – 2018

Score: 10/10

I mean, seriously, I don’t even know where to start. It’s mind-blowing, it’s amazing, it’s perfect, it’s by far the best movie of 2018. Avengers: Infinity War is exactly what I expected it to be, a rollercoaster of emotion and a powerful example of what a carefully constructed multiverse can offer when it fully comes into force. It’s a brilliant movie and it offers you emotion after emotion. You can’t watch this without getting hyped and you will not feel the minutes going by. It’s long at 149 minutes but my God I wanted more, I wanted much more… I have praised Marvel movies in the past but this one is simply the icing on the cake. It’s a perfect movie from start to finish and you cannot afford to miss it!

The story is amazing. All of the little clues and post credits scenes from previous movies have paid off. It has heart, it is powerful, it has emotion, amazing music, one liners, everything that you could want from a superhero movie. You are engaged from the very first second and everything has an air of grandiose stakes. The world is coming to an end and the heroes that we grew up with are trying to save it. Amazing!

The characters are the ones we love and they are all showing us their best. I mean there is really no point talking about it more. It’s a stellar cast, like, all the huge names are here, they all pour their hearts on screen, they click, it’s simply amazing and it’s the coronation of the MCU and the previous 18 movies. Amazing and it will be long, but I have to praise Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Benedict Cumberbatch, Don Cheadle, Tom Holland, Chadwick Boseman, Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Olsen, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Tom Hiddleston, Idris Elba, Peter Dinklage, Pom Klementieff, Karen Gillan, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Gwyneth Paltrow, Benicio del Toro, Josh Brolin, Chris Pratt and Samuel L. Jackson for their performances. I mean seriously, look at this list of names… Marvel, OMG!!!!

Thanos! Like I can’t believe that in a movie like this, where you have ALL the heroes, my favorite character was the bad guy. I mean honestly, Josh Brolin’s performance is brilliant and every single act of the villain makes sense. He is correct in everything that he says, he evolves, he has emotion, he is all powerful, like, it’s simply the best villain I have ever seen in any superhero movie until now. I actually rooted for him towards the end and I wanted him to win, and considering that he was going against some of my favorite superheroes off all time, I am truly impressed that the movie made me feel this way. Thanos rules! Thanos forever! 🙂

This is how you do an ensemble cast movie. I mean we have here everyone from the Marvel universe, and by everyone I truly mean everyone. You get all the big superheroes in one movie, superheroes that each got their own movies before this, superheroes that all have sideline stories, love interests, agenda’s, everything comes together. And yet, like magic, everything fits. Every actor gets some share of the spotlight without making the movie feel weird and too complex. The action flows and you get to recognize each hero’s trademarks. This is an amazing feat and anyone planning to do movies with multiple protagonists should learn from this one. Marvel, there are no words to describe how great you are!

In conclusion, Avengers: Infinity War is THE MOVIE. For superhero fans, for movie fans, for anybody. If you live on this planet, you have to watch this film. And if you want the experience to be complete, before you watch this, take all the movies that have previously appeared in the MCU and watch them. You will understand everything that is going on and you will be amazed at the details and hidden meanings that fill up this universe. This one will remain in history as one of the best, if not the best, superhero movies of all time. I can’t wait for the sequel on May 3 2019 and I can only hope it will be as good as this one… I would say I want it to be better but frankly at this point I can’t see how that would be possible… So surprise me Marvel, if anyone can do it, you can…

The Hateful Eight – 2015

Score: 8/10

I can’t say I am a big fan of Quentin Tarantino. I have never been and I most certainly have a lot of problems with many of his movies. So I have to say that I went into this a little bit biased. But The Hateful Eight managed to change my mind and I ended up loving it. It is harder to see than most films, but if you manage to get to the end and think about it afterwards, you will discover that the experience was totally worth it. I would see it again and that alone says a lot about the inner quality of it.

The story is a little bit convoluted, but you can expect that already from a Tarantino movie. Nevertheless, it is interesting, it has twists and it manages to keep you alert. This is a great movie for someone who likes to talk and most importantly for someone who likes to discover people through the small things they say and the idiosyncrasies they display. The dialogue is carefully constructed and there are almost no continuity errors here. A great story, and a unique one at that, which is not easy to do!

The characters are amazing, beautifully created and highly relatable. You really feel you are in the Old West and you can’t help but root for not one, but almost all of them. It is amazing to see such a talented cast at work, and the names here will leave you speechless. It is one of the most impressive casts I have ever seen, and I have to commend performances from Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Walton Goggins, Demián Bichir, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen, Bruce Dern, James Parks, Dana Gourrier and Zoë Bell.

The overall style of the movie is typical Tarantino. A small and almost impossible to identify silver line and a lot of hidden symbols that you have to understand in order to enjoy the experience fully. And here is my problem with this movie. Because of his style, Tarantino manages to make his films feel longer than they actually are. It is the same case here, because on a first viewing, I was almost pushed to the limit. You could argue that is because the 168 minutes running time, but I really think it’s the way everything is shot, with a lot of pauses and a lot of “art”. Too much art can hurt a movie and destroy your immersion, and I really hope Tarantino will stop doing this in the future.

The music, oh my God the music. It is by far the best thing about this movie, and although I was expecting something like this from a legendary composer like Ennio Morricone, I have to admit that he actually managed to surpass every single expectation I had. He is a true legend of cinema and any movie in the world would be enhanced by his atypical and powerful scores. It is a joy from start to finish, and especially in the open credits, the cross scene will leave you breathless… Simply breathless…

In conclusion, The Hateful Eight is definitely a movie worth watching. It tries to be a classic western and it manages to be totally different from whatever you have seen before. It moves slowly but at the same time the action makes you jump from your seat in more instances than one. Overall, I would say that it is a unique experience, completed to perfection by the atmosphere that Tarantino creates, by the amazing musical score from Ennio Morricone and by the spectacular performances of a stellar cast. Oh, and the constant swearing and racism is simply adorable. Now who doesn’t love listening to over 200 hundred swear words in one single movie? 😀

Kingsman: The Golden Circle – 2017

Score: 8/10

Wow, what a ride. Kingsman: The Golden Circle is a rollercoaster of action and humor and manages to be even crazier than its predecessor, which is by no means an easy feat. You never get a second of reprise, everything happens very fast and there is action scene after action scene, with almost no pauses. It is a good and refreshing action-adventure flick that embodies all the current trends of the genre. Nothing is tackled seriously, the tone is lighthearted and the comedic aspects are almost as important as the action scenes. A great movie and one that will surely appeal to any type of audiences.

The story is formulaic to the core. You get a lot of tie ins with the first movie, you get characters coming back, you get surprises and twists. The only problem for me was the pace at which everything happened, because it makes it seem forced at times. Everything happens at the exact right moment in order to propel the plot, and it takes away from the immersion factor. This is the style of the franchise, cartoonish to the core, but still, I would have liked at least a linearity in the narrative, it would have helped me relate better to the story.

The characters are amazing, different and stereotypical in a good way. I mean how can you not love the meeting between the elegant and well-mannered brits and the raunchy Americans, who all seemed to be plucked straight from the bowls of the deep deep South. It makes for a funny interaction, it highlights a lot of cultural differences and, in the end, its loads of fun! It is an interesting route taken by the franchise and frankly it’s a breath of much needed fresh air too see a summer blockbuster not shy away from cultural stereotypes. We all love cultural stereotypes… Why? Because most of the time they are actually true. 🙂

The cast is star studded and everybody brings their A game to the table. The little mannerisms are poignant and add another layer to the characters. Everybody seems perfectly in tuned and it leads to an amazing journey. Colin Firth, Julianne Moore, Taron Egerton, Mark Strong, Halle Berry, Channing Tatum, Jeff Bridges, Pedro Pascal, the list of big names seems endless and you can see their quality permeate into every scene. Elton John’s presence here is a little bit distracting, but hey, we’ve learned to just roll with it when it comes to this franchise.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle has some minor flaws as well. Some of the action scenes are too cartoonish and they throw physics right out the window, which makes it hard for you to suspend your disbelief. But considering the overall brilliance of the cinematography and the fresh and novel feel of the fights, I think we can let this one slide. The movie is also far too long. 141 minutes are an eternity for this genre and it shows. You become tired towards the end and thus the punch lines start to fall short. Also, the villain is far more weaker in the second chapter and you kind of miss the outrageous fun that Samuel L. Jackson brought to the screen in the original.

In conclusion, Kingsman: The Golden Circle is a movie I would recommend to everybody. You will be amazed by the actions scenes and the choreography of the fighting, you will laugh at the over the top jokes and you will be invested in the relatable characters. A good movie, a fun movie, a perfect popcorn flick and a step in the right direction for the franchise. But seriously, where is the ass of princess Tilde? How can you have a Kingsman movie without buggery at the end…? Please rectify that in the future installments, you know we all love anal sex, so give it to us… We did just save the world again didn’t we? 😛

Kong: Skull Island – 2017

Score: 9/10

Who doesn’t like monster movies? I for one I am in love with the genre and I was expecting this film for a long time. It does not disappoint, managing to put the MonsterVerse into full drive. I loved it’s portrayal of King Kong, especially since we are seeing him interact with its own natural environment in interesting and novel ways. Skull Island is the perfect setting for a first King Kong movie in this rebooted universe, allowing for a lot of action and amazing scenery that, put it simply, essentially sparks on screen…

The story is exactly what you would expect from this type of movies. You have a secret government program that is of course targeted with finding and interacting with monsters, you have a hidden island that nobody has ever stepped on before, you have the reveal that scary creatures are real, and then you are plunged into a huge conflict between good and evil that has unforeseen consequences for our protagonists. Oh, and let’s not forget the damsel in distress that needs saving, we couldn’t have a King Kong movie without that.

The characters are nicely done, not over complicated, which is a relief actually, because you can concentrate on the monster fights, which is why we are all here for in the end. They all have dominating traits that control everything they do and they manage to offer a nice backstory for the true stars, the amazing creatures on Skull Island. Actually, one criticism I have for the movie is that it spends too much time with the human storylines. Fortunately, we do get to actually see the monsters here, and after the “less is more” approach that made Godzilla so annoying, we can only rejoice that the second instalment in this rebooted franchise has corrected that.

As actors go, we have good and credible performances throughout. Special mentions have to go to Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson, John Goodman, Brie Larson and Corey Hawkins, who interact very nicely with one another and do justice to the source material. The humans offer moments of levity in the movie, good jokes and you can actually relate and care for some of them, which is rarely the case in monster films.

The visual effects are amazing, nicely done and definitely one of the best things about Kong: Skull Island. You have explosions, you have beautiful scenery, you have interesting and distinct monsters, you have fauna that you don’t expect and you actually get explanations for everything, making it possible for you to immerse yourself in this lost world and to enjoy it to the fullest. The CGI is very good, one of the best I saw this year. Everything looks polished, done with finesse and integrated perfectly in the story.

In conclusion, Kong: Skull Island is an amazing movie, fun to watch from start to finish. You will never be bored, as the action flows naturally, punctuated with strong actions scenes and epic fights. I highly recommend this to any fan of monsters and I am already hyped for its sequel. Godzilla vs. Kong is scheduled for release in 2020 and I can’t wait to see this true battle of titans. But seriously, please make our favorite ape grow a bit before that, we want an equal and trilling fight. Maybe, I don’t know, feed him some Italian plumbers while we wait… 😛

The Hitman’s Bodyguard – 2017

Score: 9/10

Wow! I haven’t had so much fun watching a movie in a while now. The Hitman’s Bodyguard is one of those truly electric films, offering you action scene after action scene and punctuating everything with iconic comedic moments. I laughed so much watching this and I have to say that I love it when action movies don’t take things to seriously. Its light, it’s packed full of adrenaline and it is by far one of the best action movies of 2017. You can’t keep a straight face watching it and in some places it becomes almost cartoonish, bringing the fun to a whole different level of good absurdity.

The story is interesting, straightforward and it doesn’t get preachy. You have a lot of action movie clichés, but those are positive ones, they enhance the scenes and bring you closer to the stakes. Everything flows naturally, there are no big surprises, it’s just action, powerful and as it should be in this type of movies. I also enjoyed the constant relaxed attitude of the characters towards the deep issues tackled in the movie. You are never bored with moralizing speeches, and every attempt to introduce hidden meanings and attach symbols to actions are met with a strong dose of derision from the actual characters, and that makes The Hitman’s Bodyguard feel real and authentic.

The characters are the best part of the movie, especially the two leads. The chemistry between Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson is amazing, and they feed of each other and offer complete performances that elevate the movie. Their banter is by far the best part of the film, and it is amazing to see Deadpool engaging with Nick Fury that way… I can only hope that by some miracle we can get that in a Marvel movie. God damn that would be awesome! The supporting cast is also very strong, with Gary Oldman, Salma Hayek, Élodie Yung and Joaquim de Almeida bringing color and passion to every scene.

Speaking of the action scenes, they are perfectly filmed and choreographed. You get a lot of styles together, mixed up in what is sure to please any action fan. We have the style of fighting and shooting from John Wick, coupled with amazing car chases that bring to mind the Bond series. Everything works together and it clicks, leading the audiences on a road of thrills and explosions that put it plain and simple, work!

Another element that I was impressed with was the soundtrack. The songs are chosen perfectly, and they complement each scene very well. Coupled with a good use of slow motion footage, the musical score enhances the experience and makes you hum along the entire way. It is a popcorn flick, but it is of great quality and I can only hope we will get more movies like this in the future. This is what an action movie should look and feel in today’s market.

In conclusion, The Hitman’s Bodyguard is a must watch for any fan of action and comedy. You will not feel disappointed by its 118 minutes of pure adrenaline and you will laugh and smile at every single unexpected joke. An amazing movie, one of the best I have seen in the last months and definitely one to remember. In the end, every tough guy and assassin needs a bodyguard of his own…