Love, Simon – 2018

Score: 9/10

Wow! I didn’t expect this movie to be so nice, so full of joy, full of life and enjoyable. Love, Simon is a beautiful teen comedy-drama that manages to make you care about what happens without transforming into a pedantic exercise in politics. It is one of the few movies that have tackled issues like this without transforming into a liberal pool of stupidity, and this is why I highly enjoyed it and I am recommending it to everybody. It is simple, it is direct, it is funny to the core and it never goes over the top. If you want to relax with a romantic comedy, than this is the perfect choice.

The story is simple, powerful and yet all throughout, you get a sense of being relaxed. Despite tackling some very divisive and deep issues in today’s society, every single character here manages to remain relaxed and not take anything as a war. There are no wars in this one, there is no virtue signaling here, it is only a tale about teens that are discovering their own bodies and their own desires. And that is what a movie like this should look like, this is the road that unfortunately very few films take. Don’t force the issues, just make people laugh and enjoy themselves, without having a hidden agenda. This is the way to go and I can honestly say that I am looking forward to seeing more movies like this.

The characters are cute, interesting, they interact well, realistic and they manage to make you relate with almost all of them. You can understand their joy, their pain, you can understand everything that they do and you can appreciate their growth over the course of the movie. The cast is solid and the mix between well-known actors and debutants is right on the mark. Congratulations for their performances to Nick Robinson, Bryson Pitts, Nye Reynolds, Josh Duhamel, Jennifer Garner, Katherine Langford, Alexandra Shipp, Jorge Lendeborg Jr., Keiynan Lonsdale, Miles Heizer, Logan Miller, Tony Hale and Talitha Bateman.

The one thing I disliked about this movie is the air of predictability. It sort of feels formulaic, as in we have seen it before. It’s filled with all the usual clichés of a romantic comedy, right down to the conflict between the friends before the unavoidable reunion in the end. Sure, it doesn’t drag it down too much because, as I told you already, it is simply adorable, but still, it could have been even better without being so predictable. I would have maybe enjoyed it even more if I wouldn’t have guessed the ending after almost 10 minutes. Nevertheless, it is very hard for a romantic comedy to escape these tropes so I am not going to give it too much hard time over it.

Don’t listen to critics when it comes to this one. Not because they are saying it’s not good, because they are all praising it, but unfortunately, they are praising it for the wrong reasons. No, this movie is not a wakeup call, it is not the movie of a generation, it is not an instant classic or a milestone or whatever… They are just hurting this film by adding so much political bullshit on top of it. Trust me, this movie is a good and interesting romantic comedy that you will be able to enjoy from start to finish. And nothing more… And that is what makes it great, that it is simple, easy and basically a popcorn movie filled with adorable teens.

In conclusion, Love, Simon certainly deserves your time and you will not regret watching it. It’s fun, it’s vibrant and it will make you remember the feeling of falling in love for the first time. That feeling is unique for each one of us and you will certainly get a glimpse of how it was for you while watching this. It’s a great and relaxing movie and I truly want to be able to take this as a sign that we are over the ideological propaganda that has been infesting even our romantic comedies in the last years. Oh, and Ms. Albright is the best teacher I have ever seen in a movie… That’s how all of our teachers should have been man 😛

Red Sparrow – 2018

Score: 10/10

Wow, now this is what I call a spy movie! It is simply amazing, brutal, energizing, it offers you the distinct feeling of claustrophobia and the uneasiness that this genre was once famous for. Red Sparrow is a journey into a world of secrets, a world of violence, a world devoid of emotions, a world that you will never be able to fully comprehend. Backed up by amazing acting, especially from its lead, this is one of the best movies of the year so far and you should definitely watch it, especially given the current political context. Not as reality, but as a perfectly paced story that takes place in a universe that exists, no matter how much we wished it hadn’t!

The story is by far the best part of the movie. It’s convoluted, it is full of twist and turns and betrayals, agents change their allegiances in a split second. For a spy movie this is exactly what I wanted and I have to say I concentrated on every single scene in order to fully understand what was happening on screen. And despite that, the final twist really surprised me and I realized how many details I missed. It was like one of those tests to join the secret service in which every single detail matters and I fucking loved every second of it.

The characters are amazing, especially Dominique. Jennifer Lawrence can do no wrong and always knows how to adapt in order to bring her best performance to the screen. It is a perfectly acted movie, every character is realistic, you can understand their motivations and desires and you can empathize with every single one of them, even the torturers. An amazing performance from Lawrence and great performances from Joel Edgerton, Matthias Schoenaerts, Charlotte Rampling, Mary-Louise Parker, Ciarán Hinds, Joely Richardson, Bill Camp, Jeremy Irons and Thekla Reuten as supporting cast.

The movie was too coy in certain parts and this is why I hesitated a little before giving it a 10 out of 10. I mean there should have been so much more nudity here, it would have worked, especially given the subject matter. Alas, this is not the case and we only see some fleeting nudity on two occasions. A really missed opportunity for the movie to be truly shocking and send its message across. Why a 10 out of 10 then? Because the sex scenes that we do get, are done amazingly well and are realistic to the core. This film manages to show you how real people act in those circumstances instead of simply trying to glamour you in the usual Hollywood way.

The action here is not what you would expect from a spy thriller film, and that is actually refreshing from my point of view. There is not fighting, no absurd car chases, no explosions, no fireworks. This movie tries to take place in the real world, it tries to show us things that can and often do actually happen. The few fight scenes that are present are brutal and visceral to the core and you will discover that you will actually enjoy them more because they are so few in between. Overall, the action is done exactly right and it helps propel the story forward, which is actually the most important role it should serve.

In conclusion, Red Sparrow is a must see and Jennifer Lawrence is one of the best actresses of her generation. A beautiful movie from start to finish, and one of the few movies that are over 2 hours (140 minutes to be exact) and that left me wanting more. It ended too soon for me and that speaks a lot about the quality and the tension that you will find here. A great movie and one that you will definitely want to see again in order to understand fully. 10 out of 10, definitely a 10 out of 10. But seriously, how can sex between two top level spies last like less than 30 seconds? I mean Bond could go on for hours if you know what I mean… :)))

12 Strong – 2018

Score: 6/10

12 Strong is a typical war movie about how great and amazing the US troops are. And since they actually are, I can honestly say that I enjoy these types of movies very much. This one is typical in a lot of ways and doesn’t manage to have that wow factor, but still, as an overall experience, I can say it is enjoyable. Not great but not bad and definitely a must see for any fan of military warfare. Also, those guns man, those guns look amazing… I really feel the need for some PUBG right now if you know what I mean 😛

The story is based on real events so I can’t be very picky. But yes, I think it could have used something more of a conflict, or something more of a villain in order to make it appeal more. It gets boring towards the middle of the movie and it doesn’t manage to convey the true sense of amazing achievement that this unit achieved in real life. It could have been done better but hey, it is a movie about reality so I guess it should follow real events… Also, again, as usual, 129 minutes is too long, especially when you don’t have that much to show us… Seriously…

The characters are not developed, even though the movie tries. Here you can find most of the clichés, because everybody seems to be on the same line always and forever. I don’t know, maybe this is what actually happened, but for me, it was a little bit of a letdown. I mean let’s face it, the most developed and interesting character in the movie is the leader of the Afghani coalition and that says a lot. Nevertheless, the performances from Chris Hemsworth, Michael Shannon, Michael Peña, Navid Negahban, Trevante Rhodes, Geoff Stults, Thad Luckinbill, William Fichtner, Rob Riggle, Elsa Pataky and Austin Stowell are great and set up the atmosphere well.

The actual war scenes are a little bit dull, and they don’t have any sort of grandeur feeling to them. I guess that is because modern war is so different than what humanity was used to. You will not see huge armies battle it out over a field, but instead you will get guerilla warfare and the ability of individual soldiers to turn the tide of battle. The film tries and to my mind accomplishes a feeling of realism, of true grit and presents the early days of a war that was, in the soldiers mind at least, all about revenge. And when you have the means to execute it, revenge can actually be so satisfying…

The patriotic message that this movie sends out is actually nice and done in a discrete manner. Yes, you see anger, you see soldiers that want to fight back against the people that killed their countrymen, but you also see the struggles that America faced in Afghanistan, you see that they were never liked or perceived as just saviors. Many people don’t agree with me here, but I truly believe that this movie managed to do justice to the subject and present it from both ways. That’s why I can honestly recommend this movie to any person that is interested in war in general and in the 9/11 attacks and their aftermath especially.

In conclusion, 12 Strong is a decent movie that is definitely worth your time. Don’t expect to have your mind blown by the action scenes or by the story, because that is not the case here. It is based on real events and it manages to show you the grit and horror of war without smacking you over the head with them. It is a little bit too long yes and I did get bored at some of the scenes because they were so repetitive, but in the end, I don’t regret watching it and in the shelf with movies about 9/11 and the war against terror, it can definitely hold an honorable place. Oh, and in the end, how can you not love a movie that is basically an “America, Fuck Yeah!” chant from start to finish…? I mean how can you not love that? 😀

Brawl in Cell Block 99 – 2017

Score: 4/10

Have you ever seen a movie that has almost no music? Well Brawl in Cell Block 99 is exactly that. It is a movie bereft of music and, unfortunately, bereft of any fun. It is one of the most depressing films I have ever seen and I can’t wait to get the memory of it out of my mind. It is sad, boring, overly long and it has one of the most stupid and absurd endings I have ever seen. It is simply ridiculous and infuriating. A very bad movie and one that I can honestly say you should skip. Your time is far too important…

The story is nothing out of the ordinary, it is a typical drama, nothing we have not seen before. There are some interesting twists and turns and I was actually surprised towards the end, but still, nothing that I haven’t seen before and nothing that I feel the need to remember. It is a basic story about evil people and if you like senseless fighting shot realistically (as in bad), you are sure to get plenty of that here. Everything is very gritty, the visuals are muddy and the last part is basically an extended torture session that has absolutely no redeeming qualities.

The characters are the only really god thing about this movie. You can feel the pain, you can feel the grit and struggling of each and every one of them, you can identify with some and you can fully hate others. In terms of acting, the movie duly delivers, and the performances are stellar, absolutely stellar. Vince Vaughn especially does an amazing job as the main character, and he is supported to perfection by Jennifer Carpenter, Don Johnson, Udo Kier, Marc Blucas, Mustafa Shakir, Thomas Guiry, Dion Mucciacito, Geno Segers, Willie C. Carpenter and Fred Melamed.

As a documentary about what it means to go to prison, this movie is amazing. It shows you exactly how the life is inside and how many hurdles the ones that are sent there have to overcome. Still, all of it is told at such a slow pace, and in such a way that it becomes so tedious, especially during the first and middle acts. It does not manage to gain any sort of pace and you end up just wanting it to be over already. You don’t care about what happens to the characters, you don’t care about where they end up, and considering that there are amazing scenes here and there, it really sucks that the finished product is not up to that level.

It is BORING, it is one of the most boring movies I have ever saw, and that is really a shame considering that the story could have been really interesting. I personally love movies about prisons, I find those micro universes amazing and I was expecting to be amazed by this one. Don’t get me wrong, some of the moments are worth your time, but they are far in between and to get to them, you have to suffer through long and drawn out scenes that really take out all the possible enjoyment out of the film.

In conclusion, I really don’t know what to say about Brawl in Cell Block 99. If you like long movies that simply show you the harsh and crude reality, you might actually enjoy it. To me, it was filled with too much filler and way too much like a documentary in the first part. And don’t get me wrong, I like documentaries, but that was not what I was signing up when I decided to see this. It could have been far better since the subject is interesting and the actors are well chosen, but, alas, it was not to be. A huge disappointment for me. And seriously, how can you have a movie that has no music, how… It’s not like I’m the one in prison am I? :)))

The Foreigner – 2017

Score: 8/10

I have been waiting to see this for a long time now, and my patience was truly rewarded. It is a joy to see another side of Jackie Chan and to realize that he is more than a simple action star and can actually transmit a lot of emotion. I can say I was very surprised that this works, and together with Pierce Brosnan, The Foreigner proves beyond every shadow of doubt that these legends of the cinema world have still got a lot left to offer us…

The story is the best part of the movie. It is powerful, full of symbolism and visceral to the core. You can’t watch this one without feeling it, and the drama of the loss of a child will leave a big impression on you. It is a gritty experience from start to finish and it manages to elevate the subject of terrorism above just simple violence and great chase scenes. You get to actually understand the struggles and the deep moral dilemmas on both sides and relate to some of the decision taken by the main characters in key points of the film.

Speaking about the characters, they are developed in a very interesting way, not overly revealing but at the same time giving you just enough information to make you care. I would have liked maybe a little bit more backstory on Quan’s daughter at the start, but aside from that, the character development is up to par. Jackie Chan, Pierce Brosnan, Michael McElhatton, Liu Tao, Charlie Murphy, Orla Brady, Katie Leung, Ray Fearon and Dermot Crowley all do great jobs and manage to elevate the movie beyond a simple action flick.

The film tackles very deep themes and manages to do it in a very believable way. It is not over the top, it doesn’t focus on the gloss or the explosions, instead offering us a visceral view into the world of power and terrorism. None of the characters are pure good or pure evil, and that makes you wonder and be surprised on more than one occasion. Everything seems tangled in a deep web of conspiracies and treason and it sends a shiver down your spine to imagine that all of this is happening in our real world.

The fight scenes are dark and they rely a little bit too much on shaky cam for my taste, but they still manage to encapsulate what Jackie Chan is all about, while also translating and adapting his technique for this type of film. He is determined, but also weak and that offers up something different from what we are used to from his movies. It is a great transition and it will for sure prolong his career.

In conclusion, The Foreigner is a movie that is totally worth it and you are guaranteed to have a great and meaningful experience while watching it. It will make you think about the world and the perils that we all face while also offering you a very interesting and powerful perspective into the how politics influences our lives. A great job by Jackie Chan and I really hope to see more films like this from him in the future. Oh, and as a gentle reminder, be careful to never wake up the dragon…

Arrival – 2016

Score: 7/10

(Denis Villeneuve special series – part 2)

Arrival is one of those movies that leave you conflicted. It is amazing to look at and you will remember it for a long time after seeing it, simply because it is something new. It plays on the alien invasion trope but it has almost nothing to do with that. You go into it with certain expectations and yet most of them are unfulfilled by the end. And this is why I call this movie conflicting, because it manages to leave you with a good impression despite being something totally different than what you were expecting.

The story is the strongest thing in Arrival. It is unique, it is powerful, it is deep and it manages to surprise you at every turn. You have a sense that you are looking at an iceberg and that you don’t really understand what hides beneath the obvious, and that sensation only gets more powerful as the movie progresses. The movie tackles important themes and does so while still managing to be entertaining, at least for the most part. I do have to say though that the story flattens out near the end, because when the element of surprise and the anticipation disappear you are not left with very much in term of action…

It is novel approach yes and this is one of the best and at the same time one of the worst things about this movie. Because it is novel, you are in awe all throughout. You expect things to happen and they don’t, you expect everything to progress in a certain way and it most definitely doesn’t. This is what made Arrival a darling for the critics and this is why it will remain a film that people will keep talking about for many years to come. But at the same time, you do get the feeling that in parts it tries to shock without real reason, just because it wants to be pretentious. For a summer blockbuster wannabe, that is not a good sign.

The characters are interesting, although they do appear to be a tad one-dimensional. They are defined by singular character traits and their decision making is suspect on more than one occasion. Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Forest Whitaker, Michael Stuhlbarg, Mark O’Brien and Tzi Ma do a good job when it comes to acting, but unfortunately you can never truly relate with any of their characters, and that hurts the overall credibility of the movie, as well as your suspension of disbelief.

The lack of interesting stuff is the biggest problem of this film. Yes, it poses big questions, yes it goes into the depths of humanity. But for the love of God, it is supposed to be a Sci-Fi movie about aliens. I get what Denis Villeneuve wanted to go for here, but unfortunately, after seeing this movie, when you think about it, you will come to the conclusion that nothing actually happened. Nothing changes, nothing leaves a mark, and that really hurts the overall likability of the film and it makes you shiver at the thought of seeing it a second time.

In conclusion, Arrival is definitely worth your time. Don’t start watching it thinking you know what will happen, because you don’t, and it is better for you to just let yourself go with the flow of the movie. It is not fast paced, it does have a lot of boring moments, but as an overall experience it is one worth taking. In the end, how many movies about alien invasions turn out to be just a simple language lesson…?

Hacksaw Ridge – 2016

Score: 10/10

I just had to come back for this. Hacksaw Ridge is one of the most emotional movies I have watched and one that will haunt you for a long time after seeing it. It is a true testament to the power of the human spirit and an amazing example of how religion can be used as a positive catalyzer in the world. It is brutal, based on true events, which makes it even more terrifying and deep, and it manages to show you the cruel realities of war and the immense sacrifice that people do when they believe.

The story is truly amazing, unbelievable and I was shocked when I found out it is 100% true. Desmond Doss was a hero of the war and one of the best examples of what humanity is all about. He fought in the biggest conflict in the history of our world and he managed to impact that war and save the lives of 75 people without ever firing a bullet. Now that is what having principles means and this story is sure to leave you in tears. I can’t say that I am a believer, or religious, but even I could not hold back my emotions during the climax of this amazing movie. You will cry, you will feel and you will rejoice knowing that people are capable of these sorts of heroic gestures. It makes you happy to be a part of this world.

The characters are spot on, perfectly created and integrated into the feel of the era. Every single actor does a terrific job and you can relate with everyone in the film, even if they are on opposite sides. You can understand every gesture, because the acting does a great job in looking fluid and natural. It is by far the best cast movie of 2016 and you should never forget the names of the actors that made it all possible. Andrew Garfield, Vince Vaughn, Sam Worthington, Luke Bracey, Hugo Weaving, Ryan Corr, Teresa Palmer, Rachel Griffiths, Richard Roxburgh and Luke Pegler gel perfectly together and offer one emotional moment after another.

The special effects are great, managing to transmit the horror of what Hacksaw Ridge was. They are on par with other Great War movies like Saving Private Ryan and 2017’s Dunkirk, managing to elevate the movie and to make you feel truly inspired. The raw emotion that this movie emanates cannot be matched by any other war movie of the last 20 years and it will remain a classic for future generations to come.

The battle scenes are amazing, some of the best depictions of war ever brought to the big screen. Mel Gibson may be a controversial figure, but he is one of the best directors out there, especially when it comes to depicting grandiose battles. He manages to make you feel that you are there, in the midst of all the action and carnage. You feel every single bullet, you feel every single explosion and you are immersed in a battle of good versus evil in which good comes out on top for once, shattering all your preconceptions and beliefs.

In conclusion, if you haven’t seen it already, watch it now. It is a must, because Hacksaw Ridge is one of the best movies ever made and certainly a testament to what any of us can do if we truly believe in something. An amazing movie, an amazing experience that will move every single one of you… See it now, be amazed, and always remember the words that motivated Desmond Doss to go beyond his limits and achieve the impossible:

“Lord, help me get one more…”

The Lego Ninjago Movie – 2017

Score: 5/10

Meh, I wasn’t expecting this movie to be so disappointing. I am a huge fan of the Lego Movie Franchise and I thoroughly enjoyed the previous 2 installments. I was expecting more of the same here, but unfortunately, while this one is not flat out bad by any means, I don’t know, it just seems boring and bland and more of the same, without coming up with anything new or inciting. The characters are under developed, the villain is formulaic and the laughs are far in between and not in any way unique. It is not a movie I would want to rewatch and although it’s not terrible, it falls well beyond the standard that we are used to from this franchise.

The story is simple and it doesn’t manage to instill any sense of peril or urgency. You don’t feel any danger, there is never any real tension and you go through the movie forced, just doing the motions. You never feel it clicking and you can never identify with the situations that arise and with the problems that the characters are having. It all seems like a cash cow in order to sell Lego sets and this realization really hurts your experience.

The characters are interesting, but they do not manage to incite as well as in the original. The highlight here is Jackie Chan who is by far the focal point for the film. He is funny, relatable and he plays very intuitive with some of the most common tropes of the martial arts genre. Kudos for Chan for this funny and compelling performance. The rest of the cast manages to hold their own and offer good voice acting, unfortunately not managing to captivate as much as characters from the other 2 chapters. Dave Franco, Michael Peña, Kumail Nanjiani, Abbi Jacobson, Zach Woods, Fred Armisen, Justin Theroux and Olivia Munn are funny, but I don’t know why, they just don’t seem to come together and gel as I would have expected them to…

The overall feeling of the movie is the biggest problem here, because while technically it manages to offer good things, you feel like something is missing. Compared to previous instalments, there is something here that doesn’t click and that definitely doesn’t appeal to audiences. I don’t know if this is because of the subject matter or because of the weak and formulaic story, but The Lego Ninjago Movie simply does not pop on screen as one would expect. This is probably the main reason behind the abysmal box office performances and the lukewarm receiving it got from critics and audiences alike…

The visuals are a good thing about the movie, keeping in line with the quality of the franchise and popping on screen like they usually do. The sceneries are varied and the jungle actually looks realistic, even in a movie about little blocks of plastic that come together. The music on the other hand sucks, you get a bunch of songs meshed together that don’t even have time to play out. It is one of the worst scores I ever saw in an animation and it brings the movie down by actually managing to annoy you in some moments.

In conclusion The Lego Ninjago Movie is not a highlight of the franchise. But it is still watchable and I recommend it to those that want a relaxing evening in the company of a decent animated comedy. I am happy the franchise has decided to take one year off in 2018 and I look forward for them to return to form with the 2 movies they have planned for 2019. Until then, I am off to buy a couple of Lego sets, and a cat of course… Who doesn’t want a cute and cuddly monster to play with…?

The Shallows – 2016

Score: 2/10

This is the perfect example of a movie that looks nice from the posters and turns out to be a bore fest of epic proportions. I mean I was really excited after I saw the trailer, I really thought it would be a different take on the survival horror genre, I really expected much more, especially since the visuals seemed to be amazing. But alas, unfortunately it was nothing but smoke screens. The movie is filled with clichés, some of them actually infuriating, and the visuals show nothing more than flashes of interesting cinematography buried deep under the crappy choices into which the narrative forces it.

The story is crap from start to finish. Nothing happens for long stretches of time, the tension seems to be building up only to then fizzle out and start the whole process over. The movie is full of absurd things, with the way the shark dies taking the cake. You can’t relate to the girl because she makes bad decision after bad decision and sincerely, the only one I could bring myself to root for was the shark. Oh, and maybe that adorable seagull…

The characters, or better yet, the character is bland, constructed only based on one cliché after another. Of course she has to be struggling with a life decision, of course she has to have a troubled relationship with her parents. Why do these things matter in a movie about a shark you ask? I have no idea, but it must be something deep, right? Blake Lively tries her best here, but the script doesn’t help her at all and it’s telling and at the same time shocking that the most fleshed out character in the film is by far the god damn shark.

The Shallows is one of the most annoying movies I saw this year, and I can’t get over some of its elements. First, STOP portraying sharks like that, it’s totally false. Sharks do not stalk prey like that, sharks do not attack like that and most importantly, sharks do not attack humans with premeditation. Second, the action is sparse and punctuated with useless scenes that yes, look beautiful, but offer nothing more than a waste of time. If you boil down the main action of the movie, you get 10 minutes and nothing more. Next time, make a short film that looks amazing and spare us the grief, pretty pretty please…

Thankfully, The Shallows is mercifully short, coming in at just 86 minutes. But trust me, it will feel over 2 hours long because of the useless filler that plagues it from start to finish. Just once I would like to see a main character in a movie who doesn’t have family problems or some unknown drama in the past that unfolds in flashbacks. I mean seriously, it is a movie about a girl trapped on a rock with a shark circling around, why the fuck would I need to see her backstory and family problems? Why? It doesn’t make your movie better, it just bores out audiences. Stop trying to add deep layers when they are not needed, just stop it with that Hollywood.

In conclusion, I really don’t know what to tell you about this movie. I mean, since it’s not very long, I would say, watch it, but watch it with friends so you can laugh about the stupid scenes and to pass the time through the long and useless flashbacks. The Shallows is unfortunately a wasted opportunity and I really hope that Hollywood takes a break from shark movie genre, at least for a while. But hey, at least the seagull survived… We at least have that going for us, so I guess, yey…?

Central Intelligence – 2016

Score: 8/10

Oh my god that opening scene. Oh my fucking god! I don’t want to ever see a fat and naked Dwayne Johnson, never again, why u do this to me movie…? But getting past that, Central Intelligence is actually an interesting film, very funny from start to finish and one that manages to offer us a novel concept. I was not expecting it to be this fresh and easy on the eye. You actually enjoy the story and get attached to the characters, you root for them and you become invested in the outcome, which is very surprising and rare when it comes to a lighthearted comedy movie like this was…

The story is surprisingly complex. Central Intelligence is a comedy, a buddy film, and you would never expect to see a fleshed out narrative in one of these movies. And yet, this is exactly what you get here. The scenes and circumstances are almost all believable and you can actually relate to the choices that are made in the movie. You relate with the desire for a new life and you enjoy the on screen development of the main characters. Everything evolves, everything shifts and this adds a layer of depth that makes the movie appeal to more than the traditional audiences for an action comedy.

The characters are interesting, relatable and they manage to go straight for your heart. Dwayne Johnson is amazing here and he is beginning to identify as the most iconic actor of his generation, which is no easy feat considering that he is a former wrestler with no acting training. He is in everything today and the audiences respond very well to him, which means we will get more and more of the Rock in the future. Other strong performances come from Kevin Hart, who seems to be back to his comedic gold, Amy Ryan, Aaron Paul and Jason Bateman.

The music is adequate and manages to set the mood very well. Central Intelligence is a feel good movie that has just enough action and comedy to catch your attention. You will not find any deep meditations here, you will not find complicated symbols. It is a summer popcorn movie true and true and it manages to make you feel good, which is by far the most important thing when it comes to the genre.

As a criticism, I have to say that the plot becomes somewhat stuffed at points and there are certain elements that can be removed without any impact on the overall action. In certain areas the action scenes are over the top, and not in a good way, because they start to resemble a cartoon. I mean seriously, is it a contractual obligation for the Rock to jump from extreme heights and emerge unscathed? Because if it is, it should be rescinded… The faster the better!

In conclusion, Central Intelligence is a fun movie, a comedy that you will come back too to for sure. It manages to create a nice atmosphere and it offers just enough actions scenes and comedic moments to please fans of both genres. Not a masterpiece, but definitely a film worth seeing, especially with your friends. You will laugh out loud and you will wish to be involved in adventures like this in real life… In the end, who doesn’t dream about becoming a secret agent overnight…?